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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. One of the worst bands of all time IMO, never got the appeal. At the radio station I work at, almost everybody is obsessed but I just never understood it.
  2. Ok I'm a college student, and here's my opinion...95% of those who own the shirt own it because they think it looks cool. We're all too ambivalent to be brainwashed.
  3. I heard he's never allowed to touch a football again, under penalty of death.
  4. nah, i'm getting that too...sometimes yahoo just f*cks up like that, should be fixed soon or they'll have a revolution on their hands
  5. Yes! UB gets a chance to compete for the title of 98th best team in the nation!
  6. So what seed do the Bulls get if they win tonight? A 13? Maybe even a 12?
  7. Speaking of antics after getting high... I spent the past summer in Ithaca. One day, me and my friends Carlos and Andrea (my girlfriend at the time) got really bored and decided to eat some shrooms. Now, we had done this before but we were REALLY bored so we doubled the dosage this time. The stuff kicks in pretty quickly, and we want to take a walk outside to really experience it. Eventually, we walk down into a gorge (for those of you unfamiliar with Ithaca, it's full of gorges). We spend a while down in the gorge just looking up at the sky. If I remember correctly, there was a rainbow that really freaked us out. At this point, Carlos suggests that we fall asleep because you have really trippy dreams when you're on psilocybin. So we all lie down in the gorge. After a while, I wake up (still a little high but quite lucid) and the two of them aren't around anymore. First I'm mad because I thought they ditched me, then I start to panic, thinking they might have jumped into the river in the gorge. So I go walking downhill along the gorge, and eventually I find them sitting on a rock, just talking. Apparently, what happened is that they couldn't fall asleep and Andrea thought that she had seen a something in the river, and for whatever reason they decided it must have been a dolphin...so they both spent the next couple of hours "chasing after the dolphin in the gorge".
  8. In my senior year of high school for Pi Day, we had a competition in my calculus class to see who could memorize the most digits of Pi (winner got a $50 gift certificate to best buy). I've always been good at memorizing things, so I decided to take it really seriously. I got the first 723 digits correct before I missed one ...since then, I've lost most of it but I can still do the first 100 or so. I'm a nerd.
  9. Haha just messin with ya, anyway. I assumed you meant Thomas. Anyway, yeah, their defense will take a big hit from Bart Scott's departure, but more importantly Ryan's. I think most people probably don't realize exactly what he meant to that defense. Having said that, things tend to ebb and flow. Their D is getting a few iotas worse, while their O should be getting better after Flacco matures a year. Also, I suspect they will be looking for a WR (maybe Heyward-Bey) in the draft.
  10. They lost Suggs last year? Somebody really ought to tell that to Suggs and the Ravens...
  11. Man, is that the right attitude or what? Hopefully he backs those words up with an A+ effort next season...if he's back from his injury and game to go, we could be one of the most dangerous red zone teams in the NFL.
  12. Neither of us was talking about Henry, we were talking about Kelsay. But nice try with the straw man.
  13. What the f*ck guys...seriously, what the f*ck is wrong with you people? This award clearly has NOTHING to do with achievements on the field, it is just a reflection of Kelsay as an excellent human being. If you know anything about the guy, you know that he is an upstanding member of the community, he's one of the team's emotional leaders, and he plays the game of football the right way, even if he's been lacking in success. I am getting so tired of the hate mongering around here. The dude wins an award for being a great guy and this is what he gets...
  14. I'm sorry, but I just don't think it's that funny...is anybody with me or am I just a weirdo?
  15. Such a huge difference between test-taking smarts and football smarts...Wonderlic is essentially meaningless in my opinion, unless the score is shockingly high or devastatingly low.
  16. Funny commercial, but he still didn't deserve that MVP...just sayin.
  17. I've just never understood torture as a technique. If somebody is being tortured, truly tortured, they aren't motivated to tell the truth, they are just motivated to tell their captor what they want to hear...even somebody who genuinely has zero information. If somebody captured and tortured me, I'd probably tell them the locations of 1,000 different planned attacks and also admit to the JFK assassination.
  18. Damn, that's the hottest one yet. I mean, uhhh....more girls, please
  19. Q: Why is it useless for a woman to get a driver's license? A: You don't need a car to get from the kitchen to the bedroom.
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