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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'd argue it's used mostly for comedic affect. Is it the same as !@#$ in that white people are allowed to say it but others aren't? Personally, words are just words and those who take offense to a word (and not the tone/connotation behind it) are strung a bit too tightly.
  2. And are any of those bad pieces of advice?
  3. Do you actually consider cracker to be an offensive term? Honestly?
  4. I'd rather see them both banned from the entertainment industry.
  5. Did Chris Evert have a reputation as a soft tennis player? I wasn't really around for her career.
  6. But Moss receives passes thrown by The Chosen One.
  7. I love how people act like Jason Peters is the first guy to ever want a big pay day, and that he's a douchebag for it somehow.
  8. See, if you watched PBS or listened to NPR, you'd know that the word you are looking for is "informative". NPR is almost as informative as watching PBS.
  9. Sorry to hear about your aunt, it sounds like she was a special lady. As for the creeps that were taking her for a ride and the folks that ransacked her house (maybe they were the same people?), just try your best to not let it bother you. One of the unfortunate facts of life is this; Wherever there is a kind-hearted person, there is another person willing to take advantage of that kindness. There's nothing you or I can do about it, so IMO it isn't worth wasting negative energy on. It seems like she had a positive effect on a lot of people.
  10. do you have any idea how much the popping sound will scare some of them?
  11. I think the final "twist" to the Buffalo Bills Fight Club plot is that the Bills and Patriots were actually the same team the whole time. Every time that we've been blown out by the Patriots, it's actually just the Bills beating themselves up. Losman is Brady. Jauron is Belichick. Wilson is Kraft.
  12. Isn't he, like, the youngest self-made billionaire in history? I'm not about to go around questioning his business techniques.
  13. The two sites are really nothing alike.
  14. This is Skip Bayless we're talking about here...the same Skip Bayless that wanted to deny Tiger Woods the title of best golfer in the world (and during his prime no less), and the same Skip Bayless that said Lebron would never pan out because he skipped college.
  15. How are they terrible? I applaud the fact that the NFL is trying its hardest to eliminate all ouchies and boo-boos. I'm just disappointed that they didn't take my suggestion to wrap all players in a 3-foot thick layer of down pillows.
  16. And naturally, the innocent child should be made to suffer for their parents' mistake.
  17. Hippos interracting peacefully with dogs....cat thinks it's a fox's mother...what's the world coming to???? http://cuteanimals.todaysbigthing.com/2009/03/23
  18. I love the WHOOOOSH sound that sarcasm makes when it flies over peoples' heads.
  19. His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson.
  20. yeah, i've never been the hugest fan either but you i've gotten used to it over the years
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