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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Yeah my brother has season tix, so I go to quite a few games when I'm in town. And I guess, for me, I'd rather have something make logical sense than be entertaining.
  2. I personally don't understand why there can't j.ust be ties. Unless it's the playoffs, I don't even see the need for an overtime. Think of it this way... The game is played in the context of 60 minutes. If the teams are tied after 60 minutes, suddenly it becomes a 65 minute game. But both teams are rewarded 1 point just for not being able to win. If it's not decided in 65 minutes, it's decided by penalty shots (completely arbitrary, because you rarely see penalty shots in regulation). Does that situation make any sense? What is so horrible about a tie? Too inconclusive? Whatever.
  3. That's just plain ignorant. You know that some of those countries have great beer too.
  4. You see, there's your problem. I never said I disliked America. I said I love America. I was just kindly trying to offer a little perspective, and I challenge you to name one claim of mine that isn't true. Furthermore, if you look above, you'll see that I conceded LA's point. Why do you insist on turning every rational, sober opinion into "you hate America"? I mean, America isn't perfect. We have some problems in a myriad of issues if you hadn't noticed. Why do you equate a recognition of those problems with a distaste for the country itself?
  5. Well put. We do certainly have the most liberties. Unfortunately, many Americans fail to use those liberties to make better people out of themselves. Just don't forget that other nations have their merits too.
  6. Why don't you actually respond to the post you were responding too? Bad Lieutenant pointed out that Obama's speech also contained a portion where he pointed the finger at Europe for being overly critical and unappreciative toward America, but you just chose to brush that aside with a nationalistic rant. It seems that you'd rather give a big "f*ck you" to anybody that questions the American psyche than actually concede a point to Obama, even when you clearly agree with what he said. And, by the way, it all depends on how you define "greatest nation". Agreed, America provides the greatest opportunities and many would die to come here. But America does struggle when compared to other nations in Western civilization when it comes to primary and secondary education, literacy, obesity, general health, life expectancy, the strength of our currency, unemployment. If you really look at the situation objectively, the "greatest nation in the world" thing is more of an emotional response than a practical one. I love my country, but to turn a blind eye to all the problems we're dealing with and just say "nope, I don't care, we're the greatest" is ignorant.
  7. How do you even begin to compare a tight end to a center? Suffice it to say they were both bad.
  8. Hey cool, I'm from Lancaster too. It's a nice place, in my opinion. Might consider moving back when I get settled down.
  9. I don't understand Philly. Housh was practically BEGGING them to sign him, and they refuse, but now they're after this has-been malcontent?
  10. What's up my ass is that it's frickin 28 degrees in the middle of April, and you get to live in Orange County you bastard! appy polly loggies, as Alex de Large would say
  11. Well, I'm guessing you saw this on the new bottomline segment called "The Lead", where they give the top stories snappy little headlines, not just information. But again, I failed to see the humor with the whole "mound" thing.
  12. Ok I had never heard of this "mound" slang before. I guess that does make it funny.
  13. How would you have preferred they phrase it? It isn't that funny, it's the man's name.
  14. I'm a serious Bills fan too. I was born into it too, but as long as a player is trying his hardest out there (and I always got the sense Royals was), I have no beef with them, and I certainly don't "hate" them. There seems to be this attitude among some people that being a devoted fan means proving that you can get more pissed off than the guy next to you. Royal just isn't a good starting tight end. He's a backup tight end with decent blocking skills. It isn't his fault that the Bills didn't have a better option. And if we DID have a better option in Fine or Schouman, it isn't Royal's fault that he was named the starter over them.
  15. I don't see the point of saying that you "hate" a football player for their poor play on the field. He never did anything to you, he just found himself overmatched on the gridiron. Why does it have to be so personal?
  16. Dunham isn't great, but he isn't horrible. He gets a couple of chuckles out of me. Dane Cook, on the other hand, is one of the worst things to happen to comedy in my lifetime. LOOK AT ME, I'M DANE COOK AND I JUST MADE AN OBSCURE OBSERVATION AND SAID IT IN A FUNNY VOICE. As bad as Dane Cook is at comedy, he is somehow 5 times worse as an actor. And yet the guy makes millions off of stupid people with low standards.
  17. You don't think we should re-up on Macarthur? He seems to have a knack for finding the back of the net, and it's not as if he would cost us that much. Also, Lydman has one year left on his contract, and has been our best defenseman on many accounts (aside from his frustrating giveaways).
  18. If it's anything less than a Cadillac, he is lying through his teeth!
  19. Yeah, we match up quite well with Boston, and actually lead the season series against them this year 3-2.
  20. No, they aren't eliminated yet. If..... Sabres finish 3-0 (Leafs, Canes, Bruins) Rangers finish 0-2 (Flyers, Flyers) Panthers finish 1-1 (Thrasher, Capitals) So yes, it is highly unlikely...but crazier things have happened.
  21. I am an a**hole, and a c**ks**ker (in the vernacular, not literally).
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