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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I like Losman, the guy, as well. But these statements he made are just one more piece of evidence that talk is cheap. I'd rather have a QB with a quiet resolve for perfection than one who talks a big game and doesn't have the intestinal or mental fortitude to back it up. Best of luck to JP in his future endeavours, but I will eat my hat if he is ever considered an above average quarterback anywhere.
  2. Charrrrliieeeeeee...Charrrrrlieeeeeeee...come to Candy Mountain Charliieee.
  3. A police officer takes an oath to protect and serve, yes? Whether you like it or not, that oath includes criminals who do not pose an immediate threat to an officer's or another citizen's livelihood. The man did not pose an immediate threat once he was unconscious, so the officers were categorically wrong to further harm him. For all they knew, his spinal cord was hanging on by a thread and they could have permanently paralyzed him or killed him. Would anybody here be defending the officers if they had just shot him in the head and killed him while he was unconscious? That's a risk they were taking. These officers are FORTUNATE if all that happens to them is getting fired.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw5eTaGSKPc Not exactly "haunting" per se, but delightfully creepy.
  5. Yeah it is a fond memory, even if it's a little bit cheesy. As for songs, I always thought this was a bit haunting for whatever reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUSu_P1LpiQ
  6. We always used to sing a patriotic song in elementary school. This was 10 years ago, but I think they still do it where I went to school.
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/pga/news;_ylt...p&type=lgns Here's to hoping Amy gets better and that the media doesn't hound the family too much.
  8. Even from an unbiased perspective (well, i can never be COMPLETELY unbiased), these are three of the worst fan bases to me. I gave the Lions #2 out of pity.
  9. Exactly, and let's not forget that he's also a player in the NFL (not a very well known one, but an NFL player nonetheless). I'm sure he gets plenty of sexual release without ever having to masturbate.
  10. As long as nobody is being coerced into the plural marriage (as was sometimes the case in the Mormon culture), I say live and let live. If it makes somebody happy, and nobody is getting hurt, why not? I'm not exactly passionate about this issue...I like women and I only want to marry one of them, like most guys. But if somebody wants to do it a different way, I won't get on their case.
  11. Ok people can marry their dogs...what happens if they marry their horses? Then you get a bunch of the creatures like the one in your avatar.
  12. Did you know that everybody has different musical tastes? The music industry actually thrives on it. By the way, a few other people in this very thread agreed with me. I always had a feeling you were a pompous know-it-all, I'm glad I trusted my gut.
  13. That actually is a very good question. I think that many GOOD bands fade because they lose their edge. GREAT bands, on the other hand, are essentially timeless because of their musicianship and (in many cases) raw instrumental energy. One guy that pops into my head is Dave Grohl...I think that he's one of those guys that will be rocking well into his 70s. We can even start to throw Green Day themselves into this category. Have you read the May edition of Rolling Stone? The cover story is largely about Billie Joe Armstrong, and what I read surprised me. The dude is basically a suburbanite who coaches his sons' Little League teams (true story, and a great mental image if you think of him coaching in his punk garb), and yet he still has a very deep, dark reservoir of emotion and passion for music from which to draw. Armstrong, Dirnt, and Tre are all 37 now, which might not quite be "past their prime", but it's still impressive to see them churning out good music a couple decades after they started as angsty teens.
  14. It is (I guess WAS) one of the few original programs. Say what you want about the acting or production, it was never formulaic, and it was an engaging plot with multi-dimensional characters and entertaining (often funny) dialogue. The one thing I didn't like was Donal Logue's character, he's just awful. By the way, are you saying that the show Life is overrated, or making a pun about life itself being overrated? Couldn't really tell...
  15. Did the RHCP really peak in 1992 though? I'd argue that 2006's Stadium Arcadium is the band's masterpiece.
  16. By the way, I think Eminem is a decent rapper but VERY overrated. He had two legitimately great songs, Lose Yourself and Stan (feat. Dido), but except for those I find most of his stuff pretty banal.
  17. 21st Century Breakdown is, simply put, brilliant. To me, it's miles ahead of American Idiot which was pretty darn good in it's own right. Green Day goes down as the greatest band of my generation, without much competition. Maybe the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they're still going strong. But not Coldplay.
  18. I can't imagine what I would say to Jessica Alba other than "You're very hot, may I have some naked pictures?". I certainly wouldn't be able to compliment her on any of her performances...
  19. I don't see the point in assigning the label "#1 wide receiver". On most depth charts, there is a starting right WR and a starting left WR. Different guys are #1's in different situations. If you absolutely NEED to label a WR #1, wait and see which WR the opposition assigns to their best cornerback. That's how you know.
  20. I agree that abortion is evil, though not on the grounds that my imaginary friend told me so. edit: sorry, that was out of line...i despise the whole "word of god" thing, but i shouldn't mock those who do believe it
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