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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. He's Jack Bauer's father. What do you think?
  2. Possibly the worst movie of all time, and I don't think I'm exaggerating.
  3. IMO the best case scenario this year is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-6 and a wild card. I just can't imagine a situation where we aren't staring up at the Pats* all year. But, who knows? Maybe Brady will bite the dust in week 1 again.
  4. Ok, that's legit. To play devil's advocate, at the very least the survivor of rape as a minor has a chance at normalizing their life. Dead, on the other hand, is dead.
  5. Just out of curiosity (not trying to be confrontational), why is it worse than murder?
  6. Where do you see the connection between cheap shots and playing with fire? In my experience with team sports, the guys that commit the cheap shots are the lazy ones, not the intense ones. Remember, there is no greater value in sports than playing with passion while maintaining your integrity. As for the team getting angry, I agree. I think one of the reasons that last season snowballed into a tremendous meltdown was the (apparent) lack of accountability. If a player knows that his teammate/coach is going to get in his face after a bad play/loss, he's more likely to give 100%. That's just part of the team psyche.
  7. What's the difference if he repents or not? Is it a matter of "heaven" and "hell"? Man, I hate to be like a parent explaining that Santa doesn't exist...but I have a little secret. After you die, your brain shuts off and you unconsciously biodegrade for the remainder of your days.
  8. I do see your point, and I understand the impetus for debate. But let's just say, for argument's sake, that a fetus is indeed not a human. Surely we can agree that it WILL be a human, unless something unexpected happens. So that begs this question...is it any less evil to kill a prospective human with prospective consciousess than it is to kill a human? I say no. If I snatch an egg from a robin's nest and crush it in my hand, am I not, in effect, killing a bird?
  9. You're right. I'm tired of society forcing its moral ideals on me. I'm going to go ahead and kill those guys next door who are always blasting Lil Wayne at 3 in the morning...they're really inconvenciencing me and it's my choice! Yay for Pro Choice!
  10. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. So when the baby passes through the vagina it magically becomes a human? What was it before, a stick of butter? A cell phone? Fetuses are humans. They are alive and they have human DNA. That's science. You can't just say "I feel fetuses are not humans." That's not a valid opinion, it's a scientifically incorrect statement.
  11. The first thing he needs to do is hire a better web designer.
  12. What, are you a triple jumper? Measure out 5 yards on your floor, take a look at it, then come back and tell us how you can do it in 2 strides while running normally in full pads while trying to protect a football. By the way, here's a highlight clip of Marshawn from college (if you don't like this one, there are plenty of others from the NFL). You can plainly see that he takes about 2.5 or 3 strides for every 5 yards in open space. By the way, RBs are taught to take relatively short choppy strides when defenders are in the area. You can't cut effectively if you're just all-out sprinting.
  13. Angels and Demons was basically Tom Hanks running around, while explaining the plot of the story to the audience. Contrary to what people thought, Dan Brown's stories just don't translate very well to film. Entertaining film? Yes Quality film? No
  14. Fair enough. However, I do have to disagree with you that Tiger Woods isn't an athlete. This certainly doesn't go for most golfers, but he would school 99% of the world at most sports, not just golf.
  15. Why are those not sports? Here's how I would define "sport"...Any competitive game in which success is dependent upon physical superiority. Sports like golf and bowling simply measure different physical capabilities. Golf measures strength, accuracy, touch, muscle memory. Football measures strength, speed agility, etc. If you attempted to beat Tiger Woods at golf, you'd have about as much success as you had trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch. How is one less of a sport than the other?
  16. I, too, am staunchly against abortion. I've never understood the "woman's right to choose" argument...is it a woman's right to murder her baby 1 minute after it is born? Of course not, so why is it legal to kill it 5 months before it's born? Anybody who believes life begins at birth didn't pay very good attention in biology class. The morning after pill, and other things like that? Well, that's a gray area for me. I guess I consider those just another form of contraception, like a condom. Unfortunately, hell is probably not a real place, so who knows if baby murderers ever do have to face justice? By the way, I'm not condoning the murder of Tiller...not one bit...but the "good doctor" was complicit in thousands of murders during his life. Just my opinion.
  17. A guy walks into a bar with a toad sitting on his head. The bartender asks, "Where did that thing come from?". Toad says, "Just started off as a wart on my ass and kept growing."
  18. So now writing poetry is considered unmanly? I know you're messing around to a certain extent, but our society's view of masculinity is seriously askew.
  19. I don't know about Lindell. He's been more accurate than anybody from short range, but that doesn't exactly separate him from the pack because most guys hit around 85% or better from inside 40. So when it comes down to the long ones, I can definitely think of more than 10 other guys I want to be kicking my game winning FG.
  20. Well a guy (especially a 14 year old hormonal guy) can still get an erection even if he doesn't want one. In any case, it's statutory rape.
  21. Dude, I don't mean to insult your prose because it was pretty good....but your poetry is 100 times better. Spectacular. You really seem to have a natural knack for rhyme scheme and flow. I'm assuming you're an amateur (just because not too many people are professional poets), but this is something you seem to have a talent for, even if I've just seen a small sample size. Have you been published?
  22. Man, I really gotta get me some Fleggaard What's Fleggaard?
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