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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. IMO, the fact that Reed hasn't grown an inch since we drafted him just speaks to his lack of commitment.
  2. That's a big improvement over Royal, who was more of a retarded walrus in a TE's body.
  3. OR you could pay respect to the brave men who lost their lives that day, and stop pissing in everybody's cheerios by arguing over the details of the battle. Save the historical debate for another day, today is about solemn remembrance.
  4. I think it's pretty simple...a lot of people have no connection to UB. I'm from Buffalo but my parents went to Penn State and I go to Cornell, so those are the two schools I root for. You'd probably hear a lot of similar stories if you asked around.
  5. Truly one of the turning points of modern history...who knows what the world would be like without the bravery shown that day?
  6. Well, they don't give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry.
  7. When people use "ironic" instead of "unfortunate", I find it mildly annoying. I get the gist of what they are saying. On the other hand, when people use "ironic" instead of "coincidental", it makes me want to unhinge their jaw and shove a dictionary down their throat. Huge pet peeve... "Like, oh my god, I love Hannah Monntana too! That's so ironic!"
  8. Hey, I think love you, so what am I so afraid of? Do you want to get gay married? I have to warn you though, I hog the sheets in bed. Pleeeeeassseee. By the way, rememememember that one time when Eric Clapton was all like Laaaayla ya got me on my knees, well that's not really the point, because he wasn't even the one who built the zither in the first place! Yes! how about that? Isn't doctor pepper just crazy, i mean it's like it's it's own flavor, you have the colas and the lemony-limes and (to some extent) the root beers, but dr pepper does its own thing right? Clang clang clang went the trolly! what's that from? i dont know, i dont wanna know, all i know is that shimbleshanks the railway cat is easily one of the most relatable cats, but I just cant imagine what andrew lloyd weber was thinking, you know? isnt that supposed to be a ts eliot thing the cats? i mena give me a fakkukin break right? here's my rankings of the top 37 movies of all time, 1 phantom menace, 2 indiana jones and the pepto bismol, 3-37 veronica mars deeveedees...do you like the sabres chances next year? i think they need some defenseman but tyler should help out soon, but hey that's not the point! why don't you respect me? BAAAAAZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOMMMM BAAAAAZXZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM BAAAAAZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM THAT'S WHAT GERMAN COWS SAY! I KNOW CUZ I'VE BEEN THERE AND THE COWS WERE OUR HOSTS! rikki tikki tavi was what a mongoose? that's so fakkukked up i don't even know where to begin
  9. Wow, this is a great story. With all the bad news out there, it's nice to have reminders of the goodness of humanity. Hopefully the parishioners follow the instructions and pay it forward.
  10. This is the guy some of you are defending for "free speech"... http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/turner_own_words.htm
  11. sdaokasdgor sdfq34q8qaerpag4 apwer2-438aSEADUSHFASDFWdsadshfohgadsi !!!!!!!!
  12. See, this SHOULD be the sanctuary of common ground for pro-lifers and pro-choicers (because neither side "likes" abortion), but folks on both sides of the fence are too busy squabbling to realize that there are a myriad of practical solutions to help alleviate the problem.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't implying that you were arguing with me. I was saying that I don't want to incite an argument. I've read bits and pieces of Freakonomics, but never actually took in the whole thing. I haven't encountered the section on abortion and crime rates.
  14. Yeah, because it's so lame to express pride in your leader's desire for a more peaceful world.
  15. Yes, you're correct that my opposition to abortion is not religiously based. Yes, I'm in favor of overturning Roe vs. Wade. We both believe that a woman can choose what to do with her body. But here's where we differ...you believe that an unborn child in the womb is part of a woman's body (I assume). I believe that an unborn child in the womb is an entirely separate body that hasn't matured enough to be an independently surviving entity. In other words, I believe that a child is 9 months old the day that it is born. And that's why I believe abortion is murder. Women who can't afford the baby? There is always adoption. I know that foster care is a very difficult life, but I also know that it's a better alternative to never having been born in the first place. With both of the serious girlfriends that I've had, I've had the following discussion...when it's time for me to have children, I want to adopt at least one. I believe that carrying a pregnancy to term and giving away the baby to adoption is one of the most selfless things that a woman can do if she knows that she doesn't have the resources to raise the kid, and I want to support that institution. As for morning after pills? Big, enormous, tremendous, huge Buffalo huge gray area. I have no idea how to feel on the issue. If you're familiar with Schrodinger's Cat, that's my best opinion on the morning after pill. In conclusion, I can plainly see that this is not an issue we are ever going to agree on. Feel free to respond to my post, but I am not going to argue with you because we would both be spinning our wheels.
  16. Just one more reason to watch the ceremonies, great choice!
  17. No, I think he was a monster. In the eyes of United States law, however, he wasn't doing anything wrong.
  18. Even if he's ready, I'm of the opinion that the Magic should keep Nelson on the bench. Maybe 10 minutes per game or something. I'm aware that he's probably the team's 2nd or 3rd best player. But unless you're talking about a legitimate superstar, you don't mess with the formula that got you to the NBA Finals by inserting a player that hasn't seen the court for 4 months.
  19. As much as I hate to admit it, he's not technically wrong that Tiller was protecting the rights of these women.
  20. I agree that Tiller was scum, but you don't know the meaning of the word genocide do you?
  21. RIP David Are police searching for the whereabouts of Uma Thurman? (sorry, I had to)
  22. If you really believe that, I just feel sorry for you. I really do.
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