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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This topic is not gay. Referring to your abdomen as "tummy" on the other hand...
  2. Does it really count as "stealing a joke" if the manner in which you deliver the joke makes it no longer funny? In Carlos' case, it's more like stealing a succession of words.
  3. The only ones I enjoy from that list are The Amazing Race and Deadliest Catch. I also like The Mole, I don't get how it isn't top 20. Probably because it actually makes people think.
  4. I think if Edwards gets so much as a papercut, we blindfold him and exile him from town on a donkey.
  5. I wouldn't be suprised if Marshawn and Kaleta were in some sort of fight club together. Never seen two athletes who seem to delight in taking/doling out big hits like these two.
  6. TE is going to be a very intriguing position. On the one hand, none of the top 3 candidates has even come close to proving themselves as a starter. On the other hand, we fans no longer have to experience the sinking feeling of "Oh god, another year of Robert Royal as starting TE."
  7. It seems like this team is chock full of guys at important positions with the right attitude...time to make it count on the field!
  8. Well, as we all know, most verifiably true stories begin with "Just got a text from a buddy of mine who's out at the bars..."
  9. Yes, I have. I've also seen a team get motivated because they respect the hell out of the guy that they're playing for, and that's the case with Jauron and the Bills. Say what you want about his game strategy, but you can't deny that the Bills play hard for him. That's the way it always was with Tony Dungy. Did you ever see him scream?
  10. In my experience, those who don't actually understand the sport just resort back to "They aren't trying hard enough!" when the team is losing, because they can't actually explain why in terms of football strategy. The Bills showed just as much fire as any other team last year, but yet again the team dropped a few too many winnable games.
  11. I assume this isn't exactly a disastrous situation, because his status made him seem pretty nonchalant about not being engaged any more. More likely than not, his girlfriend said yes...thought about it for a few hours, and then said "sorry, I'm just not ready yet."
  12. Facebook status update 6/07 8:58 PM - Donte Whitner Is now engaged to my future wifey! Facebook status update 6/08 9:10 AM - Donte Whitner not engaged anymore...sorry guys I'll try again! So in just over 12 hours (most of which was probably spent sleeping), he managed to get engaged and then un-engaged. Maybe he went too far and asked for a Cincinnati bowtie or something.
  13. I really can't argue with anything you say here. However, just remember that football is not always measured in numbers. Reed helps us in ways that you can't define by looking at a box score.
  14. Wow, is it that high? I guess I'm on your "Orlando must win game 2" bandwagon.
  15. I like Reed, but I doubt he'll drag down that many. His career high is 58 receptions, and we just added TO to the mix...there are only so many receptions to go around.
  16. As a Penn State fan, I always suspected that Chad Henne was a dick...this just confirms it!
  17. That's not even remotely true. All the Magic have to do is win the games in Orlando and steal one from the Lakers in LA. It doesn't matter if that's tonight, game 5, or game 7...the key is that they have to hold serve in Orlando. They're pretty much doomed if they let LA take one on the road.
  18. Statistically, I believe that rookies are indeed more prone to injury than guys in their prime. However, I read that this is due to the transition from an 11 game schedule to a 16 game schedule...so logically, the propensity for injury would manifest itself later in the season. I doubt rookies are more likely to get injured in training camp.
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