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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. -Jairus Byrd starts at least 10 games at free safety and gets 5 interceptions this year. -Rian Lindell misses the first extra point of his career.
  2. One of the few non family members that I shed a tear for upon hearing of his death. Here's wishing Tim continues to RIP.
  3. If Lynch is a good option as a #2 running back, why is TO the only Bill worth taking? I'm positive that TO, Lynch, and Evans will be owned in just about 100% of all leagues. Edwards is worth taking in the later rounds because every fantasy team needs a backup QB for the bye week. I'd also peg a sleeper tag on whoever emerges as our starting TE. Tight ends thrive when a great WR corps garners the attention of the defensive secondary.
  4. Agreed, Federer is still far and away the best. However, I don't think you've watched enough basketball this season if you don't think Lebron is the best player in the NBA.
  5. How about Brandon Inge, 3B for the Tigers? He is a HELL of an athlete. He can play pretty much every position on the baseball diamond, including pitcher (he pitched at VCU). He can also do a rim-shattering dunk, and I've heard he could easily be a point guard in the NBA if he ever wanted to change sports. He can also hit a golf ball over 400 yards. Best all around athlete, probably not...but maybe the most versatile?
  6. Wait...Olbermann and O'Reilly? Those two guys that live in my tv? You know them too?
  7. No, a sacrifice fly is only one that scores a runner. A sacrifice bunt, on the other hand, just has to advance a runner.
  8. This is something that George Carlin never had a problem with, for whatever reason. I guess when you're the best at something you never really "lose it".
  9. Here's what I don't understand about transgenders...the entire argument behind the tolerance of homosexuality in our society is "I was born this way. There's nothing I can do about it. Why would you want me to be untrue to the way I was born?" By the way, I agree wholeheartedly with the above. And yet, when certain homosexuals decide to become transgender, aren't they being hypocrites? Aren't they trying to deny the way they were born?
  10. I understand, but he was acting like these guys were killed and nobody noticed. Anyway, the media is just a reflection of what the public wants to see. The public was more fascinated by the Tiller killing. A media outlet would lose business to competitors if they didn't make that the top story. If you don't like what you see on a media outlet whose primary concern is profit, blame the society that demanded the story.
  11. What are you talking about? That story was covered extensively by all major media outlets, both on the air and online.
  12. What part of this don't you understand? Guys like Van Brunn are neither "right" or "left", they are "insane". There's no cause to try to categorize insane people by their political affiliation. You scoff at people who stereotype Muslims due to the actions of a few radicals...but you're ready and willing to condemn all right wingers because of Van Brunn? Hypocrite. And no, I'm not on the right. I just don't like stupid.
  13. I don't watch much American Idol, so I might not have the right to an opinion on this...but if this Lambert fellow is Elvis Presley reincarnated, then why does he need American Idol? Elvis Presley reincarnated couldn't get discovered on his own?
  14. Yeah, but that's more of an interesting tidbit than anything. Kickers don't make their money from the 2 yard line, they make it from the 40 yard line. It makes no difference to me whether our kicker makes 100% or 99.5% of his extra points.
  15. That doesn't make them culpable for the results. It's called free speech, look it up. Unless Rush actually says or implies "you need to kill these people", he's not responsible.
  16. Good job injecting a political agenda into a tragic story. See, most people wander around in life asking themselves "Who's the as*hole?". In your case, it's simple. You're the as*hole.
  17. Kicker statistics from year-to-year are among the most unreliable in all of professional sports (due to relatively small sample size). There's really no way to say for sure whether or not Lindell is one of the best. Personally, I'll take a kicker with a big boot and a steely mental resolve...when it comes to accuracy, most kickers are pretty much comparable over the long run.
  18. Unless packs of wild dogs are suddenly into/capable of torture, there's a psycho out on the loose. I just hope police find this guy before he decides to find something more exciting to kill. This might be inaccurate, but don't most serial killers start by harming animals?
  19. Bats outta hell average 3.7 yards per carry, apparently.
  20. Interesting concept for sure, but it sounds like jumping the shark to me. And after all, the only reason that the franchise needed invigorating in the first place was because of Pierce Brosnan. I enjoyed Casino Royale and QoS twice as much as the previous four. The best thing that ever became of a Pierce Brosnan Bond film was Goldeneye, the video game.
  21. Leonardo DiCaprio was first cast in the role of Patrick Bateman. I think he would have been a better psycho yuppie.
  22. Ok I'm gonna go ahead and throw political correctness to the wind. James Bond is white.
  23. And if this cover up was a little more than 5 months ago, that places the theft right around Christmas. Ho ho ho.
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