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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Truth. Let he without sin cast the first stone. However, I've never visciously murdered dogs or a pregnant woman so I'm going to go ahead and throw stones at Vick and Carruth.
  2. I think a better experiment would be the same circumstances, but you have to stay under a salary cap. Otherwise, its just a slightly modified fantasy football team.
  3. That's how my sister eats them. She also eats pizza that way. Girls are weird.
  4. Now that, I'm on board with. People who realize that life is lived 95% in our own heads are happy people. For the most part, we don't have much control over what happens to us. However, we do have control over how we react to it. Heck, to me that's the secret of life that we're all searching for.
  5. You're really going to criticize a fellow Bills fan for having mood swings during the season? I mean, maybe trying to organize a walk out was a bit extreme, but Jesus H Christ on a stick, we were all pissed off.
  6. Sorry, I'm an optimist but I don't believe in this visualization stuff when it comes to things out of my control. You can visualize the Bills in the playoffs til you're blue in the face, but it won't make a difference. I really don't think that's the point of visualization. Your example of making better sales...that might be the result of the correct attitude and the correct vision. But people who think they can win the lottery just by envisioning it hard enough are fooling themselves. Now, if the PLAYERS use visualization for self improvement, I can see that having an effect. Attitude makes all the difference in sports. But us fans? I think all we can do is hope. After all, doesn't every franchise have fans who want them to make the playoffs? If your visualization works, doesn't that directly negate somebody else's?
  7. You go around calling it "not a sport", and then you don't even bother to state your definition of "sport". My definition is any physical activity governed by a specific set of rules or customs and engaged in competitively. By my definition, golf is a sport. What's your definition?
  8. Nobody ever said there was anything WRONG with scotch neat. You seem to be the one judging which kinds of drinks are "wrong".
  9. The Bill Belichick coaching tree continues to rot. Of course, this might not be an issue of Marshall vs. McDaniels but I'd hazard to guess that it is.
  10. +1 The talking heads around Buffalo can comment all they want on Fitzpatrick, but we won't know a damn thing until he hits the gridiron for the Bills. For all we know, TE will get injured and Fitz will win us a Superbowl. Meanwhile, Maybin could be a complete bust. You just can't predict these things.
  11. Great stories, everybody...definitely something special about the first one isn't there?
  12. As a guy that just graduated HS 2 years ago, let me tell ya...that's the absolute truth. I spent my entire pre-college educational career listening to my teachers pandering to the lowest common denominator students. After a while, there was AP but that honestly wasn't much better. I learned twice as much from reading/independent studying than I did from high school classes. When I have kids, I really don't think I'll trust the public education system in this country unless there is major reform.
  13. I'm not offering drinking lessons...just saying it's odd that somebody should be criticized for imbibing something he enjoys.
  14. Who are you to decide what's a masculine drink and what's a feminine drink? A man isn't allowed to drink something that tastes good? Man, ever heard of "to each his own?" I'll gladly admit that I'd rather drink a Mike's Hard Lemonade than a vodka rocks. Why? It tastes good. I like things that taste good. Now, if I want something that'll knock me on my ass, it'd be a different story. But I don't see the harm in drinking something that tastes like tea, if you like tea. Just sayin...
  15. Everybody...just ignore the guy, he'll go away. I'm done provoking him, and I'd suggest the same for everybody else.
  16. So I just purchased my first car. It's a silver 1999 Oldsmobile Alero...nothing really special, but dammit if I don't love the thing like it's my own child. I'm gonna go out and get a nice Bills decal as soon as possible. Anybody have any cool first car stories?
  17. So did the NBA and David Stern instruct Courtney Lee to miss that alley oop layup?
  18. Why not? Do you think that coaching Gods like Mike Singletary allow their players to smile and joke around? Jauron isn't even looking at the two guys, Singletary would be screaming at them and then continuing to be the best coach ever.
  19. Why? You could probably get MJD later in the second round. Just because you think a player will be the #1 producer doesn't mean you should take him #1.
  20. I actually think we're a distant second to Cubs fans. Talk about depressing...
  21. Bandwagon fans are the scourge of the sports world. They're worse than Pats* fans.
  22. What? You have some sort of problem with free music and breasts? The only thing better than free music and free breasts, is free music and breasts.
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