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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. At least he's not saying we should CUT whitner, like some people have before.
  2. Here's my bad beat story... So back in prep school, I knew this guy Worm. We became fast friends because we were the only two guys at the school without a trust fund (my dad was the janitor at the school and his was the groundskeeper). To make a little money off the douchebag trust fund babies, we learn to grift at poker and we have them in the palms of our hands. Now, Worm ends up getting expelled for running an operation with me to throw a basketball game, but like a true friend Worm doesn't turn me in. I owe him a major debt of gratitude, obviously. Years later, I'm going to law school in New York and (being a poor mofo) paying for it with poker winnings. One day, I'm in Atlantic City and I take down former WSOP champion Johnny Chan. With this new-found confidence, I decide that I should raise the money to enter myself in the world series, so I take my entire bankroll of 30,000 dollars to Teddy KGB, a prominent member of the Russian mafia and a hell of a player at Texas Hold em. I do well enough that it's just me and KGB at the table toward the end. I'm dealt an Ace and a nine. The flop comes and I've got a two pair. After the river, I'm sitting on a full house A-A-9-9-9. KGB has a flush draw on spades, which I obviously have beat. We go all in. He doesn't have the spades. He pocket rockets, and a higher full house. KGB wins and I'm out my entire life savings. Being broke, I quit the game and got myself an honest job to pay for law school. Meanwhile, Worm is doing 2 years for credit card fraud. When he gets out, he draws me back into the game (I can't stay away). Turns out that Worm owes one of KGB's lackeys 25 grand. I can't just leave him for broke because he's like a brother to me. We have to raise at least $15,000 in 5 days. We get about half way there, when I'm in a 2 table game with some cops. I tell Worm to stay away, but he can't. The cops catch him dealing from the bottom of the deck, beat the crap out of us and throw us out. We're left with nothing. Worm wants to skip down, but I figure that I finally have to face my demons. I borrow 10 grand from one of my professors, and head on down to KGB's gambling den. I convince him to play and win the requisite 5 grand, but I can't just stop there at even (In retrospect, they would have killed me if I lost and couldn't pay, but I wasn't thinking straight). I lose a little bit, and only have a couple hours until midnight when I officially owe the money. I have one more hand... I'm dealth an 8 and 9 of spades. Right on the flop, boom I get the straight, but I play it cool checking to KGB on each bet. He thinks I've got nothing, but I beat him with the straight and win 60 G's, enough to pay back my debts and head off to Vegas for the World Series, unsure of my fate but hopeful.
  3. He was acquitted, douchebag. Something it seems most people choose to overlook. RIP, Michael. At the very least, the world will never forget you.
  4. This is disgusting...obviously, Transformers 2 does nothing but perpetuate negative stereotypes about robots. When are robots going to get a fair shake, huh? In all seriousness, the folks that are crying "racist" are the racists. They're the ones that assume the robots are meant to be black, even though one of the voice actors is white. Here's my question...how can a freaking animated robot be classified as white, black, asian, hispanic, etc?
  5. I'll admit, I had no idea who Farrah was until today, but after looking up some stuff on her she seems like a wonderful person (not to mention gorgeous). 62 years is too young these days, but it seems like she lived a heck of a life. RIP
  6. I love how I knew you were going to try to hold a mirror up to me by making an analogous post to mine. Actually I didn't know that, but isn't this fun?
  7. I love how you're making fun of the looks of a woman that you would have ZERO chance with, even if she wasn't married to Ferris Bueller.
  8. I usually like your posts dude, but I think you should shut off your little witch hunt on this guy...just because he doesn't see the Pats* as public enemy #1 like most of us here doesn't make him any less of a Bills fan. Just sayin...
  9. That doesn't make much sense. The game hinged on a field goal attempt. So since Norwood missed the field goal, that means the team did not play a good game? But if Norwood DID make the field, that suddenly means the team DID play a good game? I understand, and agree with, your point about winning being the ultimate goal...but I think your logic is a little bit screwy on this one. Good efforts often fall to great efforts. Wouldn't you say the Cardinals played a good game in this last Superbowl?
  10. This story basically amounts to... "Dolphins' 1st Round Pick Davis' Car Insurance Increases"
  11. Fair enough, I suppose. I still think he's great, and most of his stuff really speaks to me. I'll agree with you on Born in the USA, his worst album by orders of magnitude. He was bordering on John Cougar Mellencamp territory right there. But his two most recent albums (The Rising and Magic) have been a HUGE return to form from what you may see as his more commercial days. As to your general theme regarding "selling out"...who the hell hasn't? What popular musician never sold his soul a little bit to cash in at the bank? There are very few pure musicians out there, and we probably haven't even heard of most of them. I'll be impressed if you can conjure up more than a couple recognizable names who never made slightly sub-par music that would appeal to audiences a little bit more and make them more dough. Hell, the entire foundation of the freakin BEATLES was that crappy bubblegum pop I Wanna Hold Your Hand.
  12. 20. And what? I'm not allowed to appreciate music that was before my time? They make these things called CDs that you can listen to in your car and elsewhere...I've heard all of his stuff and been to 3 Boss concerts, and I've found all of it magnificent. He's a great performer, a great songwriter, a great lyricist, and a great musician. What more can you ask? I'm not trying to pick a fight, but how exactly did I demonstrate the Boss being overrated? Just curious...
  13. The Boss is one of the greatest performers in the history of ever...who cares about proficiency? By the way, he IS proficient. And if Born to Run doesn't speak to you, then what does? Also, listen to his 2002 album The Rising, if you haven't already...and then tell me how he's not proficient.
  14. I agree, Bocci's is not good. Not god-awful, but not good either. If you order a regular cheese pizza from Bocci's, it's fine. But once you delve into other toppings, the pizza becomes an unwieldy Frankenstein monster. I remember we ordered a Cheese Steak Pizza from Bocci's and you could barely see the cheese through the onions. Disgusting. To me, it doesn't get any better than Picasso's. I would literally kill a man to get the recipe to their sauce. Only problem is their wings blow. No meat on them bones.
  15. Fake boobs NYC Pizza Handjobs Watermelon Eminem JFK's Presidency David Eckstein Heineken
  16. How in the hell would you know if he's a d*ck or not? What has he ever done even remotely distasteful? Give me a couple examples, or you're just being a hater for the sake of being a hater.
  17. Ok, everybody. I know that we have lots of different tastes in music around these parts, so I'm curious...what are your top ten favorite albums of all time? Now, remember, these are the albums that YOU, personally, like to listen to. Not the top ten GREATEST albums, not the top ten most influential, just your top ten favorite. Pretend you're going to a desert island where nobody else can listen to these albums and judge your taste in music. If all ten are The Beatles, that's fine. If all ten are Hannah Montana, that's fine too (though I wouldn't admit it). By the way, I'm not looking for a 10-1 ranking, just your ten favorite, no orderly countdown necessary So here's mine... Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run Queen - Sheer Heart Attack The Doors - Strange Days The Beatles - The Beatles (white album) The Killers - Sam's Town The Fratellis - Costello Music Green Day - American Idiot Jethro Tull - Aqualung Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium
  18. So then why don't you understand that you can't extrapolate sample size validity in a linear fashion based on population ratio? Do you know the Law of Large Numbers and how your argument is completely fallacious due to it?
  19. Man, I try to block that out of my memory. Even after not recovering the onside kick, ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS GUARD THE SIDELINES! THEY HAD NO TIMEOUTS! THEIR ONLY CHANCE WAS TWO QUICK OUTS TO THE SIDELINES AND WE GIFT WRAPPED IT FOR THEM!
  20. You don't have a very good grasp on statistics do you? If I live in a town of 3,000 people and I poll 1 person, by your logic I'm using a valid sample size because that's the proportional equivalent of 100,000 if my town was the United States.
  21. But that's all part of the experience...embrace it!
  22. Derek Jeter is also NOT overrated It is so in vogue to say that the guy is overrated but anybody who watches the Yankees every day knows how ridiculous that is
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