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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. The game isnt lame, it's probably just you.
  2. This is Jessica White...TO is a traitor! http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/swimsuit/i...painting_02.jpg Potentially NSFW (she's got body paint on)
  3. He slaps opposing players on the ass, gives them creepy looks, and other suggestive things. Basically, he's there to make the other team uncomfortable enough to let their guard down.
  4. Kan Jam is getting pretty popular up at Cornell. I brought one from home when I first came here, and so did a few other Buffalo natives, and it's really spreading like wildfire. You almost always see a few Kan Jam games when you walk across campus on a sunny day.
  5. Yeah, he screams at his players and people around here have heard of him...don't you know that those are the two prerequisites?
  6. This just made my day...easily the best was Moorman's pass to Denney in week 1. That one had me cheering and on the floor laughing simultaneously.
  7. So let me break this down...The Czar thinks that we will have a "QB controversy" because... 1) The fans want Trent to win games for the Bills, but we've somehow "forgotten" about Jason Peters being gone (I wonder exactly how many Bills fans he's spoken to) 2) Fitzpatrick makes more money than Trent 3) We now have another big offensive weapon, which puts more pressure on him I don't really get this. I guess this proves that you can spin anything into a negative. I can't believe Czar actually thinks adding TO makes Trent less likely to succeed.
  8. Pro Bowl appearances aren't a good judge of greatness. He had about a combined 1,100 yards in those 3 seasons. By comparison, Tony Gonzalez totaled 1,058 yards just last season at the age of 32. He is great, Bubba Franks was good.
  9. I wouldn't say he was ever great. He was a nice producer in the red zone, but the highest he ever averaged was 27 yards per game. Good blocker, but never much of a receiving threat.
  10. When I actually got around to visiting Yale, I found it to be just about the most pretentious place on Earth. Every professor, teaching assistant, tour guide, etc that I came across was so full himself that I just knew it would be 4 years of hell. My sister was already going to Cornell so I was familiar with the campus and the general atmosphere. I find it to be the perfect mix of great academics with a genuine college experience. Cornell, to me, is for intellectuals who want to attend college and not a country club full of trust fund babies where you happen to take classes. Might I add that grade inflation is running rampant through Yale, Princeton and Harvard, while at Cornell it is still challenging to pull a 3.0. Despite delusions of grandeur, those other schools are actually quite a bit easier to graduate.
  11. Back in the olden days, Ivy League football was the cream of the crop. Cornell has 6 national championships on its resume. These days, it's about the same quality as my high school football games.
  12. Unfortunately, Ivy League football these days is just painful to watch. But with Son of Tasker on the team, maybe the games will be interesting enough to brave the weather.
  13. Well my plan was for me to get into Yale, so the standards had to be high. I was accepted, but I ended up at Cornell. I've learned to appreciate the tough standards I was held to. When you get the ball rolling with a successful high school career, it opens doors, and my parents knew what I was capable of.
  14. I don't think anything anybody is trying to call you a bad parent. It's just that the tone of your post made it seem like you thought his life was over because his football career is currently sidetracked. I understand your frustration at the injury, but football isn't everything. As for his GPA, maybe monitoring things isn't good enough. In high school, I was pretty lazy but I knew that swift punishment was headed my way if I wasn't pulling something over a 3.8 on a quarterly basis. Perhaps there's a deeper problem, but I think you'd be surprised how motivated he becomes academically if there are TV or phone privileges at risk.
  15. Sympathy FOR the Devil My favorite is probably Gimme Shelter. As Tears Go By has beautiful vocals.
  16. You guys made a nice comeback, but I'm still winning.
  17. No, I don't trust him. I've always thought he's been up to no good and I want him out of the neighborhood.
  18. Sorry to hear about your son's injury...I hope he recovers quickly and that this doesn't lead to long term knee troubles. Let me advise you as somebody who is only a couple of years older than your son. At this age, he's probably looking for a direction and his hobby (football) is his passion. Based on this post and a couple of earlier ones, it sounds like he's very good but not the type of transcendent talent that could play professionally one day. Therefore, he NEEDS other options. Maybe he's a great writer and just hasn't realized it. Maybe he's a latent organic chemistry whiz. If he hasn't been focusing on his studies, then now would be the perfect time to start since he's laid up. To say "This in essence might finish things for him" isn't the correct outlook. His football career might be on hiatus, but that doesn't mean he's "finished". As they say, when one door closes another one opens. If his knee is blown out, his knee is blown out. That's already in the past. Look toward the future. Don't dwell on the implications of the injury.
  19. Did anybody ever mention nude beaches in the "Things that are overrated" thread? I've been to a couple in France and 95% of the people have no business disrobing in public.
  20. Sorry for going off on a tangent, but this is what irk me the most about affirmative action. If you tell me, "Poor kids who grew up in crappy schools deserve a leg up", I'd be fine with it. I wouldn't necessarily AGREE, but I'd accept the opinion. When you change it to "Black kids deserve a leg up", then it becomes a racist. So a rich black kid is somehow disadvantaged, but a poor white kid from the inner city doesn't get jack? It should never be about race. If you want to legislate based on socioeconomic status, go ahead.
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