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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. She's an ANCHOR? I thought she won some internship through a beauty contest or something.
  2. What in specific? I mean, there are a couple of typos, but I'm sure she isn't the one that physically entered the info onto the site. If you're referring to the cosmetology license thing, well at least she has a trade right? Also, horrible taste in movies, etc. but that's pretty typical of women.
  3. I believe the referee in question on that play was Walt Coleman, the same guy who presided over the famous "tuck rule" play in 2001. On the patsie's* payroll?
  4. Why would Ralph and Bruce trade in all their accomplishments to get a Superbowl ring for the Bills? What a selfish question to ask in the first place. Tell me murra, would YOU trade in everything you've accomplished so that the Bills would win a Superbowl this year? I can almost guarantee you that Jim Kelly's answer would be the same. As a fan, we're concerned with nothing short of a Superbowl parade. As players, football is their career. It's business. It's their job and like most people with jobs, they don't consider it to be the most important thing in their life. Now, ask Jim Kelly if he'd trade it all in to have his son alive and healthy, and you'd get a different answer. I don't know what your profession is, but let's say that you're a writer. You're a very VERY successful writer who happens to have never won the Pulitzer Prize. Somebody comes up to you and says, "Let's make a deal. All of your previous books, short stories, and poems will be wiped from the face of the Earth, forgotten forever...but in return, your next work will win the Pulitzer." Obviously, you'd say hell no.
  5. Waitaminute...I'm in the inner circle jerk? I thought I was the douchey college kid...
  6. Could've been a friend, but the dude was pretty short and skinny so I doubt it was a member of the Whittle clan.
  7. I figured I would start a fun topic. Basically, what jersey worn by a fellow fan made you do the biggest double take and mutter to yourself "Why the f*ck would you want a ____ _____ jersey?" Mine is Jason Whittle.
  8. Fair enough. Like an earlier poster said, Bobby April trusts Rian Lindell, so I trust Rian Lindell. I'd definitely put Vinatieri in the top 5 (and he's had his great moments), but behind the likes of Rob Bironas, Shayne Graham, and (the top dog) Matt Stover.
  9. Yeah! Why let a silly thing like statistical evidence alter your unsubstantiated notions?
  10. Vinatieri is better than every other kicker in the league? How so? And I, unfortunately, can't prove my point because there is no standard definition over what constitutes a "clutch" kick. By the way, I'm not trying to be argumentative and I apologize if my last post came across as condescending...I just happen to think that kickers are interchangeable parts. There is very little variance statistically between the "good kickers" and "bad kickers".
  11. I'm no attitude "expert", but can you explain one of the best WRs in NFL history having a 500 yard/3 TD season with ANY team? And my attitude's fine, how about you?
  12. Moss is the more talented wideout. TO has had a better and more complete career. I get the sense that Moss isn't 100% committed to the game of football, as evidenced by the lax effort he gave while he was a Raider. I equate Moss to Vince Carter. Could've been the best of his generation, but just didn't have the correct attitude.
  13. He's not un-clutch...it's just that the instances when he misses a clutch kick resonate louder in your memory. I would hazard to guess that his FG % in "clutch" situations is just about equal to his career percentage of 80.
  14. Every defense has weak links. EVERY defense. Hell, Jim Leonhard was starting in the vaunted Baltimore secondary. Our problem is that we don't have the gamechangers to cover up for the weak links. If you've noticed, Lance Briggs, Haloti Ngata, and Bob Sanders don't all play on the same team. That's because there's a salary cap and teams (even the good defensive ones) can't afford to field a team chock 100% full of superstars. You act as if Keith Ellison being mediocre is indicative of our overall mediocrity...remember, the whole is always different than the sum of the parts. Keith Ellison is not the specific reason why we go 7-9 each year.
  15. Prove it. Do Superbowl winning teams historically have kickers that are better than the ones on the mediocre teams? If you research and find that Superbowl winning kickers have statistically significantly better numbers than their non-championship couterparts, I will concede your point.
  16. Kicker stats are about the least significant in the game, due to small sample size. Many who are not enamored with Lindell feel that way because he missed 8 FGs last season. But what about the two seasons before last when he missed a combined 5 FGs? Everybody was probably pretty happy with him headed into last year. A kicker's success in one season does not indicate success in the following season, nor does failure indicate failure. If a running back in his prime has two consecutive seasons averaging 4.5 yards per carry, and then drops down to 3.5 the next year it is definitely cause for concern. If a kicker in his prime has two consecutive 90% seasons, and then drops to 80% it shouldn't raise any eyebrows. Why? Because a starting RB carries the ball 300 times a year and a starting kicker takes about 35 FG attempts. Sample size, friends, sample size.
  17. You said, in regards to Everett, "the rest is history". I took this to mean that you thought there was a direct causal relationship between Everett's relegation to special teams and his injury. If I was wrong, I apologize.
  18. Hardy: That's not a fiasco, that's a rookie with a learning curve who got injured in the middle of the season. I optimistically predicted 20 receptions for 300 yards and 4 touchdowns at the start of last season. Anybody asking for much more than that would've been foolish. Eddie Royal's success is NOT the norm. Everett: What are you, some kind of numbskull? Are you actually trying to argue that the Bills are responsible for his FREAK ACCIDENT because they didn't coach him up well enough to be our starting TE?
  19. I agree, the Bills are extremely important to Buffalo. The city just wouldn't be the same without them. You've gotta mention the Sabres too, though. Anybody who remembers the atmosphere of the city when the Blue and Gold were making their playoff runs knows how much the Sabres mean too.
  20. Wow, Jack White should be allowed to kick each of those guys in the teeth for that abortion of a cover. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to use vocals for the bass line?
  21. I'm with you, Tim does an awesome job and he legitimately knows what he's talking about. In an age where "sports analysis" essentially seems to boil down to talking points and overused cliches, Tim is as refreshing as a tall glass of lemonade in the Mojave.
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