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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Do you rent to folks who use unnecessary apostrophes?
  2. This reminds of when I met Patrick Kaleta at the Galleria Mall last season. This was when he was injured and he was walking with a noticeable limp... Me: Hey are you Pat Kaleta? Pat: Yep, that's me. Me: I just wanted to say I'm a big fan, heal up quick Pat: Thanks a lot, dude. Me: Alright (pointing to his injured leg, and probably a little too close to his crotch) do you want to race? Pat: Umm, no. Then there was an awkward silence. At this point, I walked away mortified. Isn't it amazing what kinds of idiotic things pop out of our mouths when we're nervous? It's kinda funny to think that he'll always have a memory of the loser at the mall who pointed to his junk and challenged him to a race.
  3. John and Buster, I see you found the new playground that Steely built for you. Have fun!
  4. No way! My purple mohawk will always be awesome!
  5. Sen, there's an old saying...do what makes you happy. It's their wedding, why shouldn't they get to do whatever the hell they want? Whoever said a church service had to be 'dignified' anyway?
  6. This happens constantly; Small impish creatures called Greebs crawl through your mouth and into your intestines when you sleep at night and kill bacteria with tiny hammers. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.
  7. That's right, you don't understand, and neither does Kelly and neither do I. You may understand what happened, but you don't understand Gates' motivation and you shouldn't judge a man for something you don't understand, unless that man actually does something wrong.
  8. Why would you have to hear about it? Didn't you get injured like everybody else?
  9. My comment had nothing to do with the conflict between Gates and Crowley, it had to do with all of the commenters here calling Gates a race-baiting D-bag, as if they are inside his head or something.
  10. To many of the folks in this thread...learn the same lesson that Stan Marsh learned from Token Black. Don't try to understand what it's like to be a minority in America and don't try to rationalize everything race-related by pretending everybody is the same. Just admit that you don't understand and leave it at that. Are you all so unwilling to admit that different cultures have different perspectives on life? For all we know, Gates is incredibly sensitive to racial issues due to his past in the American South...who are you to judge him for the way he reacted to this scenario?
  11. He does. I think you're confusing the back of the end zone for the front of the end zone. Just watch the yardage markers.
  12. I know he likes sports but I thought he rooted for the Jetsssssss.
  13. These two are not mutually exclusive...even if his beef is warranted, he needs to stfu. It's a freakin video game.
  14. If you want to wax poetic, you might consider cutting down on the spelling/grammar mistakes. It's better to stay quiet and appear to be an idiot, than to open your mouth and truly expose yourself as one.
  15. Don't get me wrong, I agree that the cops had no right to arrest Gates. However, I've talked to people over the last couple days who were including the neighbor as one of the "racist parties", and that just isn't right. It's frustrating living in Ithaca, where everybody explodes over the smallest social issue. We've had protests today, blocking up the roads.
  16. Exactly. If Gates were 6' 5" and his neighbor called in about a "tall guy" breaking into the house...would it be height profiling?
  17. Is JP a bad football player, or an alcoholic?
  18. Yes, I realize there are a lot of intricacies...but just try to put yourself in the shoes of an unsigned NFL rookie. Here's what I would do: I'd call up my agent and say "I'm not too familiar with the business side of these operations, so here's what I want you to do. Just negotiate a deal that you think is fair and pretty close to market value for my draft slot. Give me a call when I can sign on the dotted line. If I miss a day of training camp, you're fired."
  19. I wasn't really talking about the Bills or Maybin (yet). I was talking about the Cedric Bensons of the world.
  20. I'm aware that Maybin isn't holding out yet, but I just have something to say. I will NEVER understand players who engage in a contractual holdout, especially before their rookie season. These guys should be so fuggin excited that they have the opportunity to play in the NFL that they should be nervously counting down the days until training camp, NOT squabbling over how many millions of dollars they'll be making in their first few seasons. I know that their D-bag agents have a lot to do with it, but I'm just trying to imagine myself as an NFL rookie and I know that there's a 0% chance I'd be holding out.
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