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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Please, you're such an amateur. Everybody knows if it's REALLY good corn, you don't need to even eat it.
  2. When you consider the team that "beat" us came within one yard of winning said Superbowl, how the hell can you say for sure what would've happened?
  3. Just as long as you know how badly "Dickie boy" could kick your ass if he wanted to.
  4. In my best Nelson Muntz...HAW HAW! Let's go Yankees!!!! (but honestly, who didn't know about Ortiz already? He went from being mediocre to superb in 0 seconds flat, and then fell back down to earth as quickly as he rose...my guess is he knew that his name would appear on the 2003 list, so he stopped using so that he wouldn't further implicate himself when the sh*t hit the fan)
  5. As a connoisseur of analogies, I must say brilliantly done sir.
  6. I love how obesity is considered a "disease" in our society. Yes, some people are afflicted by dangerously slow metabolisms and other genetic quirks, but the VAST majority of obese people just eat too f*cking much and never exercise. When the cure to your "disease" is to order the vegetables instead of the french fries and then take your dog for a walk around the block, it's not a disease. This country has a higher rate of obesity than any other country in the world by a freakin country mile, and THAT is the reason for our low life expectancy...not health care. Why couldnt' Bill-O just have said that?
  7. Yeah because Michael Vick, a worse quarterback than Trent Edwards, is the difference between us winning the superbowl and not winning the superbowl.
  8. Maybe you're different, but a lot of people revert back to bad speaking behaviors when they get nervous. Anyway, my point is that a person using "axe" might not be very intelligent, but I don't see it as an impetus to judge them as a person who's less likely to be a good renter.
  9. I'm not perfect, but I'm pretty sure that I've never considered feeding a live chihuahua to a rottweiler so that it gets the taste for blood.
  10. I'll say this again...just because he mentioned him in the same breath as Hitler does not make it a COMPARISON.
  11. Yet another fool who doesn't understand the difference between a comparison and a hyperbolic analogy. But I'll bite...why can't I judge the guy for torturing and killing innocent animals? What piece of evidence could be possibly make this forgivable?
  12. Sorry, I don't need to know a guy personally to know that he's evil if he tortures and murders man's best friend for sport.
  13. Hey, it annoys me too, but the way that a person speaks is usually a pretty small window into the quality of that person. Don't forget, people get nervous when they're interviewing.
  14. Not in this particular case. Child molesters are notorious repeat offenders and IMO they simply must be imprisoned no matter the opportunity cost.
  15. Hmmm 11 year old kids you say? In about a year, they might be making good use of that lotion. Just sayin...
  16. Well, a dog is incapable of consenting to sex and the process would be quite painful for it...unless it's dead (i can't decide if that's more or less screwed up), I would definitely categorize it as rape.
  17. In most cases, I'm guessing it's not voluntary. Most folks who use "axe" probably had parents who used "axe" and that's just the way they pronounce it.
  18. Are you serious? Raping a dog shouldnt be illegal?
  19. I only want Vick playing for the Bills if we add "Bring your pack of hungry wolves Day" to the Ralph's calendar. Vick is a disgusting human being and a malicious felon who has no business in the NFL. Quite honestly, this is how I will remember Roger Goodell's tenure as commissioner. If you can't make an example out of this pathetic excuse for a man, where exactly do you draw the line? Seriously, what sort of sick twisted person gets their rocks off by watching starving dogs rip each other's throats out? Oh and let's not forget that he wasn't just a participant in this madness...he FINANCED the f*cking operation. And don't tell me "He deserves a second chance." He's getting his second chance...it's called getting let out of prison.
  20. Pssssh what do you know? He should just get a .45 and go to town.
  21. This actually raises an interesting question; If the majority of society THINKS that a nonsense term is a word, does it become a word? After all, our language is updated constantly based on society's whims. 10 years ago, any English scholar would have scoffed at the notion of "google" being deemed a word in the near future and yet it has a place in the dictionary, as a verb no less.
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