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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Disappointing premiere, if you ask me. Poorly written and poorly acted, compared to the standards we're accustomed to.
  2. No. Unfortunately, I got dragged to it. Just do a google image search of Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, and you'll save yourself the $5 it costs to rent.
  3. They have a few quality wins on the schedule so far...Pittsburgh, Washington, a couple against NJ, Chicago, Detroit to name a few...mostly though, they've been feeding on the detritus of the Eastern Conference (and there's A LOT of detritus this year in that conference). I think they're a few pieces away from a Stanley Cup bid, but who knows what could happen if they get hot during the playoffs? A lot will depend on if they're able to hold off Ottawa from stealing first place in the Northeast Division.
  4. More accurately, Peyton Manning is Peyton Manning's QB Coach. Frank Reich must have the easiest job in football..."That's right Peyton, just keep doing what you're doing."
  5. Yeah, anybody who doesn't share your sense of humor must be an idiot. I actually thought a couple were pretty funny...on a related note, here's a link to my favorite online comic strip. This could've been the next Gary Larson, but he quit about a year ago... http://pbfcomics.com/
  6. Yeesh, the plot of a book isn't usually meant to be taken at face value. Did you hate The Godfather because Michael turns into a jerk?
  7. Ok I must have misunderstood this. I inferred that your company would fire you if you were to reveal your condition.
  8. You know what? Maybe my "I'm young and therefore know everything" approach doesn't jive. I admit that I've been foolishly stubborn in the past, regarding issues on which I lack perspective. I try my best not to do this, but in my own stupidity I often come up short. But your "You're young and can't possibly understand this" opinion is equally ignorant. You make enormous assumptions about me. One might say you lack perspective.
  9. Maybe not for you. Maybe other people in your situation (whatever it is), would enjoy the ability to identify themselves to others as bipolar without fear of repercussion. So long as a person's condition does not negatively alter their ability to perform a job, or somehow put themself or others at unnecessary risk...why should their position be terminated?
  10. You're bipolar but it doesn't affect your performance at work? I'd definitely argue you should be allowed to be "openly bipolar", if that's the case.
  11. Don't fall for that logical fallacy...experience has no merit if it doesn't manifest itself by reasonable argument. If Joe told you Irish Americans should be banned because they have the devil's red hair, how much weight would you put into that?
  12. Oh, come on. It's not about being allowed to act stereotypically gay, it's about being able to tell your fellow men without fear of discrimination. How would you feel if you could lose your job just by revealing something completely innocent about yourself?
  13. Worked for whom? Certainly not gay people who wanted to join without hiding a major part of their identity. America is supposed to be a society of inclusion, and so should its military as long as a person is physically able to participate. By the way, after reading some of the previous posts I'd recommend that you quit it with the "queer" talk. I realize its a word that gay people have "taken back", but it just sounds ugly to me coming from somebody who's trying to use it in a derogatory or deprecating manner. I don't know, just doesn't seem very nice.
  14. So you'd rather just see a ban on homosexuals in the military?
  15. Well that argument (not that you're making it) is BS. What if 50 racist soldiers are uncomfortable with an Asian member of their ranks? So why are we concerned with 50 homophobic soldiers?
  16. Yeah, that's the same thing as what's happening around Port Au Prince...parts of some roofs got torn off and the stupid locals are just too lazy to fix it themselves Numbnuts, most of the money being donated isn't currently being used to improve infrastructure. Food, clean water, medicine, temporary shelters, search and rescue efforts...that's where the money's going. Do you even understand the difference between handouts and aid? Save the Ayn Rand bull honky for a different time...people are dying, children are dying of starvation, disease, infection...BY THE !@#$ING MINUTE Do yourself a favor...do some actual research on the situation, instead of just blindly applying your BS "yep, get er done, pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality to a situation where it doesnt even come close to applying. Better yet, open up a history book and learn exaclty why Haiti is so goddamn poor in the first place.
  17. Thank goodness this wasn't posted on PPP...right now, there'd be about 200 responses and we'd be bickering about global warming. As for Shirley's opinion...well, he's clearly way too up on his high horse to really see the suffering that is happening right now. I dare him (and some of you) to travel to Haiti, look a starving child in the eyes, and say "Sorry kid, but if I just give you a handout...what did you REALLY LEARN?"
  18. Vehicular manslaughter, killed his own teammate. Plus he used to play for the Sens.
  19. That's Tebow on the gridiron...that's Tebow in the SPOT-LIGHT...losing his religion
  20. I like the idea of a Seattle team...it would make a nice US/Canada rivalry between them and Vancouver, something which I think is currently lacking in the league. Buffalo/Toronto is one of the better ones, but the two teams haven't been simultaneously good for quite some time now. Buffalo/Ottawa is quickly becoming a good one too. Boston/Montreal is a nice one. But what do you mean there aren't enough teams in the western conference?
  21. I'd go back and give myself all the winning mega-millions lottery numbers. Then I'd use the money to f*ck with people.
  22. Obviously, nobody's even heard of the worst band ever. Probably some tone-deaf kids playing in a garage somewhere in Wisconsin or something like that
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