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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Don't bother with revenge, it only make things worse. Unless he did something truly awful to you and your wife, I'd let it go.
  2. That was one of those plays that was a TON easier to see in slow motion...it probably looked to the referee like Moore was bobbling the ball when it became dislodged (which was actually pretty close to being true).
  3. This thread is just so ridiculous. BillsNYC...please think about the following. You are outraged over the fact that a man who you don't know is choosing to spend his free time having fun on Superbowl Sunday. Doesn't that sound just a little bit pathetic?
  4. Maybin replaced Hargrove???? But you're right...Maybin should NEVER be allowed to have fun EVER until he wins a superbowl ring
  5. Nah, nobody wants to watch scrubs. I think it would be treated with about the same attention as AAA baseball.
  6. Pixies fan, eh? If you haven't already, you should check out some of the stuff Francis (or Frank Black as he later became known) did after the Pixies broke up. His vocal talents are displayed even more prominently...music isn't quite as good, unfortunately.
  7. Freddie Mercury Chris Cornell James Taylor Eminem Black Francis
  8. Because to most people, including the folks who wrote most dictionaries, a sport is simply a physical competition. You're the one with the absurdly specific definition. I could go around claiming that a poem is only a poem if the author uses simile, metaphor, personification and onomatopoeia...doesn't mean I'm right.
  9. You don't think he's crossing a line by saying all W supporters (as deluded as they may have been) should be slaughtered in concentration camps? Oh, then he tells me I should be burned in public. I realize there's a lot of vitriol on this particular board, but legitimate hate speech like that should warrant a ban.
  10. You have your free speech, and so do I, and so do the moderators of this website. I'm using my free speech to call you a disgusting human being. I'm sure the moderators will exercise their free speech to ban you. See? Nobody's free speech is being infringed upon.
  11. He should be kicked off of TSW for this. If he isn't, these boards aren't being run correctly. JMO
  12. I feel for the guy. When the demons tell you to do something, what choice do you really have?
  13. If I might ask...why? Don't get me wrong, I'm more impressed by the physical talents of a professional tennis player than a professional golfer. But why worry about semantics so much? By your own definition, you'd have to knock Boxing, MMA and wrestling off the list. They require agility but not pure speed (unless you're a cowardly boxer or wrestler and you want to run away) .
  14. Here's a question I have about the dropping of the bombs on Japan...maybe one of the true history buffs here can answer... Couldn't we have first dropped an atomic bomb on a more remote rural area of Japan, instead of a city? Wouldn't that have demonstrated the power of the weapon AND our willingness to use it without the loss of so much civilian life? I mean, I assume Japan's motivation to surrender wasn't so much the loss of life as much as the fear that we had 1,000 more atomic bombs and weren't afraid to use them.
  15. Of course, if Whitner said this we'd all tell him to shut up.
  16. Ok, then your opinion is meaningless too. So if everybody's opinion is meaningless, can all of this please stop now?
  17. And by the way, dude...nobody is criticizing you for liking this band. Everybody has different tastes and maybe XTC just speaks to you in a way that others don't see. I have some favorite artists that most people can't stand. But you're no better than a religious converter, trying to ram this music down peoples' throats and insinuating that they're either stupid or misinformed if they don't like XTC. Get over yourself.
  18. Scratch that...THIS is the best one http://www.theonion.com/content/video/nfl_...mentor_troubled special appearance by Keith Ellison!
  19. Of course it's funny, always great stuff from the Onion, especially Onion Sports. I just didn't bother responding because I'd already seen that one. my favorite one...... http://www.theonion.com/content/video/fata...center_collapse
  20. Yeah, David Wells' career was really limited by his inability to run the bases for the two seasons that he played with the Padres. You're correct that putting golf on the same level as football is ridiculous. But also ridiculous is putting golf on the same level as Poker. It's not like it requires zero athletic talent. Strength, accuracy, steadiness, soft hands, etc.
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