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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I find the attitude refreshing actually, in a world of athletics where everything is taken so goddamn seriously. Seems like nobody's having fun out there, except the boarders.
  2. Most QBs are cocky douches. In general, not too many genuinely humble guys playing in the NFL.
  3. Shaun White : football as Trent Edwards : football
  4. It's a shame that there aren't 8 events for Shaun White to participate in...I think he's equally dominant in snowboarding to Michael Phelps in swimming.
  5. Considering he barely ever gets hit, he could probably play another solid 6-8 seasons if he wants to.
  6. There's such a high degree of specialization in the NFL due to the elite nature of competition involved. I'm not saying that Richie is 100% incapable of playing the position...but how can we just assume he can do it because he happens to be the correct size? If Evans gets injured next year, would we just replace him with McKelvin?
  7. This is the equivalent of saying, "We need a quality starting pitcher. How about Jose Reyes? He has a good arm!"
  8. Happy Birthday R. Rich. Hope you have a good one, honey.
  9. How I envy Colts backup QBs. $500,000 a year for tossing around balls in practice and holding a clipboard.
  10. I'm amused by the melodramatic fools who do nothing but whine and moan and B word about how bad the Bills are, and how that makes them depressed, and how anybody who still roots for the Bills to win is an idiot because it's pointless. Get another hobby, folks. And try one that's not going to put you on anti-depressants. Really, I understand the frustrated complaints after a big loss. But during the off season? Don't you have something better to do than cry like babies about the "death of the franchise". Fer cripes' sake, man up.
  11. Ok game time... We all have our theories on how the show is going to end. Now, what do you think is the WORST possible ending the writers could come up with? Let's brainstorm. Here's my candidate... The whole thing turns out to be a dream had by Vincent the dog while he is napping in the cargo hold of the plane.
  12. So one of two things... 1. MIB plans to have them killed 2. You don't have to die to be eliminated as a candidate. The latter is probably closer to being true.
  13. I thought this was actually the best episode in quite a while. I'm very intrigued by the new revelation involving the numbers/colors. It would seem that Jacob is an even grander puppeteer than we thought. A prediction... - Sawyer has crossed briefly to the dark side, but he's a good guy. I think he will be killed in the process of redeeming himself.
  14. I think weddings are fun, personally. You get to see friends and family you haven't seen for a while, get to dress spiffy, dancing, good eats, open bar if the folks are being generous. Of course some weddings are boring, but it's usually a good time.
  15. Wait...who is this guy? At first I thought it was a newbie gone off the deep end, but then I look and he's got 13,000 posts...
  16. Hate to tell you this, but those scrubs will be replaced by other scrubs. Look around the league and you won't find very many all-pros on the special teams units.
  17. When I was a kid, I used to constantly dream that I was being chased by Bowser.
  18. Right now, I'm having a recurring dream where I keep hitting this old crossing guard and killing her. Not the most bizarre dream I've ever had, but it's very realistic and spooks the hell out of me every time.
  19. It's certainly up for debate LaDairis wants me burned alive. b stein wants to live on a fictional planet with fictional aliens, but failing that he's fine with being able to replicate the kind of sex they have. Steiny might take the cake here.
  20. This has to be the early leader for Creepiest Post of the Year, right? Wow.
  21. I could definitely see the Colts trying to move Gonzalez, so it might be worth a consideration. But also remember that ANY receiver will look good if they have Manning throwing to them for a season.
  22. I'm not too familiar with the inner workings of NASCAR, so maybe one of you guys can answer this for me...I'm aware that Kyle Busch is one of the better drivers, but that everybody just seems to viscerally hate him...why is this?
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