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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Miller faced 18, where ya getting your stats from Dr. D?
  2. +1 This isn't political correctness out of control...this is a business reprimanding an employee for derogatory remarks about a colleague. Posters who are decrying ESPN for this, let me ask you a question. If you were at work and made nasty public comments about a female colleague's attire, wouldn't you be punished?
  3. If memory serves me, the Hummer was parked to the left of Locke's van, so it was the Hummer's passenger side that was parked too close.
  4. I'm actually a bigger fan of hockey ice girls than football cheerleaders.
  5. Et tu, Pete? I'm sick and tired of this argument. Free speech is protection from facing charges for your speech, not protection from facing discipline from your employer. In fact, I'd argue that the execs at ESPN are also exercising their own free speech by suspending Kornholer.
  6. Sometimes I wish I could believe in hell. At least the rest of his days will be spent in misery.
  7. You kiddin? Killing this guy would be letting him off easy...life in federal prison as a child molester is going to make this guy's ass look like ground beef. If he does get the death penalty, the parents of the kids should be allowed to stone him to death. Although, I bet if a few of the parents had been more proactive, this could have been stopped much sooner. Just speculation on my part though.
  8. Thanks a lot, EZC, very helpful stuff. I do have one question, and it might be a dumb one but I'll ask anyway...You mention logging distances, but what's the best way to tell exactly how far you've run? Will a simple pedometer do the trick, or is there a better piece of technology? Or do you usually estimate it? I'm one of those numbers guys, and one reason I like treadmills is because I can tell the difference between running 3.00 miles and 3.20 miles...but I'd like to be able to do the same thing in the outdoors. By the way, it seems from your handle that you live in Boston. Have you qualified for the Boston Marathon there yet?
  9. Interesting stuff. Thanks for the link to the book. You're the first person that I've ever heard recommend not stretching before an athletic event.
  10. Thanks, Faustus...very informative stuff. Most of the others have been echoing your sentiment on the shoes. As for stretching, I actually learned my lesson in the past. My senior year of high school (3 years ago) I tried my hand at running. Unfortunately, the combination of running on sidewalks (concrete SUCKS) and a lack of stretching led to severe pain in my shins. These shin splints sidelined me for a few weeks and by the time I was better, the pain had spoiled my mind to the idea of running and I stopped. So I'm going to take stretching very seriously this time around.
  11. This C25K program seems interesting, I'll have to give it a look-see. As far as downloading the mp3 stuff goes, I'm one of those people who never leaves home without my ipod, so I have a few exercise playlists that work pretty well for me. And yea, shoes must be important. There's a GREAT store called the Ithaca Running Company that's just a stone's throw away from my apartment. I'm sure I could get a good fitting there.
  12. So I'm trying to lose a few pounds, get in generally better shape and find a new hobby, so I figured I would give running a try. I tend to walk about 3-5 miles everyday outside my regular routine, but I know that running the same distance is a lot more stressful on the body. I'm just wondering if there's anybody out there who can give some helpful tips for a novice runner. Really, anything helps...shoes, wardrobe, diet, running style, distances, ideal surfaces, anything. I'm hoping to enter a few 5K's by the time summer hits. Cheers, Sage
  13. What if some of us aren't landlords and we don't have boarders to help us?
  14. Referring to Buffalo as Upstate is just as inaccurate as referring to Albany as WNY. I'm not personally offended by the term, but it's just dumb. In its loosest definition, shouldn't "Upstate" refer to, at the very most, the top HALF of the state?
  15. Yeah, I understand that jeezus was a big fan of the buttsecks.
  16. By the way, you gotta love the mainstream sports media. These guys have eclipsed even the athletes themselves in terms of arrogance. Tiger doesn't owe you anything, pricks. The only reason he had to GIVE a freakin press conference in the first place is because of your vapid sensationalism.
  17. The difference is that McNair got killed, and it's still considered taboo to speak ill of the dead. Some people would've loved to drag McNair through the mud, but they know that they would've seemed like jackasses.
  18. She sounded blonde. What do blonde people sound like? I don't know, but she sounded blonde.
  19. Should she have kissed the other guy? Hell no. But the guy is a jackass. First he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, but then he finds out she slipped up a little (i mean, a kiss isn't the absolute end of the world, especially if she regrets it as much as she seems to) and he just kicks her out of his life for good? Either... a) There wasn't much love there to begin with or... b) He was seeing red and just made an error in judgment (unlikely, seeing how elaborate the plan was)
  20. Being miserable is just a state of mind, not a result of the place where you live. Trying to quantify the top 20 most miserable cities is just dumb and pointless.
  21. I wouldn't joke about twitter if I were you...I hear it's growing very very powerful.
  22. This pisses me off to no end. Maybin had a TERRIBLE season and instead of focusing and working on his game, he's out there partying in Baltimore with Carmelo Anthony and 17 year old girls?????? This jackass needs a reminder that he's a player for the BUFFALO BILLS and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
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