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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If you were to make a list of "Things to be afraid of when going out for a run", I wonder how far down on the list you'll find "Getting suddenly hit by a silent airplane". Bizarre stuff.
  2. Well, the byrd probably IS overrated...not saying he's bad, but the sheer number of balls thrown right at him or tipped to him probably make him overrated. In other words, don't be shocked next season when he doesn't get 9 INTs again.
  3. I have heard this, but I prefer to just ignore these dumbasses. I'd be concerned if these people were the majority, but they're not. I'd actually argue that the tide is shifting the other way. More and more Americans are beginning to label themselves agnostic, and the great majority of Americans don't actually take their religion as seriously as its portrayed. The idiots are just louder, so it seems like there are more of them.
  4. Just wondering how much of a cross-sectional fan base we have here at TSW. I'm equally a Bills and Sabres fan.
  5. Nope. Social progress always makes people uncomfortable because the weak of mind fear change. Why should the institution pander to those people?
  6. I don't have a problem with the state endorsing religion, as long as it doesn't impinge upon my rights to free religion and free speech. I mean, it's not like we're legally required to ever recite the pledge. That's the beauty of this country...it's the freedom itself, not the symbolism. I can sing "I Touch Myself" during the freakin Star Spangled Banner and nobody's allowed to touch me. Not that I would.
  7. I think Hey You is an excellent song as well.
  8. There might be some conflict between Chuck Norris and if you put them on the same bill.
  9. Is this an intentional metaphor for the gay marriage vs. "civil union" issue? If so, well done.
  10. Why do people even care about this? I'm about as agnositc as you get, and I fail to see how this could possibly matter. One nation under god, one nation under allah, one nation under gary busey...who cares? It's just words, people.
  11. Have you ever seen the Rob Reiner episode of South Park? Illustrates your point expertly.
  12. Why should they even have to defend themselves? It's their choice, why judge them for it? Smoking's a gray area because there's the potential for hurting other people...but if you do it in the comfort of your home, car, personal space...why hassle the smoker?
  13. I think it's an unforunate side effect of our human nature, which happens to manifest itself the ugliest in the ultra-hormonal social bubble that is high school. Everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) thinks that they're abnormal or weird in some way. Who among us can honestly say they've never had a "Jesus christ, what's wrong with me?" moment? Talk in-depth to enough people and you'll realize this is true. So for many people, a band-aid for this insecurity is lashing out at the person who is strange in a more conspicuous way. The gay kid, the fat kid, the nerdy kid...easy targets because it's much harder for them to hide their idiosyncrasies. The secret, I think, is to learn to embrace that which makes you "weird". It's a difficult thing to do, but it's one of the few tangible keys to happiness.
  14. Well if teenagers are one thing, it's rational. The girl should be in the clear.
  15. Yeah, but I hate them because they play for rivals AND they act like pricks. For example, I got no hate for Thomas Jones, Chad Pennington, or Kevin Faulk.
  16. I haven't found a good place in Ithaca to eat beef on weck, so I might go to the store today and get the fixings. I'm not a master chef like some of the sandwich guys in Buffalo, but I know how to apply enough horseradish to clear my sinuses for a week...that's what really counts.
  17. Just a matter of personal taste obviously, but Miracle Whip is one of the most unfortunate things to ever happen to food IMO. I love egg salad, but it's gotta be mayo. Never heard of putting cheese on it though, that's interesting.
  18. Fair enough, I suppose. But I guess I just never understood hating on a guy for playing on the opposing team. Hating on the team itself, well that's what rivalry is all about. But not the individual players or coaches if they don't deserve it. Duncan is truly one of the good guys in modern athletics.
  19. How do you hate Duncan? He's gotta be the most inoffensive guy in all of sports. Boring as hell sure, but I don't get how anybody could hate the guy.
  20. Alright...being men (most of us), there aren't too many simple pleasures in the world better than a nice sandwich. So what's your favorite? Here's what I like... 2 slices white bread with sesame seeds 3 slices turkey breast (fresh is best, but I'm a fan of Butterball naturally roasted if it has to be from a deli counter) slather it with spicy brown mustard (and I mean SLATHER it, you can't have too much mustard imo) add 6 or 7 green olives on top after the mustard And there you have it. So who wants to top it? Maybe we'll all give each other ideas.
  21. Magic is truly one of the best players of all time. But he got a ton of help from his teammates, in terms of the championships. A lot of help indeed. One might say he had...aides?
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