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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I might disagree here. If Cornell wins, it might very well be because Kentucky lets it slide away. Coach Calipari has even admitted that one of his team's problems is that they have an annoying habit of underestimating seemingly easy opposition. Kentucky starts three freshmen. Cornell starts four seniors, and has a couple more reliable seniors as their first guys off the bench. In terms of maturity and experience, the Big Red have a colossal advantage. But Kentucky has the same advantage in athleticism and pure basketball acumen. We'll see how it all plays out. The smart money is on Kentucky, but don't count out Cornell just yet. Even if they don't play the perfect game.
  2. Sweet Sixteen baby!!! Do they have the firepower to challenge Kentucky? I guess we'll see. Earlier in the season, the Big Red took Kansas to the brink, leading with 49 seconds to go and ultimately losing 71-66. An upset would not be as ridiculous as some might think.
  3. You guys are idiots. Tebow will never make it as a quarterback in the NFL.
  4. I crossed over one of the bridges about 10 minutes after the latest body was discovered. It was surreal. Out of all the ways to kill yourself...
  5. Except there was no sexual abuse. Consensual incest is one of the creepiest things I can think of, especially having a sister myself. But is it truly "wrong" on a moral level?
  6. Cornell dominates Temple 78-65 (and it wasn't even that close) in the first round of the tourney. Wisconsin or Wofford up next. First ever postseason win for the program. Cornell also improves to 4-0 over the superb Atlantic 10 conference this year. Can I get some love for the Red?
  7. So he was 16 and she was 15, and the sex was consensual. Do both parties get slapped with the sex offender label because it was incest, or is it just him because he was the older party? In any case, it wasn't a violent crime and his sister might be just as responsible as him. Weird sh*t to be sure, but compared to all the cokeheads and wife-beaters in pro sports today this is actually small potatoes.
  8. Tanking games is for testicle-impaired losers. For all the losing the Bills have done, I've never caught a whiff they were doing it on purpose or giving up on a season. That's probably the point where I'd stop rooting for the franchise until a new regime was put in place.
  9. The Buffalo Bills: Not as bad as you think! But still not good.
  10. I think Dwan might have scurvy. He keeps asking for Lemon.
  11. Please stay on the soapbox...unlike most soapboxes, it's a worthy one to stand on. And these poor children you mention...most (not all) will comprise the next generation of negligent crackhead parents. Viscious cycle. But what can be done?
  12. I'm not saying the nutshot would kill or paralyze me...but I'm pretty sure I'd drop the gun and surrender once my 'nads were gone. Sort of a dealbreaker.
  13. Wow. I, for one, would be down for the count. Maybe I'm wimpier than your common criminal haha.
  14. If you're angry at the superstar treatment, look in the mirror or at the rest of society if you happen to be immune (though I doubt you are 100% immune). The superstar treatment comes from us, not them.
  15. My man, I was simply curious about your statement, not offended. I apologize if I came off that way. I do not doubt your experience over mine...though I do suspect that one gunshot wound is usually devastating enough to neutralize a threat...hey, maybe I'm wrong. I respect and admire your devotion to your family.
  16. What sort of legislation would you pass to prevent unworthy parents from having children? I don't disagree with your sentiment, but talk about a messy issue.
  17. I was more interested in the "several times" than the general concept of shooting. Obviously if you feel the man is a threat, you have the right to shoot. But one shot to nearly anywhere on the body will incapacitate a man to the point of a quivering mess, without the loss of life.
  18. If I was a betting man, I'd wager that Tebow ends up a Jaguar. Jax is the team that most desperately needs attendance help and Tebow will grant them automatic sell-outs for a couple seasons even if he's horrible. If he's successful, it might be a semi-permanent fix to their attendance problem. In fact, if we can convince Jacksonville we're interested in taking Tebow in the second round, we might be able to leverage a very nice trade out of it. I wouldn't be shocked if our private viewing of Tebow was more of a smoke-screen than anything.
  19. There'll be hecklers, sure. But protestors? It'd take a pretty pathetic person to bother protesting.
  20. It's a nice endorsement for carpe diem. Plan for the future, yes, but not too cautiously because you just never know when a stray bullet is going to fly through your window or a plane is going to fall out of the sky.
  21. One of the many reasons I dislike Sergio is that he should have been Tiger's Raphael Nadal. Despite Tiger's popularity, I believe the sport has suffered from Tiger not having a clear #2. Mickelson has been the closest to this, but he's much nearer to Andy Roddick if you want to continue the Federer analogy. Sergio ought to be racking up the tournaments/majors, but instead he's still acting like the entitled prick he's always been. And you don't win a major if you think you deserve it before teeing off on hole #1. You just don't. Yeah, he's been close more than a few times. But he's also completely missed the cut 13 times in majors over the last 10 seasons.
  22. That's not funny, my grandpa died from being grabbed by a giant octopus.
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