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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. What if he sacrifices his life to stop a puppy from drowning?
  2. It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. It puts the lotion in the basket. IT PUTS THE LOTION IN THE BASKET.
  3. Wow, sad. I guess I can believe that Burgess didn't intentionally pull the trigger, but why the F*CK was she pointing the gun in the first place? I guess Jesus doesn't approve of wearing revealing clothes on Easter Sunday, but he does approve of gunplay.
  4. Divine creation is just as ridiculous and uproven as any other theory.
  5. I'll admit they were a great story in 2004. As a Yankees fan, I wanted them to lose the series. As a baseball fan, it was a great moment. I think a lot of the Sox fans you see today are still residue from that 04 season.
  6. Ok, nevermind, I take it back. I just imagined myself trying to teach my 4 year old nephew how to play intelligent baseball and realized how ridiculous a notion it is. Sorry.
  7. This is always good advice. I disagree, though. Yeah, the kids won't soak everything in or put it to very good use on the field...but I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to establish a foundation of using your brain on the diamond.
  8. One more thing...teach the kids to MAKE THE SMART PLAY. One thing that many coaches ignore when teaching fundamentals is decision making. Teach them to hold onto the ball when the runner has already crossed first base, instead of making an ill-advised throw attempt. On the other side, teach them to stay on first and base and not try to run to second when the ball is still in the infield. Some of this stuff is probably hard for 4-year-olds to understand, but it's important.
  9. I never quite know how to feel about this. On the one hand, emphasizing winning as the ONLY objective is wrong. On the other hand, just throwing the score out the window is also a bad idea IMO. A little friendly competition at a young age can provide good perspective on how to handle losing. I remember my tee-ball team losing lots of games, and I don't think it emotionally scarred anybody.
  10. This probably applies more to a slightly older age group, but please don't argue with the umpires vociferously. I umpired little league for a couple summers, and nothing is worse for the kids than the coach screaming at the ump (and it happens more than you probably think). Some of the kids react by imitating the coach and getting real mad...most of the kids just get really nervous. In any case, pretty much everybody stops having fun when this happens.
  11. I'm glad McNabb went to a division rival. I hope the Eagles go something like 4-12 next season and have to watch McNabb destroy them twice. Is he the most underappreciated by the home-crowd athlete of all time? I can only imagine if Trent Edwards led the Bills to 5 AFC Championship games and a Superbowl. Sure, we'd all be disappointed that they never won but the man himself would be revered like a demi-god (see Kelly, Jim). I don't think I'll ever understand why Philly fans always loathed McNabb so much.
  12. There is no difference. Which is exactly why marijuana should be legal. Both are bad habits, but government shouldn't be in the business of telling us which bad habits are ok or not ok. I wouldn't encourage people to do either, but marijuana is probably less viscious. Easier to be a recreational user without getting hooked.
  13. Have you been to the Pirates new house, PNC Park? I went a couple seasons ago for an interleague game against the Yanks. Most gorgeous stadium I've been to in my life. Too bad the Buccos have to play there.
  14. I'm not going to apologize for being a Yankees fan from Buffalo. My Dad and his family grew up around NYC as huge Yankees fans, before he moved to Buffalo for work. I've been decked out in Yankees attire since I was born and raised to be a fan. I consider it part of my family tradition even if we're not planted in the NYC region. I became a real fan as a 6 year in 1995 (in that I was actually old enough to understand the rules), and still remember the 1996 season like it was yesterday, right down to Charlie Hayes squeezing the last out. It's part of my blood, just like the Bills and the Sabres. If my hypothetical wife is alright with it, I'm naming my first son Jorge Posada Sage. I'm no bandwagoner, like you seem to imply with your post. LET'S GO YANKEES, KILL THE SOX!!!!!!
  15. Try fresh, dry mushrooms. That's how I like them. The slimy ones out of the can are indeed disgusting. Me? I don't like most foods with a creamy consistency. Whipped cream, sour cream, mousse, yogurt, cake frosting, pudding...can't stand any of it.
  16. Excellent point about accuracy. An excellent arm is a nice bonus, but what really counts is the ability to put the ball on target. Regarding the leadership/maturity questions, multiple sources opine that these "maturity concerns" are really nothing more than "I don't like him because he played for Notre Dame and he kinda looks like a jerk, doesn't he?". His teammates voted him captain, and they all swear by his leadership and work ethic. He led 4 game winning drives last season. That's enough for me to dismiss any unsubstantiated hokum from "draft experts" about maturity concerns.
  17. You don't need the #1 overall pick to land your franchise QB. Just ask the Patriots, Saints, Steelers, Chargers, etc. Better yet, ask the Raiders.
  18. Actually, the Statue of Liberty acts as an anchor for the entire New York Metropolitan Area.
  19. George, I can tell you're an upstanding American citizen like me. I look forward to the day when our ranks can finally destroy the liberal scum.
  20. The only movies I see in theatres are ones that I believe a tv/computer screen won't do justice. My last 3 have been Avatar (not worth it), Quantum of Solace (not worth it), and Dark Knight (worth it). Even then, I don't bother with the IMAX or 3D nonsense.
  21. Yeah, they did actually. Butler didn't get disheartened when Cuse went ahead 54-50...they made the clutch shots when they had to, and shut down Syracuse's offense at the end of the game. That's a formula for a winning, and nobody seems to know the formula better than the Bulldogs, who are winners of 23 consecutive. Butler won that game. My school, Cornell, also got bounced today by Kentucky so I know how you feel. I'm choosing to reflect on an excellent season, and not dwell on the final loss. Syracuse made the Sweet Sixteen. Hundreds of programs don't get to say that this year. The Orange (just like my Red) had a spectacular ride of a season and really have nothing to be ashamed about, when the dust settles.
  22. I might disagree here. If Cornell wins, it might very well be because Kentucky lets it slide away. Coach Calipari has even admitted that one of his team's problems is that they have an annoying habit of underestimating seemingly easy opposition. Kentucky starts three freshmen. Cornell starts four seniors, and has a couple more reliable seniors as their first guys off the bench. In terms of maturity and experience, the Big Red have a colossal advantage. But Kentucky has the same advantage in athleticism and pure basketball acumen. We'll see how it all plays out. The smart money is on Kentucky, but don't count out Cornell just yet. Even if they don't play the perfect game.
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