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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. These people thrive on negative attention. The only way to truly defeat them is for everybody to ignore them. Won't happen, but it's the only way.
  2. Lucky the pit bulls didn't go for the kid's throat...not that the reality of the situation is that much better. Poor kid.
  3. Ok then, go hit 500 balls and tell us how you're feeling the next morning.
  4. You make some valid points. But the bolded parts prove that you either don't know what you're talking about or you're fabricating stuff to try to make your points. There are opponents, obviously. Your fellow golfers, and the course itself. Strength training is all but compulsory at the highest level. These guys aren't jacked out of their minds, but they do concentrate on their arms and core quite extensively. Sure, you have guys that are out of shape like a lot of other sports. But if you think John Daly isn't lifting weights, you're kidding yourself. The golf swing required to drive the ball 350 yards straight down the fairway does imply athleticism. Club head speed is all about torque. Saying that Couples and Watson can't jog a half mile is ridiculous. Especially Watson. The man is incredibly fit for his age. Wouldn't surprise me if he ran 5Ks, half-marathons, etc. I'm not saying golfers are athletes on par with tennis or hockey players. But your attempts to degrade the athletic elements of the game really miss the mark.
  5. Ah, so not only do you know that there is a god...you know his will! It must be nice for God to have a right-hand man like you. But just for ***** and giggles, let's follow your logic. - God is perfect - God, being perfect, would want to create perfect things - Human beings are God's perfect creation - Evolution is unnecessary, and thus imperfect - Therefore, the imperfect process of evolution could not have created humans Let's think of some other imperfect things...how about war? Tay Sachs Disease? Black people? Didn't God create those things? Does that mean he's imperfect? (I included the last one so I could relate to you a little better).
  6. Do you think maybe God could have created evolution, and thus created man? Why did he have to create us in our current form?
  7. Commercial is just creepy. I think Nike missed the mark on this one. Then again, people are talking about it...so maybe it worked.
  8. Is that the best you have to offer this conversation? A poorly constructed metaphor?
  9. I know this wasn't addressed at me, but I just want to thank you for the same. It's nice to discuss/argue with a Christian staunch in his beliefs who doesn't end up yelling at me for being a heathen I do enjoy discussing religion, even if I don't subscribe to a specific theory. I find it to be one of the most fascinating of human social conventions.
  10. You're correct. This general debate does have political implications. But the specific debate we're having here at PPP does not. That's what I was referring to. Wisconsin was trying to derail the conversation into a divisive political issue by introducing the whole "stupid liberals believe...." nonsense.
  11. Don't be so dense. I don't reject the notion of a creator being. I reject the popular notions of God that human beings have invented, and recognize that I personally will never know the truth, unless something is revealed after I die (which I also view as highly improbable).
  12. My mistake on the first part, sorry for misunderstanding. As for the second part, that's an interesting thought. I went through a lot of Bible study when I was younger and never encountered this theory from my pastors, vicars, teachers, etc....It certainly meshes better with science than the old "ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP the universe is created in 144 hours" hokum.
  13. No, you're trying to make it into a politically charged issue, when it's not. This has nothing...and I stress NOTHING to do with liberal vs. conservative. If you believe it does, then your perception is irrevocably damaged.
  14. We're discussing the theoretical creation of the universe. Nobody knows what they're talking about. That's sorta the point. We may have an idea, inkling, or thought...but nobody truly knows. It's really a beautiful mystery.
  15. Ok, this makes sense. You believe in a higher being that may or may not have created the universe in a certain way. I can buy into that. But this thinking does not quite mesh with your earlier quoting of Genesis. Because if you're going to literally interpret Genesis, doesn't this also imply belief that you DO know how God created everything?
  16. Except there is actual scientific theory behind the Big Bang. It may not be absolutely proven, but there is a foundation of rational thought there. Belief in a literal interpretation of the Bible (especially the creation myth of Genesis) is based on nothing but blind faith. But let's just assume that the biblical creation myth and the Big Bang are equally irrational. Why do you choose to believe in one, but not the other?
  17. And interestingly enough, the main purpose of religious theory is to explain the parts of the world that we simply can't explain. Back in the good old days of Ancient Greece, almost nothing was known in the way of the natural world. So (naturally), they created gods that would explain why we have lightning, volcanoes, the sun, the moon, etc. Now that we DO have answers for all of those things, God has become largely irrelevant to daily life. But there are still things we don't understand, and that's where God comes into play. Where did the universe come from? What happens when we die? Do we have a soul? As far as I'm concerned, these things are unknowable. Maybe they aren't, but it sure seems to be that way. So God and religion will always have their niche in the human experience, regarding these abstract questions.
  18. These are some pretty odd claims. Would you please explain how you know these things?
  19. Rangers, I'll give you credit for. Cowboys, go f*ck yourself
  20. A-Roid...you think of that one all by yourself? Oh yeah, and while A-Rod was getting a key RBI double tonight, Varitek was rotting away on the bench.
  21. I agree with you here. Nothing regarding the origin of human life (or the origin of life in general) has been solidly proven. Some blowhards like to believe it has, but nothing yet truly holds water regarding where we came from and why. I don't believe in divine creation because it seems implausible to me, but I can't personally disprove the possibility. It's one of the reasons I now identify as an agnostic, instead of atheist. Claiming to know something unknown DIDN'T happen is just as arrogant as claiming to know something DID happen when no proof exists.
  22. Will somebody tell me what retatta is? I see it constantly mentioned, but I guess it was before my time here.
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