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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I disagree wholeheartedly. Like most, I think the offense alone isn't talented enough to win the Stanley Cup. But I also don't think it's an albatross that will weigh us down. Our scorers won't put up 5 or 6 per game in the playoffs, but they can easily pot enough goals to support Miller and the defense. After all, defense and goaltending win championships. Just ask the Devils.
  2. The offense isn't "anemic". Not out-of-this-world like the Capitals or Blackhawks, but not anemic. Didn't we rank 10th in goals scored this season?
  3. I'm of this generation, so I learned at home when I was 6 and at school when I was 8. If you work at it long enough it becomes complete muscle memory, even to the point where you fix mistakes just as quickly as you type regularly. My Dad is a meteorologist, so he's constantly on computers...but for some reasons he still chooses to hunt and peck. I've encouraged him vigorously to learn typing, but he's just resistant to it for some reason. To me, it's a compulsory skill for our modern times.
  4. I went for a hike up at Buttermilk Falls here in Ithaca (great trail if anybody is familiar with it), partially to clear my head. Along the way, I encountered a young couple with a 5 year old daughter and a little Australian Shepherd puppy out for its first walk. I guess the universe just felt like rubbing it in my face. Seriously though, it sort of just reminded me of the circle of life. Life ends, and then begins anew. I had my First Dog experience, and now that little girl gets hers. Someday my child will have his/hers.
  5. No, Shipley is white so he gets an exemption. It's actually an interesting dynamic...Texas players are stereotyped as being lazy, but white players are stereotyped as being "high motor". It just doesn't fit!
  6. Maybe you can answer this for me Buftex, as I'm not familiar with the Celtics front office...who the f*ck thought that taking a team built on chemistry and adding Rasheed Wallace to the mix was a good idea? I mean, maybe he doesn't play enough minutes to hurt the team THAT much, but his style of lazy whiny play is so far gone from the ethos of the 2008 championship team that it's ridiculous. GO BOBCATS!
  7. Sadie was a real dummy too, but we loved her for it because she tried her best. She saw the mailman through the window every day for 14 years and still barked every day like there was an invasion on the house. FedEx, UPS, other dogs, people jogging by...they all got the same treatment*. I never minded the barking too much though, because I know she was just (in her mind) protecting us from all the evils of the world. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she would have died for us without so much as thinking about it. In that way, dogs offer a genuine loyalty that we almost never find among us fellow humans. *For whatever reason, the garbageman was the exception. She never once barked when they came around, and if she encountered a garbage truck on her morning walk she would excitedly wag her tail. It was the weirdest thing.
  8. Happy birthday Chef! Don't go easy on the wine
  9. That's beautiful, man. And here I thought I was all done with the crying.
  10. Thanks, man. Agreed on all counts. Even though this is a Bills board, it's more than just that, especially here on OTW. Good luck with your dog. Hopefully he still has some good time left. I'm trying to remember how much of a blessing it is that Sadie lasted all the way to 14 years (all her brothers and sisters died early from a kidney defect that's common with her breed).
  11. Thank you. As soon as I get a house (college bachelor pad at the moment), one of my first priorities will be finding a puppy. Sadie was a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, so I might try to find another one of those, though they are pretty rare here in the States.
  12. We've got a cat too, actually...my parents were never cat people, but we found her in the middle of an intersection close to our house, trapped in a pant leg that her previous owner had tried to use as some sort of sweater. We tracked down the owners, and it turns out the pieces of sh*t were tired of the responsibility so they drove her far away from home and just dumped her...so we kept her. Funny thing is, the dog and the cat became inseparable. I'm away at school, but my understanding is that the cat is absolutely beside herself.
  13. Thanks eric, I appreciate it. She'd been sick for a few months, so it wasn't shocking news...but it still hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been lucky enough to never lose a member of my immediate family yet (my grandfather died years before I was born), so this is my first truly personal experience with death and it blows.
  14. RIP Sadie Sage 1996-2010...the best dog she knew how to be. I remember getting her as a puppy when I was 7. Worst part is, I wasn't there when she was put down. Had to find out on the phone.
  15. Newsflash, bud. Not every word that ends in consonant-s has to have an apostrophe.
  16. When they run the background check on me, do you think my embarrassing record of supporting Trent Edwards will come back to haunt me?
  17. Wait... you're name's not really Doctor Dankenstein?
  18. Mushrooms are great. Unlike a lot of other stuff (coke, heroin, alcohol, cigarettes, even pot in some cases), I've never heard "Yeah man, mushrooms ruined my life." Non-addictive, usually not a negative trip, good stuff. But hey, it's just another substance that the government arbitrarily decided we can't handle.
  19. I'm going to get slaughtered for this, but I have never laughed at the 3 stooges. Apparently it's supposed to be something that 100% of guys like, but I just find it to be humor for the lowest common denominator.
  20. Not true. Albert Pujols, Lebron James, Tim Duncan, Mariano Rivera, Martin Brodeur, Drew Brees, etc...all cold-hearted assassins on the field, all friendly wonderful human beings off the field, all at the top of their sport, all champions. There are other examples too, but those are the 6 that came to mind. You don't need to be a douchebag like Tiger or MJ to excel.
  21. On a scale of Carlos Mencia to 10, Cook is a 3. He's not as miserably unfunny as some people claim, but he's definitely more of a performer than a genuine comedian. His spastic style fits the instant gratification model of entertainment that seems to be preferred these days.
  22. Phil played mistake free golf...that'll get you the win at a place like Augusta. Congrats to Phil!
  23. Thank you! It's a common misconception that the song contains no examples of irony. Some of the lyrics are not ironic, yes. But... It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break It's like rain on your wedding day It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife He won the lottery and died the next day Mr. Play it Safe was afraid to fly...and the plane crashed down All of those things do, in fact, represent irony. "Ironic" is a big pet peeve of mine, because it's not an obscure word but I'd estimate that 10% of our population knows how to use it correctly. Most people use it when describing something unfortunate or coincidental. "Ironically, I lost most of my money on a bad investment." "I love the White Stripes too! That's so ironic." Nope.
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