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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Kids really are pills when you get a bunch of them together. It must be that they exhibit a more raw and unfiltered version of human nature, but man are they cruel to each other. They try their darndest to find strange or undesirable traits in their peers, and then just hound them endlessly about it. When I was in elementary school, I was the nerd...despite praise from the adults, I would've traded in my smarts if it meant the other kids would just leave me alone. I got along alright with most kids and I had a nice group of friends, but that didn't stop the bully types from making me miserable at every turn. Those days are long gone, but that crap sticks with you even if it's only in subconscious ways. One thing's for sure, it won't be pretty if I ever find out my own children are participating in bullying.
  2. The idiotic "study" aside, it is sad that fat children have to get picked on so much...almost 100% of the time, childhood obesity is the fault of the kid's parents and not the innocent kid. These parents are either too lazy or too uninformed to feed their kids well and teach them good nutritional habits, and in most cases there isn't much the kid can do...which, to me, makes it tragic that they have to suffer torment from their peers over something of which their parents are culpable.
  3. Ummmmm... The first...because of the teenage hostess?
  4. This is all fair. I was just confused at your previous post where you made it seem that every food error in a restaurant is inherently the wait staff's fault. Just remember that even those who work at up-scale restaurants are prone to mistakes like all of us. You mention that your boss expects your projects to be delivered on time...he also probably expects that you'll have a bad day every once in a while.
  5. So when I order my steak medium, and it comes back rare...that's the waiter's fault? If you've ever waited tables at a busy restaurant, you'd know that there's not time to inspect every detail of every plate. Sure, if the person orders the mashed potatoes and they end up with rice pilaf on the plate, you can alert the kitchen...but a lot of stuff slips by. Let me ask you this; How come in most fields, a certain degree of human error is expected and acceptable, but when it comes to restaurants people get their panties all up in a bunch over simple mistakes as if the employees are supposed to be perfect?
  6. Who says lesbians "hate" men? You're attracted to women...does that mean you hate men?
  7. http://nz.lifestyle.yahoo.com/new-idea/rea...-having-a-baby/ I'm on the record for believing this shouldn't be illegal...but man, I can't imagine anything more disgusting.
  8. That show blows now anyway. Should have ended a couple seasons ago. The "mockumentary" type of show really isn't meant for the long-term.
  9. Yeah, in most cities the muggers give you AT LEAST a week before taking your sh*t.
  10. His post came after the 9/11 revelation, yours before...I assumed he had read it.
  11. Congratulations! You get two awards today...Most Mean Spirited Post and Most Comical Misspelling Keep up the good work!
  12. So he didn't see himself getting stabbed...and he didn't feel it either. Suuuuuure.
  13. The hymen can break from non-sexual activities...can't these women just tell their husbands they broke it horse-riding or something, without retribution?
  14. I watched it. Very troubled man, but he seems to have turned it around for the time being (at least that's the way the documentary-maker chose to portray the situation). The thing that bothered me was how he was so passe about abandoning his children so he could "find himself", after growing up himself without a father. I understand having personal issues, but as a father you just have to man up.
  15. Ok, if it's such a basic concept, just explain it to the best of your ability. Why is consensual incest morally wrong? By the way, your above post is classic ad hominem. You can't think of something relevant to say, so you just try to degrade the person you're debating. I personally would never have sex with my sister because of my cultural conditioning...I find the idea gross. But why would it be morally wrong?
  16. This could be true...I'm not 100% sure, either. But if a 16 year old having sex with a 15 year old is statutory rape, I'd say about 50% of the country is probably guilty.
  17. Well, unlike Parrish, he does usually produce. Just had a horrible series.
  18. But he was also a minor and only a year older than her. I'm pretty sure that's not statutory rape. This really isn't about the ages involved...when you were 16, weren't there 15 year olds you wanted to bone? Me too. Here's my request...somebody on this board who thinks Washington is a bad guy, explain to me logically why having consensual sex with your sister is morally wrong and not just weird.
  19. Love the music, dislike the lead singer's voice enough that it's a distraction.
  20. Wait...you're thinking about marrying this girl and she's not even over her ex? No wonder there's so much divorce...
  21. What does Clausen going to ND have anything to do with anything?
  22. You probably watched 200...the episode in question is 201. Both deal with Mohammed.
  23. I get your point, but really ABC's hands are tied here. The FCC has a very strict "No fat chicks" policy.
  24. Nope. Next year's 1st rounder might very well be a top-5 pick...waaaay too steep.
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