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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Yeah I agree. You're basically describing what happened to the X-Men movies. Decently done, but they were just too much of an overload on characters. Avengers would be the same way.
  2. Without getting too graphic, why was it "the bomb"? I'm really just curious. How is it any different from sex with any other woman, aside from the virgin being really inexperienced (and probably in pain).
  3. Dude, that sucks. I'm very sorry to hear it. If you don't mind me asking...did she come clean herself out of guilt, or did you find out in some other way? Forgiveness might be an option for me if she genuinely confessed...otherwise, I'd kick her to the curb.
  4. I don't understand the fascination with deflowering a virgin...virgins are horrible at sex. I know that some Islamic suicide bombers are convinced they're getting 73 (or something) virgins in heaven. Really, that sounds more frustrating than anything.
  5. Oh yeah, not bunting is rolling over. Nice strawman. Nobody would ever suggest that the batter should intentionally try to make an out, but trying to collect a cheap hit instead of putting together an at-bat and trying to make solid contact IN A BLOWOUT for the sole purpose of ruining the guy's accomplishment is douchey.
  6. The "unwritten rule" is indeed very stupid...but don't paint the whole sport that way, because there are many many many fans and players who disagree that it should be an unwritten rule. This game, in particular, was a close game. 4-0. Plenty of teams have come back from 4 runs down in the late innings, so if a player felt that bunting was his best opportunity to reach base, then he should have bunted. Now, if the score was something like 15-0 in the 9th inning, and a guy bunted just for the satisfaction of breaking up the perfect game...that would've been more than a little douchey and spiteful.
  7. If the tradition of the season tickets and the relationships you've built are very important to you and your father, why would you guys give all that up because the team isn't performing well? That's just a question...I'm not trying to be prickish.
  8. No, he's a prick because he was hired to do a job, and he probably showed 5% of the commitment necessary to do his job. He's a professional athlete who couldn't even be bothered to stay in good shape...that makes him a prick in my book.
  9. I think a better analogy would be Canada celebrating the Massachusetts holiday, Patriots Day, which commemorates the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico, but predominately in the state of Puebla.
  10. LT is just a mess of a human being, and a disgusting creature if these allegations are true. Nobody will forget his contributions to the sport of football, but I wouldn't mind if he never saw the light of day again...again, assuming this is all true.
  11. But I thought he was doing so much better ever since he started on NutriSystem and lost more weight than Dan Marino?
  12. I know you said no sympathy, but I just wanted to offer my best wishes. I know divorce is tough. I've always hoped to find a girl who doesn't want a ring (but I'm not sure one exists )
  13. 1. He's 16 2. Lil' Justin clearly understands what the guy is saying, as he repeats "German? I don't know what that means. German...we don't say that in America".
  14. Is it? I personally can't comprehend how a Canadian kid (who I assume went through normal schooling before becoming a pop star this past year) can possibly not know what German is. Has he ever seen a map of Europe? Does he even know about World War I? World War II? If he didn't know about Burkina Faso, that'd be understandable. But Germany? Gimme a freakin break...that's just stupidity and ignorance.
  15. And could you live with yourself, as a cop, if the guy got away from you and stabbed one of the players? If you're enough of an idiot to run onto the field, you have to accept the consequences.
  16. For those of you who don't know, this crappy pop idol is pretty huge among the pre-teen crowd. As usual, God knows why their taste in music is so horrible, but there you have it. Anyhow, somehow this kid has managed to get through 16 years of life without ever hearing of Germany, or more specifically, German. I weep for the future. Enjoy. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1935017
  17. Yeah, I've heard that about him. Everybody talks about the fastball, but he's got a very nice splitter, slider and change-up to accompany it. To me, the biggest question about a young pitcher is whether or not he can locate the pitches...some very promising pitchers have been derailed from greatness by lack of control at the Major League level (I'm lookin' at you, Scott Kazmir). If Strasburg proves he can hit the corners effectively, I'm sold. If he debuts this season by walking 4-5 batters a game and serving up taters down the middle of the plate, I'll be more reserved.
  18. Excellently so far. Got him in the 9th round of my fantasy draft...cha-ching.
  19. Just remember that you're saying this before the kid's ever thrown a pitch in the major leagues. Mark Prior was supposed to be the next Nolan Ryan, too. So was Daisuke Matsuzaka. Skills and hype (both of which Strasburg has by the bushelful) don't always equate to success. I'm not saying he won't be great, but let's see him pitch for a couple seasons before crowning him.
  20. Stuck, to be fair to Carolina Bill...the whole reason he was being indignant toward you is because of the comment you made about enjoying giving waiters attitude when they respond with "No problem". I assume you were joking about this, but if it's true then it's unnecessary and more than a little rude. He's correct about that, at the very least.
  21. Maybe. I've only had it a couple times at airports, but it was just awful as I remember it.
  22. Agreed 100% on coffee...has to be taken black. But the stuff at McDonald's? Blecch...I'll pay the extra dollar at Tim Horton's or Starbucks.
  23. No, adults are responsible for their own health, no matter what their parents did. I just don't know of too many 7 or 8 year olds who say "No McDonald's today, Mom. I'm watching my figure."
  24. I don't put much stock into Kiper's opinion. He's an expert on the draft, not football itself. He doesn't know any better than you or I how the new Bills' rookies are going to pan out.
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