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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Though it's unlikely, a sh*tty husband can still be a good father. I respect the woman for not being selfish, realizing he has paternity rights, and that it's good for a child to know their father even if it's no longer a traditional household.
  2. Honestly, I was blindfolded and the whole thing is something of a blur because Presley slipped me something in my champagne and made off with all my money. I certainly remember doing some of the fun things, but Presley was quite greedy with Ennifer as I recall.
  3. To answer your questions...Yes, Yes, and He played it whenever he wasn't watching porn. Take it from a guy who was an adolescent during the internet era...he'll find the porn quite easily. If he's anything like me, he won't hide it from you very effectively (though he'll think he is).
  4. Very nice post. I agree with all of this. While you must admit that far too many people DO take a particular stance on global warming just for the sake staying on their "side", I was wrong in my vapid overgeneralization, and therefore no better than those I criticized. Thank you. Truth be told, I don't understand the issue very well myself because I find meteorology/climatology very dull. I suppose I just wanted to join the conversation for the sake of my own ego, and drivel spilled out.
  5. I don't begrudge the issue being political, I'm wondering why it's so distinctly partisan. What's happening physically with the climate has pretty much no relation whatsoever to social or economic convervatism or liberalism...and yet everybody seems to have aligned themselves based on their political identities. Many liberals have themselves convinced the world is being destroyed. Many conservatives have themselves convinced the entire global warming theory is completely bunk. The truth is likely between these two ridiculous extremes, but hey, we all have to pick a side right?
  6. No, it should be about regulations, taxes and control. What it is, is a giant partisan pissing contest.
  7. I love how the global warming theory has somehow turned into a partisan issue. Every liberal I know blindly believes that global warming is destroying everything because that's what their masters tell them. Every conservative I know blindly refutes global warming because that's what their masters tell them. Sure, both libs and cons try to produce bogus "evidence" to support their "side", but in reality they probably don't understand the first thing about climatology. I'm a Democrat, and I believe in global warming. Just look at this movie by Al Gore. I'm a Republican, and I don't believe in global warming, because Rush Limbaugh told me how it's all a big liberal conspiracy. And the beat goes on. If somebody could give me one good reason why political leanings have ANYTHING to do with views on climatology, I'll be impressed.
  8. C'mon, the kid deserves a smoke after a long day at the office.
  9. From this perspective, maybe...but consider how unproductive a morbidly obese person is to society. Old people are a burden...obese people, especially the ones who are lucky enough to be labeled "disabled" are a bigger burden.
  10. Yeah, it's a mess down there alright. As much as we all love bickering over politics, the biggest problem currently facing the nation is the fact that we're eating ourselves to death. America's obesity "epidemic" is pathetic and sad. We're becoming a nation of 300 pound waddling penguins, and despite vast improvement in life-saving medicine, this generation of children is the first in America to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Joints like In N Out Burger and Five Guys only compound the problem (not that it's their fault that we can't use moderation, but it still compounds the problem).
  11. So Texas just moved that much closer to a collective massive coronary, eh?
  12. Watched the trailer, and read up on the film. I don't see how it's any more disturbing than movies like the Saw franchise and Hostel. Not necessarily my type of movie, but I'm not offended by the concept...pretty creative, if anything.
  13. I don't suffer any delusion that soccer players care about my opinion. That doesn't alter the validity of anything I've said IMO. I like soccer, I just can't enjoy it nearly as much as I should because of this pet peeve.
  14. Ok, well at least you can be penalized for it (though I've never personally seen this happen). But even outside the context of the game, why can't these guys act like men and dust themselves off instead of screaming bloody murder? Just a huge turnoff for me. Did you catch the Blackhawks game where Duncan Keith had seven teeth knocked clean out by a puck...he's back now, no worse for the wear. Soccer players could learn a lesson from that.
  15. If there's one thing that stops me from watching soccer, it's this. Sure, there's diving/embellishing in other sports...but soccer really has it down to a pathetic tee. It seems like everytime I watch a match, somebody will get lightly bumped or slapped and the next thing you know he's rolling on the ground like he just got shot in the knee. 20 seconds later, he's right back on his feet and running. WTF. How has this not been regulated by the sport? Shouldn't there at least be a yellow card for blatant embellishment? Again, I know there's diving in other sports, but in soccer they behave like unapologetic pusssies and I can't really respect a sport without sportsmanship.
  16. Funny Games It's not old, but hey why can't a more recent movie be an instant classic?
  17. Funny video, regarding the unanswered questions. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936291 While I agree that the show didn't NEED to answer every last detail to be excellent, you have to wonder why the writers included so many sub-plots and mysteries that were left unaddressed.
  18. I had never heard that women peak sexually into their 30's, but after corroboration with various other sources it definitely seems to be true. I wonder why this is, when a woman's peak fertility is much younger. Seems to not make much sense, from an evolution standpoint.
  19. Did anyone else read the topic of this post and assume that Mars Lander Phoenix was the lead singer of some crappy 80's hair band? Or maybe one of Frank Zappa's children?
  20. despite the stereotype of a lecherous middle-aged male teacher pursuing a coquetteish teenage girl, doesn't it seem like the lion's share of inappropriate behavior in this field involves female teachers and male students? why do you suppose this is?
  21. Hey man, I'm on your side. I love Rondo, and I love that play. I'm just saying that it seems even more spectacular than it is because it's in the context of a game involving the likes of pathetic lazies like Vince Carter and Rasheed Wallace (and Jason Williams on this particular play...despite Rondo's play, Williams still would've had the ball with minimal effort).
  22. Apparently, but it's the NBA's fault, not your own. In a league where the common mentality is "What do I care? I'll just jack up a three-pointer on the next possession.", that type of true hustle play has, indeed, become spectacular. If that same play happened during the Final Four, it would be impressive. In the NBA, it's jaw-dropping.
  23. Agreed. At the very least, they should've let us see her changing.
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