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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Diane Kruger is Helen ( ) and I believe Eric Bana is Hector, if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Nope, I'm not buying it. Life's not fair...if an employee at any company makes a mistake this disastrous, he loses his job. Even if it's a small mistake and it's the context that magnifies it. If you made a small mistake in cooking a dish, but that small mistake ended up making someone seriously sick or killing them, you'd be looking for a new job. That's just life.
  3. Sorry, but that's BS. Imagine your golf ball rolling toward the hole for a hole-in-one, but stopping a centimeter short. Imagine bowling 11 straight strikes, but then marking a 9 on the final frame with the pin wobbling back and forward. Now imagine those things happening, but it wasn't even your own fault...some guy screwed you out of it. Also, millions of people are watching. That's what Armando Galarraga is feeling right now. This is going to give him nightmares for the rest of his life.
  4. Screw getting fired, I'll admire Joyce's cojones if he doesn't just up and quit tomorrow. That would probably be the smart thing.
  5. Does this automatically go down as the worst call in the history of sports? You could certainly make a case for it. Despite the recent rash of perfect games, they happen once every 5 years on average...and Jim Joyce just spoiled it for everybody. I figured even if Donald was a safe by a little bit, Joyce would call him out just to save himself from the booing. But he was out by more than half a step! I could see it easily from my living room sofa!
  6. Hmm, gotta bone up on the pop culture there, Chef. I consider myself a trivia buff and take pride in knowing about things that I don't actually care about...just general awareness.
  7. Same point as any commercial...trying to get more money. In this instance, trying to get more money out of gay people and champions of gay rights.
  8. Well, it depends on what the list is measuring. If it's referring to the top 100 in terms of pure influence, then Spongebob is certainly one of the most influential. Absolutely ubiquitous among the kiddie crowd.
  9. He got 14th on this particular list, but there's only one greatest character of the past 20 years. The Dude abides.
  10. Funny stuff, Jack. Given that the actor portraying the retarded policeman is actually retarded, I don't see anything wrong with laughing because he's clearly capable of laughing at himself. "Can I go now?" HAHAHA
  11. An incredibly influential public figure doing her best to help curb obesity in America? GOOD GOD, SOMEBODY HAS TO STOP HER!
  12. I love how in the article, they treat the woman interviewee as if she's the victim of some cruel underworld peer pressure. She's a stupid college chick who decided to poor alcohol into her eye socket. I just want to let all of you know to not feel sorry for me if I decide to disturb bear cubs in the presence of their mothers because "all the cool kids are doing it".
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...quick-buzz.html I saw this featured on the Colbert Report, and looked up some articles online to corroborate. Apparently this practice is getting pretty big in the UK and spreading quickly to the US. Are you f*cking kidding me? Vodka Eyeballing?
  14. Because it's unusual. For most men, there aren't chemicals running through our bodies screaming "GOTTA F*CK DOGS, GOTTA F*CK DOGS, GOTTA F*CK DOGS" They are, however, screaming "GOTTA F*CK YOUNG WOMEN, GOTTA F*CK YOUNG WOMEN, GOTTA F*CK YOUNG WOMEN" The two most ingrained instincts in the brain of any species are... 1. Survive 2. Continue the species through reproduction Now, an 18 year old woman is exponentially more fertile than a 35 year old woman, making the 18 year old more attractive for sex. Being humans and not animals, we have the unique ability to deny these urges if we so please. But the thought itself isn't perverted in any way. I'd argue the act isn't perverted either, based on the tenets of our law.
  15. A 32 year old man who wants to have sex with an 18 year old is simply reacting to natural instinct, not a pervert. The moral implications are, of course, a different story...but he's not a pervert. If you don't want to have sex with 18 year olds, even from a physical perspective, then you are the exception and not the rule.
  16. Despite not posting in this thread for months, I'm still winning. That's just a testament to my absolute dominance.
  17. Ok, I trust we'll get your real opinion on all this stuff when she's not looking over your shoulder.
  18. Despite ongoing challenges (and, really, who doesn't have ongoing challenges?), it sounds like you and your family are very close to weathering this storm. And remember, people who survive these types of experiences (even if it happens when they're young children) tend to be better people for it. Unlike most of the spoiled generation of children this country raises, your daughter will always know the meaning of struggle and true success.
  19. Well, if you ever change your mind and have to vent, you know there's nothing but friendly ears on this board when it comes to this sort of thing. My best thoughts to you and your wife.
  20. Around here, that's ALL the 18-20 year old girls are interested in...I suspect it usually involves get back at mommy and daddy, but the first thing the freshmen girls do is get their fake IDs and hit the bars.
  21. I'm very sorry about your Mom, dev. Cancer's a B word, and almost everybody I know has been affected by it in some way or another. I'm fortunate enough to still have both of my parents, but it's claimed 3 of my grandparents and watching it happen is just awful. Hopefully this is news of a potential vaccine is the official light at the end of the tunnel (though the cynic in me doubts it).
  22. For the fellow gym-rats...what are your favorite songs that motivate you when you're lifting/doing cardio/etc.? My Top Ten... 1. Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle 2. Muse - Knights of Cydonia 3. AC/DC - Thunderstruck 4. System of a Down - Chop Suey 5. Eminem - Lose Yourself 6. Nelly - Heart of a Champion 7. White Stripes - Seven Nation Army 8. The Offspring - Hit That 9. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Fight Like a Brave 10. Andrew W.K. - Ready to Die
  23. Most certainly. But amidst the celebration that death came to a c*cksucker who deserved it, I didn't want it to go unsaid that pity ought to go to the one (or perhaps the few) who didn't deserve it. I know collateral damage is just an unfortunate part of the game, but I hope that doesn't mean we can't feel bad about it.
  24. The article mentions that a grandchild was killed in the attack. Assuming this was an innocent child guilty of nothing, RIP.
  25. Given his physical advantage, Hardy probably is the odds-on favorite to win the #2 wide receiver job this year over guys like Johnson, Parrish and Jackson. On top of that, the quotes you posted are indeed encouraging. But in the words of many wise men on this board, show me the baby. Anything approaching 600 yards and 5 TDs this year from Hardy will impress me.
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