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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. The people harassing Joyce's family deserve to be drawn and quartered.
  2. Yeah, it confuses me why people (mostly women) get those little yappy/shrieky dogs. They just make you want to destroy them. To me, a dog isn't a proper dog unless it makes a "woof".
  3. This sucks. America's children are already cadmium-deficient as it is. We're falling behind the rest of the world in cadmium!
  4. I love how whenever a player says something confident, he gets flamed here. I guess the rule is, if the fanbase isn't satisfied with your play, you don't ever get to open your mouth. Kelsay isn't the best example, but I think that a guy like Whitner or Lynch would literally get flamed for saying ANYTHING.
  5. This is where I officially start counting down. LET'S GO BUFFFFFALLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yep, well said. A few acts of decency and sportsmanship between two guys who COULD be feuding with each other have turned this from a sad story into an inspiring one. For those among us who like to wax philosophical about why athletes can't be better role models, just tell your children about Armando Galarraga
  7. My biggest gripe with the strikezone is the upper-limit. In the rulebook, the zone is supposed to extend to the armpits of the crouched batter. Tends to be these days that any pitch above the belt is called a ball-high.
  8. Thanks, Tom. I was going to start being productive after this Yankees game was over, but now I have TBD idiocy to read.
  9. If you're travelling at less than 70 MPH and you're in the passing lane for any longer than it takes to pass that annoyingly slow truck, I get to run you off the road.
  10. TBD is like the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like...But you can never leeeeaave.
  11. Haha, well that's the problem. It's referenced in so many other threads, that I think it's virtually impossible to find the original.
  12. Strasburg's role is going to be limited this season, even if he dazzles. I don't have a link, but the Nationals are holding him to 160 innings maximum, including the innings he's been throwing in the minors. On top of that, they probably won't ever allow him to eclipse 100 pitches in any game. All that said, I'm greatly anticipating his start on the 8th. I won't buy into the kid until he starts getting it done at the top level, but potential like this doesn't come along every day.
  13. I hear about this Ed a lot...what were the nature of his antics? Also while I'm at it...what the hell is 3.5? I see this constantly mentioned sardonically.
  14. No, like missing a 3-foot putt on the 18th hole and losing by a stroke, versus missing a 3-foot putt on the 6th hole and losing by a stroke. In one case, you can correctly say you would have forced a playoff with a make. In the other case, that cannot be assumed. I'm not disagreeing that it's part of the game...but the situation just isn't the same, and I don't think that's debatable.
  15. Like I said, I've reversed my position on Joyce being punished at all. But missing that call in the 3rd inning does not mean the same thing, even if it is the same thing.
  16. Well actually there is a difference between missing the call in the 3rd and missing it in the 9th with 2 outs. If it's in the 3rd, you have to use the fallacy of the predetermined outcome to assume that things would've happened exactly the same way if the call had been made correctly. In the scenario yesterday, it was very binary. Either perfect game or no perfect game.
  17. I was just about to say that nobody would be stupid enough to bet on a perfect game happening, but then I remembered about the megamillions jackpot.
  18. People making unnecessary sounds at the movies in general. I despise it when a big group of 13-14 year old kids saunters into the theatre, and you just know they're gonna sit in the row behind you and talk the whole f*cking time.
  19. Yeah, I use my phone on vibrate as an alarm...much more soothing to wake up to. My least favorite sound? "Is it in?"
  20. Wait a minute...you think baseball is fixed? Do you mean that in the sense that the lack of a salary cap has created an uneven playing field, or do you actually think there's umpires on teams' payrolls, players intentionally throwing games, etc?
  21. I think that sets a very bad precedent...no instant replay, but the commish is allowed to just wave his magic wand and alter history? Wouldn't sit right with me, even if it is fair.
  22. Sorry, I had a lapse in judgment. Your opinion makes you an idiot, and furthermore I think you are a bad person for it.
  23. That was a beautiful article by Posnanski, and I have to say I've changed my opinion of the whole thing after spending time thinking about it. What changed my mind is the way that Galarraga reacted to the whole thing...no anger, no vitriol, just disappointment. If Armando Galarraga can be so forgiving to the man who wronged him, what right do I have to judge and be angry? Chef, you're right and I was wrong...it's just a baseball game. If people can't get over this, it's their own fault and not Jim Joyce's. He made a mistake. It came at a horrible time. Unfortunately for him, his name will be infamous among baseball fans. But that doesn't mean he should be fired, or even that he deserves any repercussions. This wasn't an embarrassing moment for MLB. This was an embarrassing moment for a man whose job description involves making hundred and thousands of judgment calls during a season. Inevitably, he'll get some of those wrong.
  24. That's where the first base umpire always stands, as to prevent his body from being involved in the play.
  25. Well, to each his own. I just like knowing things, no matter how dumb the topic is. I'll make sure to give you a shout out when Spongebob is the correct answer to Final Jeopardy on one of my future appearances.
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