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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Interesting concept for a drinking game, but stupid nonetheless. Here's my question...why is it played with a womanly drink like Smirnoff fuggin Ice? This article actually reminded me...a couple weeks ago, I was in a bar with some friends and the guys at the table next to us all started chugging Smirnoff Ices and chanting "ICES ICES ICES ICES". At the time I thought they were just being weird and fruity, but now I realize they must have been playing this dumb-ass game.
  2. This has nothing to do with liberals and everything to do with idiots.
  3. I'm rooting for Nigeria to beat Argentina because their deposed king sent me an email and promised to make me a millionaire.
  4. Ah yes, I think I read about this story in Terrible Parenting Magazine.
  5. Well, let's see. The police enforce the law, and adultery is against the law in New York State...soooo it seems like it IS the police's business.
  6. I don't see why people have a problem with her getting charged with adultery. After all, marriage is a legal union which stipulates both partners being faithful. I don't think that infidelity should go without legal consequences (though adultery is rarely so easy to prove as this). EDIT: In Michigan, they can put you away for life. http://web.archive.org/web/20070206173058/...COL04/701150333
  7. As far as I'm concerned, this is the best use of twitter so far. Who knew that you could use social networking for something positive instead of just stroking your own ego?
  8. They've also both dealt with drug addiction, which could explain a friendship.
  9. That's true. I guess when it comes to an issue that is pretty fundamental to Mr. John (he's a noted champion for the LGBT movement) I just assumed he wouldn't get along with Rush. Bad assumption I suppose, but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. I mean, would you expect Jesse Jackson to be buddy-buddy with a guy who wants to eliminate black suffrage?
  10. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1937058 "But how do I get rid of it?"
  11. I don't see it happening personally because I think we have a few years to go, but I wouldn't have a problem at all if Ralph announced we were going to the SB this year.
  12. To be fair, some Elton John love songs are about doing lions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkGDrV_2ehI
  13. Yeah, because there's never been a surprising team in the Superbowl. Remember when the Giants barely snuck into the playoffs in'08? I wonder what happened to them... Anyway, I know we're all supposed to hate everything the Dolphins say or do, but I see nothing wrong in an owner giving his team a vote of confidence.
  14. I like Ellison and appreciate the effort he gives, but this might be the end of the road for him. The team has loaded up on linebackers, and his size and relative lack of strength will probably leave him on the outside looking in.
  15. What's better revenge for trying to deny him rights than to convince him into paying $1 million for singing a few songs? I wish I could convince my enemies to line my pockets.
  16. Yeah, I love it...pretty hypocritical to tell people who should/shouldn't be getting married when you've personally failed 3 times at it.
  17. That's a great dog you've got yourself there, barking aside. You're not going to find a more loyal dog than an Akita. And, for my money, they're the best puppies... http://www.trainpetdog.com/images2/akita%20pup.jpg http://www.imagecows.com/uploads/ed22-AKITA%20INU.jpg AWWWWWWWW
  18. Ugh, I love it too, but I don't allow myself to anymore as a measure of self-control. A couple years ago, I became obese (around 260 pounds was my maximum) and I decided I had to make a change. My methods were successful, and one of the biggest ones was switching to vegetarianism as a way to draw a line in the sand regarding what I would/would not allow myself to eat. It's not a perfect catch-all (after all, I can still have fatty fettucine alfredo on a vegetarian diet), but it stops me from rationalizing "Weeeelllll, I guess going to Burger King just this once won't hurt". Not a day goes by that I wish I could have a nice juicy burger or a slice of pepperoni pizza, but I know that the accomplishment of avoiding that stuff is more fulfilling than the vapid pleasure of eating it. Btw, sorry for the thread hi-jack. My biggest and best THANK YOU goes out to all those who have served.
  19. I just want to get two things out of the way...I'm not an anti-hunter, and I'm not looking for an argument. But could you explain for me what the appeal is to hunting? Now, I don't eat meat so that part wouldn't do me any good...but just from a recreational perspective, why do you find it fun? I've asked a couple of my buddies before, but they treated it like a confrontation, so I'm just looking for info.
  20. Yeah, but you don't understand the point of the OP...it's June and they're NOT HANDING OUT FREEZIE POPS!!!!!! WTF??????????????
  21. She's more artistic than your average pop star and she's got a better voice, I'll give her that much. The music is interesting when you hear it the first time, then grating the next 100 times it's forced down your throat on radio/tv/movies.
  22. Can we sign that thing as a linebacker?
  23. Yeah, I'm pretty much at the point where I'll watch any Leonardo Dicaprio vehicle. Best mainstream actor out there IMO. I'll never forget watching The Departed and thinking "Holy sh*t, he's blowing Nicholson and Damon out of the water". Not to mention This Boy's Life, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Revolutionary Road, Blood Diamond, Gangs of New York, etc. Ironically, I think his performance in Titanic was his worst (sorry Avatar fans, Cameron just doesn't get the best out of his actors), but that's what officially pushed him into the limelight.
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