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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If you guys don't mind me asking...how did he go? RIP Edit: Had my question answered by Bluesky. Very sad.
  2. Nah, it isn't. To a girl: "Hi, I'm _____. Wanna f*ck?" To a guy: "Yo, dude. See that girl? We're gonna f*ck."
  3. To me, a miserable lifetime in prison is a much worse prospect than being put out of one's misery. I'm glad she's getting a life sentence.
  4. Would depend on if I had other children...irresponsible to let the B word ruin their lives too by sending their father to prison.
  5. Wow. It doesn't get much more tragic than that.
  6. Agreed. Not a slap in the face, though...just the reality of the situation.
  7. It's better to get 1500 calories a day and be a little hungry (in fact, a little hungry is never a bad thing IMO) than to get 3000 a day from fast food and dig yourself an early grave with salt, saturated fat and sugar. Congrats on your work at the soup kitchen...it's always nice to hear of somebody making a difference
  8. This is blasphemy, but I'm too young to remember the Dan Marino era so I hate the Dolphins the least. I hate the Patriots with vitriol...not much animosity toward the Jets, but Ryan really gets on my nerves.
  9. What the hell are you talking about? It's WAY cheaper to feed your family from the fresh-food section of your local grocery store than at a fast food joint...people are just too lazy to make the effort. Do you have any idea how cheap it is to buy healthy essentials like bananas, apples, broccoli, rice, pasta, beans, etc.? A "value meal" will cost you $6...I'd guess that my typical meal costs about $3 eating the types of foods I just mentioned.
  10. I think he'll come back if he has a chance at a 4th 3-peat.
  11. The continuous clock is one part of the game I actually like (shocking, I know). It's cool knowing exactly how long a game is going to last in real time. In fact, I think there shouldn't even be extra time unless there was an injury/delay which took an excessive amount of time to clear up.
  12. Yeah, Montana was heaving bombs around, but there's a big difference between running a West-coast style offense like Montana did and actually "checking down". Checking down implies that the quarterback has examined all of his options down the field and found nothing, so he decides to avoid a negative play and get 3-5 yards out of a RB/FB/TE.
  13. Two years ago when the Bills started 5-1, the Edwards-Montana comparisons were naive. Now, it's just plain stupid.
  14. Care to link? Sounds like that article would be good for a laugh.
  15. I don't even get what the people blowing the !@#$ing things get out of the experience? Do these people actually enjoy the noise or are they just deliberately trying to annoy everybody and draw attention?
  16. Good example was today's Ghana-Serbia game. Ghana scores on a penalty-kick in the 82nd minute to go ahead 1-0. Including extra time, there were about 12 minutes left for Serbia to score the equalizer. In most sports (most notably hockey) this would be 12 minutes of action pack, do or die mayhem. In this game, Serbia barely amped up their efforts (if they did at all) and the general attitude was that the game was over. One of the announcers even said "And for Serbia, who have to play Germany, this is a crushing loss." I was thinking "WTF, THERE'S 12 MINUTES LEFT!"
  17. Same story with me. I'm a natural cynic and I haven't enjoyed the soccer I've watched, but some of my friends told me about how absolutely spectacular the World Cup is, so I entered with an open mind. I gotta say I've been sorely disappointed so far. To me, enjoying sports is all about tension. The combination of the lack of scoring chances and the very strong possibility of a tie in each game pretty much eliminates all tension. The air horns are called vuvuzelas and they basically serve to make soccer fanatics 500% more obnoxious.
  18. Welcome to the board. You won't get abused too bad if you're not a douche about it. If you have any questions, just direct them toward ieatcrayonz.
  19. So through 7 games, we have scores of... 1-1 0-0 1-0 2-0 1-1 1-0 1-0 So many goose eggs...I only wish we had a *yawn* face available
  20. The 3 genres of GoBillsInDallas Would ya? Ummmmmmm ok..... White Trash, ______ style
  21. crayonz absolutely has to be on there...completely spoiled this board for lesser trolls
  22. This is a vapid and largely inaccurate overgeneralizaton of young people. Your parents' generation probably thought the same of your generation. I bet there hasn't been a single point in American history when adults weren't thinking "Oh God, what's becoming of our country...the youth are just terrible".
  23. Yeah, cause I'm sure, back in the good old days when America wasn't "pussified", all the high school kids were trying to sail around the world by themselves. Stupid modern age, where most children aren't allowed to sail around the world.
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