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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's not really stupid, unless you play with unnecessary recklessness. I mean, flag football isn't meant to be a contact sport, so how is it any different from other cross-training activities like running, lifting or basketball that players are encouraged to do in the offseason?
  2. Yeah, running down the shower drain. But it's still not a scene that you'd call gory by today's (or even yesterday's) standards.
  3. Yeah...honeydew is 10 times better and just a little bit more expensive.
  4. Oh, so they only commit violent crimes when they feel disrespected. I guess it's ok, then.
  5. I figured, since we already had the fruit thread... Favorites: Asparagus, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower Least favorites: Beets, radicchio, Terry Schiavo
  6. Matty, funny you mention pears as the character in your profile has never tried one. Pineapples have the worst texture. A nice ripe Bosc pear is nearly unbeatable.
  7. Favorites: Blueberries, blackberries, peaches, pears Least favorites: Oranges, canteloupe, watermelons (love the taste, hate the stupid little white seeds ruin the texture)
  8. More relevant than HR and RBI to be sure, but still becoming increasingly irrelevant. Even for the casual fan, it confuses me why they pay attention to Batting Average as their sole ratio-indicator when On-Base percentage is so readily available. Me? I like OPS (on-base plus slugging) the best. It's simple enough for non-statistics oriented people to understand, but it effectively and efficiently displays who the best hitters are, by balancing plate discipline abilities and power.
  9. A teacher at my high school was breaking up a cat fight in the cafeteria and dragged one girl off the other one. Apparently, he accidentally grazed the girl's breast and ended up getting fired for sexual misconduct. Nicest guy in the world and a great teacher, and this does him in...while other horrible teachers keep their jobs because of tenure.
  10. Actually, sabermetricians (professional baseball stat analysts) have almost completely abandoned batting average as well, in favor of stuff like OPS, OPS+, VORP and WAR.
  11. Also, it's important to remember that Chipper played in the teeth of the steroids era and his name never came up once. Not once. Another rarity is that Chipper was a true face of the franchise for the Braves who stayed with the team for his whole career, which is something you don't see very often in baseball anymore. Jeter, Mariano, and Posada for the Yankees. Biggio and Bagwell for the Astros. Chipper for the Braves.
  12. Fitting that Cox and Chipper go out at the same time. The Braves were something of a dynasty to be honest...shame they only got 1 world series out of it.
  13. Shameful. I really hope the judge and jury take care of business, even if it means working overtime.
  14. If this is true (and now that I think about it, it seems like you could be correct), it's a dumb move by ESPN. Their sports empire was absolutely built by the personalities on SportsCenter. I don't know why they'd move away from that formula.
  15. Well, it gets you the most exposure anyway. When it comes to ESPN, SportsCenter's ratings are through the roof compared to everything else (except MNF and other select live events).
  16. Agreed. I'm a Yankees fan, so I used to see her on the YES Network everyday during baseball season...kinda fell in love haha. Anyway, she'll be onto bigger and better things than Sports Nation before too long and she can leave that asshat Cowherd in the dust. I bet she's a SportsCenter anchor in no fewer than two years.
  17. I have the polar opposite view of Rachel Nichols. She seems very nice and is a very good reporter (I actually got to meet her when I covered Jets training camp in Cortland last season), but she definitely isn't "hot". Not to say that she's ugly by any stretch, but she's a 6 at best.
  18. But wait...if Slovenia draws the US, they'll have 4 points and we'll have 2. Then, we'd just have to beat Algeria (which shouldn't be a challenge from what I hear) and have England beat Slovenia (or draw if we can manage to beat Algeria by 2 or 3 goals).
  19. That's all on the groom for agreeing to have his wedding during the World Series. When I'm setting a date, you can bet I'm going to let my fiance know that October is off limits.
  20. More like the teen boy is only interested in getting a HJ in the theatre, so they agree to go see Valentine's Day.
  21. Can we take this thought even further and say that American teen GIRLS are dumber? After all, who do you think gets to pick the movie?
  22. Soccer officially announces that it is gay... http://www.theonion.com/video/soccer-offic...t-is-gay,17603/
  23. This is what I don't get...wouldn't they be a lot more successful as a collective United Kingdom team? Wouldn't this be like FIFA recognizing separate US teams from California, Texas, New York, Florida, etc.?
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