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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Especially sexual rights. I think the parent of a six year old has the right to be a part of their child's life, but not when it comes to the bedroom.
  2. Graham is a journalist, but his blog on espn.com is not journalism...it's a blog.
  3. Gonna cozy up with a nice can of Slurm and watch.
  4. The people who are big enough golf fans to actually watch a tournament live gave him good reactions...I think there is a fair amount of vitriol from the general public, especially women.
  5. Actually, I'm a seldom-used long relief pitcher. But seriously yes, YOU have OUR number. Fans participate in their respective franchises too, so I stand by the colloquialism.
  6. Angels I assume? Can't think of too many other teams that have our number...anyway, Yankees took the last series.
  7. Well, when a Muslim martyrs himself, he gets 73 Virginians in heaven, right? Why didn't they just stay in Virginia?
  8. LET'S GO YANKEES! LET'S GO YANKEES! I don't know what team you root for, but I'll be nice and extend to you an invitation to our next World Series parade.
  9. I definitely wouldn't have thought of Davis being on that list either. I think of him almost exclusively in humorous terms, much like Ralph.
  10. Well, McGwire's been retired for even longer and he somehow made the list...plus, McGwire may have been just as much of a cheater as Bonds, but he certainly wasn't as much of a jackass.
  11. It sounds like they're young enough that their metabolism hasn't caught up with them. Sometimes this doesn't happen until a person's in their 30's, but it's inevitable...a sustained unhealthy diet WILL catch up with you. I have a friend/colleague who eats like this. Nothing but processed/frozen foods and sodas. He's 22 and doesn't weigh any more than 130 soaking wet. But that doesn't mean he isn't huffing and puffing after walking a half-mile up an incline. Guy gets winded after a couple holes of golf, and he's deluded enough to think he's healthy just because he isn't overweight (yet).
  12. I wasn't commenting on the kid being picky (though being overly picky isn't great for a kid because they limit their experiences), I was commenting on how he wouldn't eat anything except hot dogs and McDonalds' fries. Unless your objective is to spoil your child while simultaneously making sure he's dead by the age of 40, this is about as irresponsible as it gets when it comes to parenting. It's not bad for a kid to have a few options, but those options shouldn't include hot dogs or fries any more than about once per month IMO.
  13. Very simple solution to this. The kid doesn't eat until he agrees to eat some healthy. He'll learn his lesson in less than a day when his stomach starts screaming at him. But I suppose that would be child abuse or something
  14. No, no, no...it's a "so bad, it's good" cult classic. And not even in the Rocky Horror Picture Show sense...just a very very very unintentionally bad film.
  15. So women aren't allowed at NFL games unless they're accompanied by a large group of men who are ready to kill other fans. Got it.
  16. Parents are so unoriginal when it comes to the starving kids in China. When I have kids, I'm going to expand their horizons by making them feel guilty about the starving kids in Eritrea and Kiribati.
  17. Worthy charities fall by the wayside daily, while a creature with no concept of or need for money is now a millionaire.
  18. I'd like to be cremated and have my ashes slowly fed to my worst enemy.
  19. I walk/jog/bike on the shoulders of roads every day during the warm months, usually in the early evening when it's cooler. There's nothing scarier than the thought of a driver dozing off and just drifting over.
  20. Happy belated birthday to the most consistently entertaining member of this board.
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