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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. What happened to LSD? The green-mauve dragon in my brain ate all of it with the skills of his up-down-vanish sorcery.
  2. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=115138 He's also mentioned wanting to do her from behind or something. Personally, I think openly fantasizing about statutory rape should be an immediate ticket off the board, but that's just my opinion.
  3. Strange thing I've noticed about peoples' reaction to the draft. When most positions are drafted, there are pretty much zero expectations if they were drafted after the 3rd round. When a QB is drafted, on the other hand, it seems that he's expected to compete for the starting job no matter what round he was taken in.
  4. I'm convinced that one of mankind's greatest ills is the fear of natural death.
  5. That's kinda disturbing. You do realize that she's 16 and looks even closer to 14 right?
  6. This can't be right. I just broke my urfew last month.
  7. The answer to number 2 is 14285. 142857 * 5 = 714285. I got this because it ties into the decimal manifestation of 1/7. .142857 repeating. Number 1, I am drawing a complete blank.
  8. Booster, it does indeed sound like this teacher might be an idiot, but the old "he was misbehaving because he was bored" excuse is pretty lame...being disruptive in class is disrespectful to both the teacher and the other students, no matter which way you slice it.
  9. No, it's a vapid pseudo-intellectual piece of tripe trying to point a finger at a problem that doesn't even exist, probably written on account of the author's own misplaced sexual frustration. It's laughable that Ms. Paglia believes our entertainment culture can have such a profound effect on our sexual desire. News-flash, buddy...people haven't stopped f*cking. If there's been a small decline in birth rate, it's because of an increased fear of raising children in the recession. The drugs you mention are not for those looking to procreate, they are for those who want to have sex past the point where they were physically supposed to.
  10. Here's something I've always wondered; Why can't I compared apples to oranges? They're both fruit. I think there's quite a bit to compare...taste, texture, nutritional content, etc.
  11. It seems like Altidore does everything except put the ball in the net.
  12. Isn't Montana a pretty damn cold place too? Or did they mean in comparison to Baltimore?
  13. I'm gonna laugh my ass off at all the drama queens here if Maybin tears it up this year. Sure, he could be a bust, but plenty of players (especially known projects) have bad rookie years and go on to good careers. Seriously, why is everybody so quick to completely write the guy off? There's only a handful of rookies each year that have big impacts and he wasn't one of them...big deal. Let's just wait and see what he brings this year.
  14. Pardon the pun, but if you sleep with dogs you get fleas. Maybe Vick isn't guilty of anything here...but why is he hanging out with guys who carry pieces? I mean, the guy has the shortest leash of anybody in the NFL. Jesus, couldn't Vick just lay low and celebrate his birthday with a couple friends at a restaurant or bowling alley or something? Of course, AI proved you can get into trouble at a bowling alley too. Maybe he's stopped the dog fighting, but if I'm Goodell this proves to me that his judgment hasn't improved one bit.
  15. I'm impressed by any professional chef who's under 180. I'm decent at cooking, but if I had any serious talent I'd probably be pushing 300
  16. Yeah, weight does that. When I decided to lose a bunch of weight (successfully), I found that it wasn't a good idea to weigh myself every day. Leads to discouragement because you could be really loyal to your diet/exercise plan for a day and still gain weight for no explainable reason. Better method is doing it every week or every two weeks. Which one of these seems simpler and less stressful? Day 1: 200.0 Day 2: 199.5 Day 3: 200.0 Day 4: 199.0 Day 5: 199.5 Day 6: 199.0 Day 7: 199.0 Day 8: 198.0 or Day 1: 200.0 Day 8: 198.0 Same result without all the grief.
  17. You could make something in the morning and pack it to go.
  18. Brown, long-grain. I'm a convert to whole grain.
  19. I try to stay away from most extreme sugar sources, but Rita's is an exception every time I travel to Philly or Boston. Stuff can't be beat. They put one in Buffalo and it closed down after one season.
  20. Yep. It's nothing too complicated. Just mince tomato, onion and jalapeno pepper. Natural juices come from all three ingredients, and you can add a splash of water if you want more moisture. Add a few squeezes of lime juice (or lemon if that's what you have available) and cilantro to taste. Enjoy.
  21. Roasted green bell pepper stuffed with rice and home-made pico de gallo. Also, a salad of fresh greens drizzled with miso-ginger dressing.
  22. Well, I assume it wouldn't hurt as much on your manicorn horn.
  23. Amen to that...I've got til 9 this evening til my weekend though.
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