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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. There are few movies that I choose to see in theatres because of the price, but something tells me Inception can only be done justice on the big screen. Tell me, would it be wise to bring a lady friend along who isn't really into sci-fi, or does it cross genre-gaps in terms of being entertaining?
  2. According to south park, we still have to wait 14 years before laughing at anything 9/11 related. Tell this joke again in 2024.
  3. Even if homosexuality isn't normal (which I don't believe), I always ask this...what the hell is the problem with not being normal?
  4. God forbid your child encounters somebody whose opinion differs from yours.
  5. Thanks for the link, Count. That last line segment is a little depressing, about the hockey. As for a MLB team, I don't think Buffalo would have supported it all that much. This is a football town first and foremost, and football towns don't tend to fill up baseball stadiums. Just look at how poorly the Marlins do.
  6. The scrotum is part of the human body, just like your arm, leg, or face. Why shouldn't kids learn what it is, and what it's called? The fact is, the age of shielding kids is over, whether the schools participate or not. And this is a good thing, IMO. Why should we be shielding kids and lying to them, pretending all this stuff doesn't exist? I learned about sex when I was 6 years old, from another student. My parents didn't discuss it with me til I was 10, and school didn't cover it til I was 13. Doesn't that seem a bit backwards to you? Kids are still growing up thinking that sex is something unnatural and wrong, which actually draws more of them to it. It glorifies it.
  7. Let's make no mistake, this is a good thing. The thing where they were handing out condoms to little kids was just weird, but education can never be bad. Sex is like guns. The younger that a kid learns about it, the safer and more responsible they will be when they use it. We teach young kids math, science, history, foreign languages...why should something so vital as sex be taboo?
  9. I heard this too, and there was a NY Times article on it. It's probably a blessing that he went before the thing completely destroyed him. Better to burn out than fade away.
  10. No, it doesn't. But he did use the word "legacy" correctly, as a noun.
  11. You might need to go back to high school English.
  12. I don't think he's been terrible over the years, but being an owner for 40 years and coming up with zero superbowls is a failure, no matter which way you slice it.
  13. The mainstream media coverage of Ralph passing will be about 5 minutes on sportscenter, and then a couple articles on espn.com, sports illustrated, etc. The Yankees brand is about 100 times more significant than the Bills. As for content, yeah, he'll be remembered as a good guy who did a lot for football but wasn't a great executive in terms of success.
  14. Hahaha, that's a dumb talent of mine. There's this game my 3rd grade teacher had the class play, where you assign number values to letters (A=1, B=2, and so on), and you try to find words that equal exactly 100. So, for example A-F-G-H-A-N-I-S-T-A-N is 1+6+7+8+1+14+9+19+20+1+14 = 100 Well, I became obsessed with the game back then, and now I can't look at words without automatically adding up their "values". I can do most words in a couple seconds.
  15. I realize many of you are probably Olbermann haters, but here's his excellently written take... http://keitholbermann.mlblogs.com/archives..._1930-2010.html And just 'cuz, here's my opinion which I read on-air today... http://wvbr.com/sportsblog/645
  16. Feeling unjustifiably sad is a lot more forgiveable than feeling unjustifiably spiteful.
  17. Well, I'm glad you can get your rocks off to an extraordinary old man with Alzheimer's dying. I'd argue with you, but you're just too pathetic. By the way, I love Red Sox fans...you guys have 2 world series in the last 6 years and all you do is jealously complain about the Yankees.
  18. RIP to the greatest owner in the history of sports. Not only did the Yankees win 7 world series during his reign, but he grew the franchise into the biggest sporting empire in the world.
  19. +1 I don't get why people watch awards shows. It's just a bunch of spoiled people masturbating each other about how awesome they all are.
  20. C'mon, Stuck...how can you blame them for not getting involved, when all they have are those little utility knives?
  21. Yeah, I understand people who hate the Yankees, but I honestly don't think there's one negative thing you can say about the guy. Great player, better guy.
  22. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, Stl. I watched the youtube video and he seemed like a very great man. My own grandfather died a few years back...like yours, he was a war veteran and a quality human being. When the pain fades, you will realize that an 87-year long fruitful, extraordinary life is a triumph and not a tragedy. RIP
  23. As somebody mentioned, we'll still hear Sheppard's voice at Yankee Stadium whenever Jeter comes to bat. I can only imagine how emotional Jeet's final at-bat is going to be. It's something I sort of look forward to from a cathartic perspective. Anybody remember Paul O Neill's final game at Yankee Stadium during the 2001 World Series? I remember being in tears for more than a few minutes.
  24. Smithers, have the Rolling Stones killed. But sir, those arent... DO AS I SAY!
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