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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Did the thread title get anybody else thinking of drinking a nice Sam Adams?
  2. Seems like you're making just as many assumptions as John was, having not actually been there. And why do you sardonically say Fred "The Golden Boy" Jackson? The dude was our best player last season.
  3. I don't recall mentioning Peters. My point is that you can't take advanced statistics and just throw them out the window because they don't agree with what you (I presume an enthusiastic fan, but not an expert) perceived.
  4. Umm, the stats ARE reality. At least part of the reality. They obviously don't paint the entire picture, but they can tell us a lot more than the untrained eye of a fan.
  5. I don't believe you. It's impossible to understand what Leodis is saying.
  6. And by the way, you're complaining about somebody using internet muscles after you called a guy a moron for not knowing an obscure fact.
  7. The true irony that you don't realize is that the poster you corrected wasn't even being serious.
  8. You don't get to say "I told you so" before he throws a pass.
  9. I used to be into Cesium, but it got way too derivative for me.
  10. Good to see you've returned. How are things in your Mom's basement?
  11. Well I can only assume they'll be giving away children. I'm holding out for a bobblehead day.
  12. Fine...ummm, 30 Seconds to Mars, since you mentioned martians.
  13. Better yet, hire some crappy-yet-popular, "tortured artist" bands (Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Collective Soul, etc.) and force them to sing public domain songs for your amusement.
  14. Perhaps the ultimate irony...this sport which seemingly relies so much on "etiquette" might have a bigger juicing problem than even baseball.
  15. Isn't it ridiculous? Imagine watching a football game, and when the running back fumbles, the other team is just supposed to wait while he picks it back up.
  17. Yeah, but at least I'd be having fun Seriously though, I would just appreciate the freedom. Travel the world, send my kids to college without any worries, do an absolute butt-load of long distance hiking without the financial stresses of home. I'd also be a pretty serious philanthropist. For those who didn't grow up with a ton of money, what's the difference between having 1 billion dollars and 5 billion dollars?
  18. I would use the money to mess with people...make them lose their dignity in exchange for amounts of money that they can't pass up in good conscience.
  19. That's my favorite comedy of all time. "Don't call me stupid!"
  20. Wow, that's pretty damn lame. I mean, they suck, so you might have actually come out lucky...but if I was a fan and I paid for that ticket, I'd demand my money back.
  21. It seems like a lot of Bills fans have annual amnesia when it comes to Roscoe. He's had quite enough time to turn himself into a receiver and it hasn't happened...there's nothing to suggest it ever will happen.
  22. I agree that this particular joke wasn't very funny, so it moves into the realm of tasteless. However, if somebody comes up with a legitimately funny, laugh out loud, terrorist/al qaeda joke, more power to them. The February after 9/11, I remember somebody made this Valentine's Card that portrayed the twin towers with smily faces, and it said I'm Falling For You. I laughed so hard at that. I felt guilty, but humor doesn't really recognize tact sometimes.
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