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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I remember the same game, and him saying that. But how can we judge him when the sound byte was so out of context? We don't know who exactly he was talking to, or what that person did to illicit the response?
  2. How do you figure? Until further notice, the Redskins are the bottom feeder in their division just like us.
  3. It's true that children shouldn't be taken away for having a certain name. But with the nature of how screwed up the names are, I'd be shocked if there wasn't some other sort of abuse going on.
  4. In general, I'd say that this board responds to the team's record. If the team is doing poorly, we (collectively) will attach ourselves to any theory in order to demonize the players and coaching staff. The opposite is true when the team is winning. Remember how much everybody was in love with Jauron and Trent when we started 5-1 two seasons ago? The same exact qualities for which we now hate them, we adored them for back then. Let's take Whitner as an example. Remember when he was the gym class hero because he tackled that Raider in the end zone, and we won the game to go 3-0? If he did the same thing while the team's record is 0-3, then he's an immature douche, right?
  5. I never minded DJ's persona. Plenty of milque-toast coaches have won Superbowls. DJ just wasn't a good football coach.
  6. There's a line (and not a very thin one either) between a winning attitude and sheer douchebaggery. I'll take quiet steely confidence over all the showmanship, but that's just me.
  7. Ugggh, I guess Middle Men might be worth a shot. Other than that...when does the next Batman come out?
  8. Good luck with that. Swimming is great because it exercises every major muscle of your body, but it's low impact to your joints. I'm 6' 1" 213 right now, but I was about 45 pounds heavier at the beginning of the year. Swimming has been a huge part of it this summer (GREAT outdoor swimming in Ithaca), on top of walking/jogging/running/hiking about 3-5 miles a day.
  9. This might belong in the Prop 8 thread, but it deals with a specific question that I'm looking for some insight on. I was speaking to a right-wing friend of mine yesterday about Prop 8, and he leaned on an argument that I seem to hear a lot. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but the gist is "Being gay is wrong because it isn't natural. You don't see that in nature. How can we let them marry each other?" Can somebody (maybe somebody who thinks this way as well) help me understand the meaning behind this? Let's just assume that gay sex is unnatural (from the perspective of pragmatism, a child can't be produced from the union). How exactly does that make it WRONG? Our entire humanity is based on things that aren't "natural". Driving cars, drinking bottled water, playing organized sports, going to college, working in an office. I don't see other animals doing those things in nature. So, are they wrong? I honestly don't understand the point. Hell, even heterosexual marriage isn't natural. We don't have any deeply ingrained animal instinct telling us to be monogamous...quite the opposite actually. Why don't we just ban marriage altogether, since it isn't "natural"? Why do we draw this parallel from unnatural to wrong?
  10. 1) One player doing something well does not always mean another player was exposed...sometimes there are just good plays, just like in a game 2) People should do whatever the hell they want, including applause. Geeze, lighten up.
  11. Wow, aj, that's some pretty scary stuff. As one of the increasingly few reliably good posters on this board, make sure that you stick around. Is losing weight the solution to the problem?
  12. It's hardly "highly likely". I don't think there's anything to suggest we're worse this year than the last few years, especially considering the new football culture that seems to be happening.
  13. Yeah man, no worries. I wasn't accusing your friend of trying to steal or anything, but if a good piece of literature were to hypothetically come of this, intellectual property can be a pretty tricky thing.
  14. Thanks for the link, Woody. Seems like an original idea. I do sort of wonder...if somebody (such as myself), were to produce something actually worth publishing on this site, would it belong to your friend?
  15. Was the man. Iz died in 1997 unfortunately, but he's to blame...morbid obesity and drug addiction are bad enough on their own, much less mixing the two.
  16. Not to mention Mario Kart and the original super smash bros. I used to work at a Hollywood Video where people could rent games. One day, this kid came in complaining about a scratch on the disk. I jokingly told him that in my day, I would just blow on the cartridge. Didn't go over very well with the brat
  17. The Bills, for the most part, are holding the chips here. If Spiller was a star offensive tackle, he and his agent could strong-arm the organization. Because of Freddie and Marshawn, there's not exactly a tremendous immediate need.
  18. Yeah, my roommate owns a Wii, but I've only played it once or twice. N64 and SNES all the way for me.
  19. Wow, I'm a bad member of the gaming generation. I had no idea with the OP was talking about until I read the comments.
  20. LIAR! I saw Inception the other day. Impressive film, especially aesthetically. Very good acting too. But the praise, in my opinion, has been a bit overblown.
  21. If I' m not mistaken, Triceratops evolves into Torosaurus at Lvl. 35, or upon using a Moon Stone. It masters Horn Drill, an automatic KO, upon evolution.
  22. He said 300 yards, and then do it again. That's 600 yards. 1800 feet. A little over a third of a mile. Is my math still wrong?
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