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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This has got to be devastating for Braves fans. Sad thing is, they have a legit shot at the World Series this year, and Chipper won't be around for it.
  2. Please tell me you're grilling the corn too. Actually don't tell me, you'll just make me more jealous.
  3. I actually tend to like it, and use parentheses when I write pretty often. In my opinion, it can allow for the writer to control the pace and flow of the article. Also, when you read an opinion article it is supposed to come off as if the writer is reading it aloud to you. Parenthetical asides give the piece a more personal touch. Of course, you can go overkill with parentheses and plenty of writers unfortunately do.
  4. San Diego, and he might be a starter if Vincent Jackson continues to hold out... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AgZX...ts-2010-nfl-sdg
  5. My championship fantasy team last year was named The Steve Johnsons, surely a harbinger of good things for the young WR.
  6. Bills 23 Redskins 21 After Rian Lindell gets a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge, emergency kicker Brian Moorman nails a 70 yard field goal as the clock winds down, and gets carried off the field by both Bills and Redskins players.
  7. 1) This guy's about the millionth sports writer to use that stupid law firm joke. 2) I don't understand the QB situation as a rationale that the Bills will be worse than last year. We had the same exact situation last year! 3) He criticizes the team for not going out and acquiring a big space eating DT, and implies that Kyle Williams is the only option. Apparently he doesn't pay much attention to the draft.
  8. I thought the same thing when he said namby pamby.
  9. I get where you're coming from. I had a few hot teachers who I would've done back then without even thinking. But therein lies the crime...these women exploit the naivety of boys who aren't even close to ready for sex from a maturity standpoint, yet they think they are. What if the woman becomes pregnant? Trust me, I have no misconceptions that it's quite as serious as a 13 year old girl getting statutory raped. But it annoys me when people (not just on this board) talk about the woman like she should be sainted or something. And it's even worse when the woman is a teacher (as it seems she usually is) because that's such a horrible violation of the student-teacher relationship.
  10. It's not that the OL isn't a big question mark going into the season...it's pointless because Chan was just responding to a question regarding his new coach. What was he supposed to do, insult the guy? He wasn't even bragging, really...just complimenting him.
  11. Hey buddy, I'm gonna give you a pass because you're new, but we don't talk about football on this board. We talk about what Bills players are tweeting, and which members of the sports media we want to kick the asses of. This type of talk about formations and such won't sit well with us. Seriously though, I'm curious...are you saying this is something you've noticed in training camp practices, or is it a brain child of yours? Either way, seems good to me.
  12. Then again, this might run contrary in this case. Women love D-bags, because they are typically more aggressive, and instinct tells women to find the guy who can best provide for/protect her, from a physical perspective. So shouldn't that eliminate prissy guys who run away from foul balls from the hot chick gene pool?
  13. /thread It's fine for a coach to build up and compliment his players, but it's just plain dumb to speak in absolutes like "best in the league", especially when an elite player is on a relatively small contract. Like Mr. WEO said, Revis might've held out anyway, but Ryan certainly didn't help out the Jets front office.
  14. Not singling you out, but if this were the Bills, we'd have so many fans bitching and moaning about how we're penny pinchers and not committed to winning.
  15. This has got to be the most pointless crusade of the offseason, and that's saying quite a bit.
  16. Aren't only 3 QBs eligible to play? Or does that rule not apply to the preseason?
  17. Of course it's different. But is it so different that a woman committing rape should be treated with general amusement and lightheartedness, like I'm constantly seeing in the "hot for teacher" comments on this board? And trust me, boys who are sexually mistreated as children have plenty of issues too.
  18. The guy being a p*ssy aside, why is it that pretty much every woman's reaction to a ball being thrown/hit/kicked at her is to shield herself, instead of trying to catch the damn thing? I never understood this.
  19. God, I hated that. So glad that I'm out of customer service. The worst part is, if you ever defend yourself against a rude customer, you're suddenly "giving them attitude".
  20. I think we picked him off 5 times in that game last season...he's gotta be one of the only players in the NFL currently having nightmares about the Bills.
  21. Of course, if this was a man he'd be a disgusting sub-human, but since it's a woman she's "the coolest lady in the world". Bottom-line, there's a special place in hell for child diddlers (if hell does indeed exist).
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