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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Do you realize that this is the exact same line of thought that allowed Japanese internment camps to happen?
  2. Brother, I believe you err. The people who committed the atrocities of 9/11 may have been doing it in the name of Allah, but how many KKK lynchings invoked the name of the Christian God? Does that make Christianity somehow inherently evil? Also, I disagree with your sentiment that Muslims in America are not part of "us". Look at the language you use. "They" were scared of "us". "They" don't respect "us". Brother, they ARE us. We are all one.
  3. Ok, I think that probably nobody is coming to get me. Frankly, I don't understand how worshiping Allah in the vicinity of ground zero is all that disrespectful. It wasn't the Muslim religion at large that attacked America, it was a group of people from a fringe organization hell bent on destruction. I think you'd be surprised about the percentage of Muslims worldwide who would slit their necks before associating with Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaeda.
  4. I don't really care. Nobody's coming to get me. Listen, there are a large number of Muslims in New York. They deserve the same right to worship as everybody else. If it had been fringe-lunatic Jewish folks who had committed the act of terror on 9/11, would you be opposed to the existence of synagogues in that general area?
  5. What a useless analogy. You see a Muslim cultural center as a monument to the specific guys who hijacked the planes. That's so misguided.
  6. Yeah, I always assumed the best man was a sort of vice president figure.
  7. Golf is pretty much self-enforced, actually. I'm sure Johnson readily admitted that he grounded the club after being told about the issue.
  8. I'd be played by the most underrated actor of all time, Dolph Lundgren. The movie would be me (Dolph) as a police officer chasing down Hossage (played by Danny DeVito) after he commits unspeakable crimes against Dakota Fanning (as herself). There's also a love story with me and a sexy DNA lab tech (Scarlett Johansson). The film is basically crime fighting, full penetration, crime fighting, full penetration, and then it just sorta...ends.
  9. Then they can talk about how bad the team is. At least pretend like they're doing the job for which they're paid. And it's not a matter of "what more can you say?". There's an entire NFL season on the way. As somebody in the sports talk industry, trust me, there's plenty to talk about. Most of the folks at WGR instead choose to pander to the attitude of most fans, which demands sarcastic denegration.
  10. While we're at it, we should ask our doctor about Levitre.
  11. Drinking and driving is a menace. Always get the drinking out of the way first.
  12. I don't think so. Both are derived from indie comic series, but I think they're two different things entirely. Kick Ass was pretty awesome.
  13. The reasoning, I think, is that the penalty for hitting into a hazard is not being able to judge the nature and consistency of the hazard, so a little guess work has to go into any sand-shot. Really though, it's just one of golf's dumb rules. Did you know that if you hit the ball, and the ball hits a tree in front of you and ricochets back and hits you, it's a 2-stroke penalty? My dad enforced that on me once.
  14. I think the very fact that Dustin Johnson was competing at the end of this thing shows that he's got the mental fortitude, considering what happened at Pebble Beach.
  15. There's also a young Japanese player (I think 19) named Ryo Ishikawa who will be contending for majors for a long long time. Everyone's bemoaning the downfall of Tiger, but this might be the most exciting golf has ever been since Tiger first arrived IMO.
  16. I understand that a lot of people can't stomach watching golf...but Big Brother? Really?
  17. To be fair, all the golfers were specifically warned about varying bunker types. It's a hose job from the perspective of common sense (but when has golf ever been about common sense? ). BUT Dusty should have consulted with a rules official when he first saw the ball lying in sand.
  18. On a team full of losers at the QB position, it's pretty natural that the unknown quantity becomes the popular choice. That said, we don't really know anything about Levi Brown. There were plenty of people saying pretty much these exact same things about Trent when Losman was the loser-du-jour. Of course, if Levi ever does get a chance to start a few games and performs poorly, then he's the next whipping boy. And the beat goes on.
  19. For tv shows, go with hulu. For movies, use surfthechannel and use the megavideo links. For whatever reason, going directly to megavideo is less reliable.
  20. And one reason our society can't have honest discussions about anything is that guys like you think that any attitude besides "just ignore it" is somehow unmasculine.
  21. Well, they say that all good things must come to an end. I guess that same rule applies to annoying and bothersome things.
  22. Been here for the summer, actually, working, hiking, wining and dining.
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