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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. An interesting thing to me regarding my generation is that, despite an attack on America actually being accomplished, the level of fear and paranoia compared to your generation (based on stories my parents have told me) is remarkably lower. I wonder why. Not trying to make any point, just really wondering why. I can't ever remember feeling afraid, and I think most of my friends echo that sentiment.
  2. These are two of the most hated on players on this board. They could've saved a basket of kittens from drowning after the game and there would've been negative spin.
  3. Samuel L. Jackson is the best example. He's a more than competent actor (and a cult icon superstar to boot), but he's been in a TON of bad movies because he claims that acting is work and should be like any other profession, any other 9-5 job. So unlike most actors, he doesn't sit around at home waiting for the perfect script (a la two of my favorites, Daniel Day Lewis and Kevin Kline), he just acts and acts and acts. Something of a refreshing attitude, actually.
  4. And after days of yammering and bickering, X. Benedict just won the thread with a single post. Congratulations.
  5. Thanks for the info, Dean. I'm DJing right now, so I'll be sure to play some Little Feat to honor Richie.
  6. I wonder how the good people of Oceana, Virginia feel about your assessment of their town's existence.
  7. I'm 21, so just a couple years older than the current mindset list. Let me tell you, we're not ALL idiots with no historical perspective. There wasn't a single item on that list that really applied to me in terms of general knowledge. I do wear a watch because of convenience and the aesthetic. However, no cursive for me. Except for signing names, I don't imagine how it will ever be relevant again.
  8. I doubt Maybin plays the whole game again, probably the first half. As much work as he needs, we don't need anybody playing a full 20 game season or anything. I suspect the QB rotation will be the same, except with Brohm in the place of Fitzpatrick.
  9. Kingsley, in my opinion, is a great actor who also chooses to sometimes make a quick buck as a stock bad guy because he is vaguely threatening for whatever reason.
  10. Juno wasn't really what I'd called indie, though. It sorta pretended to be indie for the sake of drawing in that audience, but was actually pretty mainstream. Quirky, but mainstream.
  11. Cheers to a life lived well. Better to burn out than fade away. RIP
  12. Yeah, I'm sure that's it. The statistic is based on whether or not the WR knows who's covering them.
  13. Excuse me, but I have to display my Simpsons nerd side here... They fight They bite They fight and fight and bite Fight fight fight Bite bite bite The Itchy and Scratchy Show
  14. Nice Straw man. How are the laws/practices of any Islamic nations relevant here? We happen to hold ourselves to higher standards (thank you, Constitution) than Saudi Arabia.
  15. At least this one has something of a hopeful ending, even if Randall gets screwed over and bites it.
  16. Interesting stat. I've read a few metrics that had George close to the top.
  17. I won't ruin the surprise, but something tells me you'll consider it a compliment.
  18. While this has been done before, I don't remember it being done quite as well. Maybe Fred Jackson is Jake Taylor instead of Lee Evans? Jackson is a fitting protagonist and probably much closer to the end of his effective days than Lee.
  19. Have you seen Adaptation? Probably Cage's best work to date.
  20. I think the next obvious logical step is to hold state-wide American Idol competitions...the top 2 finalists in each state get to be Senators. "And of course, who could forget Majority Whip Aiken's wonderful rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water?"
  21. I take back what I said about Stephen Baldwin, because this is definitely DC Tom...
  22. Thank you for your new and exciting perspective on this topic.
  23. If they did, would it be logical to assume that all Christians were tacitly responsible for the attack, and untrustworthy? I think that was Levi's point.
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