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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. In my experience, it's only the biggest pusses who mock a man for shedding tears at a time of great emotion.
  2. Sometimes when I make the horrible mistake of watching Around the Horn, I see Mariotti and he seems like a Grade-A D-bag. I guess this is just confirmation. I also get the impression that he's a pretty small and weak guy, who probably could only beat up a woman.
  3. I, for one, distinctly remember your avatar, San Jose. Pretty similar to your current one IIRC.
  4. Clausen was simply awful. 3.2 yards per attempt, ~40% completion, 1 INT, 0 TD. Facing a tough Jets defense obviously, but there wasn't one redeeming element to his performance in my opinion.
  5. Like I said, I'd personally vote Clemens into the hall as well, along with Bonds and A-Rod. I just recognize that they're each complicit in their own demise, no matter how many others were using. The sticking point, unfortunately, is that we just don't know the extent of the use. It could be 75% of players like some have suggested, or it could be a more modest 25%. I'd lean closer to the larger extreme, but we just don't know. So, pretty much all we have to go on is that the guys who DID get caught are guilty. I think that's the perspective that a lot of voters are using.
  6. Ok I guess it was confusing to a few people haha. What I mean is both SHOULD be hall of famers based on their career resumes. But from a human standpoint, I don't feel sorry for either guy's tarnished legacy. Break the rules, you don't deserve anything. In other words, they'd get my vote based on my own interpretation of "greatness", but I can't knock anybody who doesn't vote for them.
  7. He'll never admit it, but after a couple weeks of anxiety and getting adjusted he'll realize he misses you as much as you miss him.
  8. Yeah, my point was that Clemens should be a hall of famer based on his career, but IMO he's surrendered his right to say that he deserves it.
  9. Geeze, I knew the military was tough but I had no idea they made you guys sit through Bills games. Just kidding, you got a good one today! My sincerest thanks for your service.
  10. Neither gets into the HOF. Neither deserves to. Both should, though.
  11. When you're in a long checkout line at the supermarket and you leave for a (seemingly) shorter line, that shorter line WILL have an 85 year old woman buying 50 individual cans of cat food, she WILL pay with a check, and the teenage girl employee WILL NOT know how to process the check without help from her manager, who is nowhere in sight. After 10 minutes of waiting, you look over at the initial line and realize you would have been done already. Add your own laws...
  12. No, he's not better than Trent on any quantitative level. His career QB Rating and TD/INT ratio are way worse.
  13. Oh sure I do, but I figure they've willingly signed their own deal with the devil (the aforementioned downside for obscene money) so ethical concerns are a little more vague.
  14. Not sure if you're serious with your point, but... 1) The guys choose to do it. 2) They're no danger to the fans in attendance.
  15. "I tried to get an interview with the panda, but the zookeeper told me 'That's a live bear, he will literally rip your face off.'"
  16. I wonder if people will ever learn that wild animals are not for our entertainment.
  17. Thanks for the links. I didn't really mean "paranoia" to connote that peoples' fears were unjustified, rather a general atmosphere that anything bad could happen at any time.
  18. I've always meant to see that at some point. My US History teacher showed it in 9th grade, but I was ogling Melissa Bartolucci the whole time, so I don't remember much of it.
  19. Now? I don't think so. But I remember in the months following 9/11, a lot of the parents were (very justifiably) worried and some even took their kids out of school for a while (as if terrorists were going to come and attack middle schools in the suburbs of Buffalo), whereas the general attitude among us kids was sorta "meh". I remember thinking to myself back then while my parents were stressing out, "If somebody REALLY wants to kill me, it's gonna happen. So why worry?". But maybe that was just me. I haven't discussed this issue at length with enough people from your generation to have a comprehensive answer for you, but I would generally say that the majority of my generation regards national security issues with a very Que Sera Sera attitude. Probably not a great thing, but that's how it is.
  20. Isn't Byrd out "indefinitely"? In that case, you could be right that he's a game time decision, or he could miss the year. We just don't know.
  21. I'm for getting Sage Rosenfels because then my handle would seem prescient.
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