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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I always imagined myself as one of those guys who NEEDS to have a son first, but then I met my niece Kaylie for the first time and I realized how cool little girls are.
  2. Didn't you notice your wife getting bigger over the last 9 months? Congratulations brother!
  3. He's a crafty bugger...making it SEEM like he's trying by going 2-4 with an RBI, but in actuality convincing Phil Hughes to give up 6 runs.
  4. To be fair, the net result of Bono's sanctimonious preening is that a lot of people in unfortunate situations have been helped. His possible self-aggrandizing motives aside, he's done a lot more for the world than most of us could ever dream of doing. Just figured somebody ought to point that out.
  5. Es bueno saber que los Bills son representados en Mexico, mi hombre! Mi abuelito es de Chihuaua, de donde esta usted? Yo pienso que Nelson esta como Hardy en habilidades, pero los entrenadores piense que Nelson tiene un mejor etica del trabajo, si? VAMANOS BUFFALO!
  6. His ability to be a good teammate (which he has in spades) has nothing to do with the team's winning %. A 21-3 record without A-Rod is possible because he's the team's 3rd best hitter, after Teixeira and Cano. I'll also add that Brett Gardner has been huge for the Yankees, with an astronomic on base percentage over the last few weeks.
  7. Yeah, Styx is pretty much the ultimate guilty pleasure band. On a more positive note, a band that I'm REALLY getting into lately is Everclear (since you guys were talking about it anyway). They've put together an eclectic mix of music over the years, and it's all really fun. Here's my favorite...deep cut off their 2009 album In a Different Light. Takes a little bit to build, but the last 1:30 is spectacular. 'Nother
  8. What a vapid overgeneralization. Listen to some Tupac or Eminem and tell me again about no talent. Yeah, there's a lot of crap out there these days, but I know you're a smart enough guy to not dismiss an entire genre.
  9. I voted for Big Fan. Saw it a few months ago, and thought it was great, absolutely great.
  10. Haha, I guess it depends on if we're talking overrated in the context of critics or just average music fans. Despite the legions of great bands produced by the UK, Brits love Oasis arguably more than all of them.
  11. Has anybody mentioned Oasis yet? God, what a terrible band. And there wasn't a bigger tool in the music industry than Noel Gallagher.
  12. Rush is like Nickelback? You gotta explain this one to me...even if you don't like Rush (and I'm not a fan of prog rock) how the hell are they like Nickelback? As for Nirvana, at least they ended the hair band era.
  13. The Trent comment aside (perhaps a little accurate, I know I'm drinking the kool-aid again ), anybody who thinks there are 12 starting QBs worse than Sanchez is a fool. I can't find the link right now, but my roommate found that Football Outsiders did an analysis on Sanchez' rookie season and his metrics most resembled the rookie season of...wait for it...Jamarcus Russell.
  14. By my estimation, these statistics represent a little over 5 quarters of football... 28/41 completions, 68.3% completion, 370 yards, 9.0 yards/attempt, 2 touchdowns, 1 interception, 2 sacks, 102.7 QB Rating Now I'm in the camp that preseason numbers mean very little, but considering that Trent played almost exclusively against first team defense, I believe the numbers are at the very least valid for analysis. And, in my opinion, we can't help but be a little encouraged right now. In fact, Edwards was probably the second most encouraging aspect of the preseason after Spiller.
  15. Sooooo not true. A lot has changed since last season...whether those are changes for the better or changes for the worse is yet to be seen. But a sports journalist should be able to do analysis on more than simply last year's results.
  16. Out of morbid curiosity, I watched that whole thing. After watching, I thought "I'm glad she never looked directly into the camera, so I didn't have to see what evil looks like." Where do you all fall in the "nature vs nurture" debate? I think some people, like this girl, are just plain old inherently BAD.
  17. C'mon dude, you clearly don't know much about football so I'll set you straight. You don't win games by winning games, you win games by LOSING games so that you can then take a gamble on one potentially good player, who will probably refuse to sign unless he receives the biggest contract in NFL history.
  18. Fair enough prediction, Conch. If you put a gun to my head, I'd probably say 6-10 as well. But remember that football games aren't decided on paper.
  19. Here's the inherent flaw in the "Let's lose to win" logic...it's not as if there's some guarantee that a QB drafted in the first few picks is going to be successful. For every Peyton Manning and Donovan McNabb, there's a Ryan Leaf and Tim Couch. Plus you're paying them a TON of money. Two of the best QBs in the game today are Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers went 24th overall and Brees went 32nd. So riddle me this...who's to say we can't have a successful (or at least marginally successful) season and still walk away with a franchise QB in the 2011 draft?
  20. I must be missing your logic here...neither guy has done anything to earn a starting job, so let's just arbitrarily start the rookie for the hell of it?
  21. Spiller is a dynamic player, but my rule #1 in fantasy football is to avoid bad offenses like the plague, when it comes to drafting your starters. I got Sam Bradford for $5 in my big money keeper league, but other than that I won't touch the Bills, Seahawks, Browns, Bucs, and Rams. My running backs in my one league are Ryan Matthews and Jonathan Stewart, and in the other league they're Ray Rice and Shonn Greene.
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