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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I remember a similar discussion on this board a couple years ago. It devolved into the internet tough guys fondly reminiscing about their days on the block playing Smear the Queer and complaining how kids are pussies these days.
  2. Those who are only casual fans of golf, remember the name Dustin Johnson (those who pay attention already know him). He's been on the cusp of greatness all year, but choked some opportunities away. I'll be looking for him to take the Ryder Cup by storm.
  3. RIP x 3 As bad as bullying is at this age, I believe it will never truly go away. Young kids will always seek out those who are different to pick on. It's a human nature thing for a lot of people...elevate yourself by degrading another. It's not a pretty truth, but it's the truth. The answer, then, is to try our best to teach better coping mechanisms so that the results aren't this disastrous.
  4. Sounds like a good idea to me, but you're spelling your buddy's name wrong.
  5. Ralph has reportedly turned down multiple offers to move the Bills during his tenure, why would he not care?
  6. I believe he would have kicked the field goal. With just 26 seconds remaining on the 15 yard line, 3 points is your expected value even if you convert the 4th down. As for the resulting FG by the Patriots, well the defense just let us down.
  7. Dumb penalty, but I have to admit I laughed at the routine. Much more subtle and creative than anything OchoCinco has ever come up with IMO.
  8. Ok, I'll bite...what does Stanford have anything to do with it? Ya know, Joe Montana went to the same school as Brady Quinn...
  9. 1590, 2360 hehe. But I'll be the first to admit that SAT scores don't really mean anything outside of basic aptitude. Not exactly a harbinger for success in college, if you ask me.
  10. Well, this is an easy one...Campbell. The expected value of a 3rd round pick is a replacement level player. The expected value of a 1st round pick is an above average starter. Seeing as Campbell and Edwards are basically at the same juncture, how could Trent be the bigger bust?
  11. I'll take Zooey Deschanel over Katy Perry (they have similar faces), but yeah she's a hottie. What I don't love is our stupid faux-Puritanical society, which somehow thinks this would "scar" 3 year olds.
  12. Riddle me this, UFO believers...if this supposed alien culture is so advanced that they've mastered FREAKIN INTERSTELLAR TRANSIT, what could they possibly want from us? We would be lower than insects to them.
  13. Not bad, but the end-rhyme seems rather contrived. A more organic rhyme scheme might render this poetry rather evocative.
  14. Honestly, I would follow whatever the new team is. Probably wouldn't be quite the same, but I'd be a fan. I mean, I don't live in Buffalo anymore so what's the difference to me if it's Buffalo or Toronto or somewhere else?
  15. For parents who want to take their kids to a sporting event but are worried about drunken a-holes, baseball games tend to be incredibly family friendly. Some fans will knock back a couple brews during the game, but I don't think I can remember any more than a couple drunken encounters. If you live in Buffalo you can check out the Bisons, or Toronto and Cleveland are a virtual stone's throw if you're not interested in the minor leagues. I've taken my niece and nephew (6 and 8) up to the SkyDome (excuse me, "Rogers Centre") a few times and also The Jake (excuse me, "Progressive Field") and they love it! You can't beat the atmosphere of a ball game, IMO.
  16. Reminds me of a kid down the street from my house when I was a teenager. He was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was 12 or 13, and one of his dying wishes was that he got to spend some time with the Bills and Sabres. I don't know if Make A Wish had anything to do with it, but several of our local athletes became very close friends with the poor kid (Chad) and continued to visit until he unfortunately passed at the age of 17. I remember seeing Maxim Afinogenov having a catch with him in their front yard a couple times, and out bowling with Rian Lindell and Brian Moorman one time. He died during hockey season, and I know some of the players quietly dedicated the remaining season to him. Here's a tribute video made by his family...you can spot Lindell, Moorman, and Ryan Miller in some of the pictures. Poor kid, never met a nicer guy in my life.
  17. I know it's all in good fun Stl and I know you're a good guy, but I feel obligated to point out that women's basketball players at large are tired of the pot shots. I'm an announcer for the sport at Cornell, so some of my closest friends are lady ballers and I speak for all of them when I say that they're sick and tired of the "Oh, they're all just ugly dykes" mentality. I'll also add that many of them are WAY more attractive out of the context of the game, many of them are actually quite pretty. They just don't have the benefit of appealing outfits like tennis/golf/track/volleyball/field hockey girls do.
  18. I'd say it's more like the Indian caste system than feudal.
  19. Not true, at least not in most circumstances. I am a broadcaster for women's college basketball, and at the bigger venues there is always personnel to keep male reporters out of the lockerrooms (at smaller venues, it's not even really an issue). Perhaps this is an NCAA thing though?
  20. Uhhhh...no. Give credit to the defense for keeping us in it, even without turnovers.
  21. What a horrible day for the horribly overrated ACC. Virginia Tech goes down to James Madison, Georgia Tech falls to Kansas, Florida State gets absolutely pounded by Oklahoma, Miami loses to Ohio State handily.
  22. And then, of course, there's this... http://www.theonion.com/video/americans-observing-911-by-trying-not-to-masturbat,14366/ I hope Pooj and I aren't offending anyone, but count me as one who believes laughter is part of the healing process.
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