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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. McCoy was 9/16 for 74 yards...Brees just lost that game, all there is to it.
  2. I have to say that there were a number of you who were right on the money in saying that Steve Johnson (an unproven 7th round rookie at the time) was going to be a consistent starter for the Bills, and would accomplish 10 times as much as James Hardy ever would. Right now, the dude's stats are amazing, especially considering we spent the first couple weeks piddling away time with Trent Edwards. 25 receptions for 372 yards, 5 TDs, 19 first downs and 14.9 Yards Per Reception. That's right, 76% of his catches go for first downs, and he's averaging 14.9 YPC as a possession receiver. Also, he's on pace for over 1,000 yards and 12 touchdowns. So I gotta ask...how did you all know?
  3. And everybody just had another Yankees/Phillies WS pencilled in. That's why they play the games.
  4. While your statement isn't without merit, don't you think that (to some extent) each aging generation feels this way about the younger one?
  5. I try to be less of a grammar/spelling nazi than I used to be, but seriously?
  6. Can we focus on the guy's name? Grim Lerogue? That's f*cking badass...what is he, some Batman villain?
  7. Only got out about 15 times this season, but it included my second hole-in-one.
  8. Especially if Moreno stays on the bench, Orton is a no brainer IMO.
  9. Hmmmm, a dilemma indeed. To add on to your Rodgers concerns, his new favorite target Tight End Jermichael Finley will be on the sidelines. However, Pittsburgh is playing against Cleveland so I'd expect the Steelers to take a lead early and then just run Rashard Mendenhall down the Browns' throats, especially since it seems they are trying to recapture their smashmouth running scheme which they abandoned the last couple seasons. My gut would say Rodgers. I've got my own QB dilemma...a banged up Favre or Kolb against Atlanta's tough defense?
  10. "Sandwich Artists" I believe. And I'll echo those saying don't hate on the employees. I worked at a Hollywood Video, and you HAD to offer the customers whatever the stupid ass bargain du jour was, just in case the manager was standing over your shoulder (sneaky little bastard, that guy). There's no better endorsement for a good education than a customer service job in suburban America.
  11. Chris Kelsay, Cornell Green, and Aaron Maybin...then I would tie them up to make sure they couldnt hurt us again.
  12. Yeah, tell me about it. Depending on the outcome of Game 1, he'll probably be pitching Game 2/3, and then Game 6/7 depending on the end-game elimination situation. Still a pretty grim spectre for us Yankee fans.
  13. The Yankees benefit from the Texas-Tampa Bay series going five games, because now the Rangers are unable to pitch Cliff Lee in Game 1 to counter New York's ace, Sabathia. Immediate advantage for the Yankees starting out this series on the road. On the flip side, of course, Lee will get to face off against Phil Hughes, who also threw a gem in the ALDS by the by. I think this should be a very good series. Both teams have superb offenses, without any true weak spots in the starting lineups. There might be a couple nice pitching performances, but there will also be a couple 10-9 type games in all probability. My prediction: Yankees in 7
  14. Waaaaaahhhhh, it's UNFAIR! How about you try spending a day in the slums of a third world country, then come back and tell us how badly the universe has sh*t on you because your favorite football team hasn't been good in a while. Holy Buddha on stick man, grow some perspective. Or get a new hobby. Or at least stop whining.
  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5657989 There's devoted fanship, and then there's stupidity. This is an example of the latter.
  16. Agreed...gutsy performance by Pavano, but he was giving up line drives all game. He should have gotten the cane after the Berkman double. I love this though, it's classic Yankees postseason baseball. Timely hits by role players, consistent pitching...they just squeeze the life out of the opposing team like a boa constrictor.
  17. Unbelievable. On top of everything, the man probably just stamped his ticket to Cooperstown.
  18. Yeah, some Yankees fans are frontrunners, just like every successful team has frontrunners. I personally was decked out by my Dad and Gramps in Yankees gear since I was a little ittle baby, and could name the entire team when I was 3. I bleed Yankee pinstripes just as strongly as Bills Red, White, and Blue and Sabres Blue and Gold. Most Yankees fans are the same way.
  19. You're probably thinking of Sebastian Janikowski, who did this either last year or 2008.
  20. They said this about Brees, too, though. Too short, arm isn't quite strong enough. Just sayin'.
  21. It's just a game. Save your anger for more worthy recipients...I believe there are quite a few dictators violating human rights out there.
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