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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. But that's the thing. When you do subjective rankings instead of traditional competition, there's nothing BUT opinion. The only truth is the win-loss records. If you don't lose any games, you shouldn't be eliminated.
  2. I'd personally take the over, but who knows? The total points against Detroit was 26. Against Cincy, it was 80. All guess work to me.
  3. Fitzpatrick being the starting QB for 2011 doesn't preclude the Bills drafting a QB. It happens pretty often that a rookie QB rides the pine for a season or two. See Aaron Rodgers and Phillip Rivers.
  4. Yep. I remember a column she wrote after Lebron James appeared on the front of a magazine in something of a "beast warrior" pose. Supposedly it was racist, because the magazine was subliminally presenting him as King Kong.
  5. I don't the Bills should go anywhere near that train wreck.
  6. Exactly. Sometimes, it's absolutely necessary to fight. Fight to get the extra yard on a crucial 3rd down. Fight to get out of bounds in the waning moments of the game. Most of the time, however, it's more prudent to avoid the big hit and sacrifice a yard. Besides, Stevie has proven himself to be a YAC monster this season. Not by running over defensive backs...but by running PAST them. Dude is great at juking and cutting.
  7. Unfortunately, I think both of you have valid points, and it's why we're probably going to lose. Our defense isn't solid enough to stop a premier offense if we surrender ball-control with a pass-heavy attack. At the same time, the Bills are not built to win a battle in the trenches with this Steelers team. I suppose the best we can do is to stick with the recently successful formula that we've been using. 60% pass, 40% run. Hope for the best.
  8. Agreed, though I think this was a unique circumstance in regards to Chilly. According to most sources, he had completely lost control of his team. When that happens, there's only one solution.
  9. I thought this post was going to be about how safety Bryan Scott has 3.0 sacks on the season, while our first round pick from 2009 can't even sniff the field.
  10. Is this a serious post? Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that Phillips and Childress had several years to implement their system and failed, whereas Gailey is arguably overachieving with the scraps left behind by Jauron?
  11. Just gonna put this out there...is anybody else reminded of Larry Fitzgerald when they see Stevie play? Also, one of the best personalities out there right now. For all the press that OchoStinko gets, this TD celebration trumped everything he's ever done to celebrate. That was freakin' clever.
  12. I never thought of that possibility, but it would be enormously awesome beyond words. Sadly enough, that's an insult to Nickelback, who still use their own crappy voices and play their own crappy instruments, as opposed to all the auto-tune, drum machine BS.
  13. Perhaps he is. But like most players, I suspect that he will follow wherever the money is. Thus, the solution is to get this guy an extension. This week, next week, after the season, just get it done. Am I jumping the gun on the notion of an extension? Maybe. But Steve Johnson seems to have that innate knack for finding open space, which is an extremely valuable quality in today's NFL.
  14. McIntyre has been a real gamer on special teams, too.
  15. What a tragedy. The poor kid's family may never find closure, due to the fact that the attack was completely inexplicable.
  16. Morgan annoyed me from time to time, but Miller is absolutely great. I'm sure he'll find a home at the MLB network if he's not ready for retirement. What is ESPN thinking?
  17. Dude, they're going to try to win the rest of their games on the schedule. That's how it works. It's not just about "proving a point", it's about winning games. If they manage to get 4, I'll be ecstatic. If that somehow directly prevents them from drafting Andrew Luck (which isn't likely), you'll have a point but only in hindsight.
  18. His main competition is Latos from San Diego, who really carried the San Diego pitching staff all season until breaking down in September.
  19. This has nothing to do with Canada, and everything to do with two monstrous human beings who are fortunately going to go away forever.
  20. Chef, do you think Buster Posey should get rookie of the year, on the merit of the job that the Giants pitching did in September? That's my opinion on the matter.
  21. The heart-warming story of a four-year old girl and her golden retriever. http://www.todaysbigthing.com/2010/10/20
  22. Poignant, concise, and meaningful. Please watch the whole thing (12 minutes) if you have the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXmbzLI3pnk
  23. I've given out 45 poisoned Snickers bars and 20 apples with razor blades in them.
  24. I'll put it this way...I am perfectly happy with the idea of Fitz leading us through the rest of this season (hopefully picking up a couple wins in the process), drafting our QB of the future in the next draft, having that QB sit behind Fitz for the next season and learn. If Fitz is truly becoming a Franchise QB (which I doubt, but it's possible), then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But for now, I'm just fine with the thought that he's our starting QB for the next 1.5 seasons.
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