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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I gotcha Jim, and it's actually funny you mention this. I'm an avid hiker and backpacker (admittedly, during the warm season). The Finger Lakes region is particularly great for weekend or 4-day treks. One of my goals before I hit 30 is to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. As for the lentils, I realize it seems beyond dumb. But right now my mind is set on it for some reason. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  2. I remember pre-season you saw a lot of "He'll never be anything more than he is. Williams is simply 20 pounds too light to be great."
  3. Starting on the dawn of 2011. Enjoying all my favorite foods...for now.
  4. Ok, I was just gonna let it go, but you persist in implying that I'm some sort of bleeding heart hippie. I'm not. This experiment has nothing to do with the cause of vegetarians or vegans, ok? Have you seen me preaching to anybody about what they eat? I'm merely trying something strange for the potential benefit of myself. I chose to publicly state my intentions. I realize that I opened myself to criticism when I did this. But come on man, who do you REALLY think is the one on the high horse at this point?
  5. Hey Pebblez, thanks for inquiring. I'm starting on January 1. The whole "tomorrow" thing was just a typo. I'm going to set up a blog to track my status and post the link here, as well as other places
  6. Quick question, crayonz. How will this decision regarding inhalations affect your exhalation plans?
  7. Wow, crayonz, this is very very bold. I wish you nothing but luck in your quest.
  8. Ok, I'm an agnostic. But I'm fond of Christmas and a lot of the music. Sue me. Anyway, we already had the thread for bad Christmas songs, here are a few of my favorites... Carol of the Bells (TSO version especially...hell, anything by TSO) Oh Holy Night (gorgeous tune) Snoopy Christmas You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
  9. Bart, I'd like to thank you for the reasoned and well-thought-out response. One reason I posted about this in the first place (aside from garnering myself some attention haha) is that I wanted to get perspectives from a wide variety of people. Don't worry about sounding negative or discouraging the idea...I don't discourage very easily. Indeed, I see failure as a real and like possibility. Whether that failure is of the optional or mandatory variety, who knows? Or perhaps I'll succeed. Wouldn't that be something? Really, it's something of a personality flaw. I consider the concept more than the process and approach a lot of things with a fair degree of recklessness. I agree with you that more research should have done before my announcement. On the flip side, a person with a more firmly screwed on head wouldn't have the intrepid spirit to try this sort of thing in the first place.
  10. It's funny, actually...I mentioned conducting an interview with Potato Guy (ate nothing but potatoes for 2 months). Naturally, I inquired about his first non-potato meal. He was embarrassed to admit that it was mashed potatoes. Apparently, he had grown so sick of plain unseasoned potatoes, that the most desirable thing in the world to him was (bizarrely) a seasoned potato dish.
  11. Gotcha. Though I will say that the Aggies work damn hard too.
  12. There's a pretty good chance we've seen 15-20 years stolen from the end of Austin Collie's life. That's a pretty sickening thought...poor guy's brain is going to be jelly when he's 60.
  13. To a certain extent, I believe, but exaggerated iron intake can lead to some serious issues.
  14. In the future, you should try to insult Olbermann without insulting the hundreds of thousands of non-A-holes who graduated from Cornell.
  15. I follow the advice of the playwright when it comes to intelligence..."Show me, don't tell me". Don't go about insipidly reminding people of how smart you are. Rather, let it bring something to the table. Fitzpatrick, according to this article, approaches things the right way. He uses his intelligence to help the team without constantly talking about "Well, back at Harvard...".
  16. Thanks, Tough Guy. Fortunately for me, my brother is a qualified nutritionist, so I'll be using him as a resource. As for the iro...based on the amount of lentils I'll be eating on a daily basis, I'll be getting somewhere between 150-160 percent of my recommended daily value of iron per day. Obviously this isn't ideal, but do you think it's enough to cause a serious iron overload?
  17. I think our only two advantages are wide receiver and defensive backs. Unfortunately, both of those factors are completely mitigated by the existence of one Tom Brady.
  18. There are actually 3.5 questions. Any more or fewer would just be statistically incorrect.
  19. As a side question to anybody who feels like answering... I'm one of the less New Age savvy members of my generation. What would be the best service to host a blog for this sort of thing? Thanks!
  20. And boom goes the dynamite. Clip, thanks for introducing some pragmatism into the discussion. Thanks a million for the info. You can bet that I'll be spending a good portion of the next 10 days researching the implications of my impending diet. I assume you're a health professional of sorts? Or just a hobbyist?
  21. Yep, do indeed plan on cooking them haha. And I have eat plain lentils a couple times before out of pure laziness. Pretty bland, bordering on nasty.
  22. Why? Statistics by the way, but I consider myself an aspiring writer. Thanks Dr. Dank! Out of curiosity...how did the dietary boredom affect you? More importantly, do you view food (and by extension, all of life's other pleasures) differently for the experience?
  23. Well, we'll see. Never bet against a stubborn fool on a mission. Ah yes, fun things indeed, but artificial. Looking for something genuinely visceral.
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