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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. He was almost correct. The Anti-Christ arrived in 1994. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Bieber
  2. You guys are making me jealous. My family (up for new years) all had scrambled eggs with pepperoni this morning. That was painful.
  3. I've always figured the world would end with the Bills leading the Cowboys 38-3 with 30 seconds left to go in the Superbowl.
  4. True enough, but there also isn't a long history of teams tacitly excluding white coaching prospects from the interview process.
  5. The Cowboys know about the rule. The reason that Sherman's interview is insulting is because THEY chose to make Garrett's impending hiring public. The rule isn't perfect, but it's a good rule and worth respecting the integrity of.
  6. The Cowboys are making a mockery of the Rooney Rule, and not the other way around. The purpose of the rule was to at least make sure that minority head coaches could get their names into the context of hiring, instead of owners simply abiding by the "old boys club".
  7. Actually, I have no idea, but these kinds of things don't tend to change overnight.
  8. No, I believe he's correct. Hanged was discovered by theoretical grammatacists in 1996.
  9. I guarantee that I'll be honest and not have failure to report. 2 lentil meals done, out of 1,095.
  10. Let's say...Keanu Reeves. Some have called me good looking, but really I just look like a jackass.
  11. No, but it's largely irrelevant to the conversation that folks were having about air safety.
  12. I guess I'm old fashioned, but I just love the feeling of an actual book in my hands. I tried reading on my dad's Kindle a couple days ago and it just felt weird.
  13. Those of you applauding the old man (and I don't necessarily disagree with you ), I have a question. Would you feel the same way if it was a 15 year old kid punching a 68 year old man? How about the old man punching a 15 year old girl? If it's all a matter of public safety, then you shouldn't feel any differently about the alternate situations. I suspect many people just relish seeing a punk get his.
  14. I lost a bet this past summer, so while out at the bars for a weekend I had to introduce myself to every woman with "Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste." I'd like to say it worked. It didn't.
  15. Whom's asking? Austin Powers? Or was that ripped off from something older?
  16. Aside from the Manning factor, KC looks a LOT better than Indy this season.
  17. Well said. People concerned with the institution of marriage have chosen homosexuals as a target. Why not focus their attention on people like this who are TRULY making a mockery of it? Personally, I say live and let live. But I doubt Ms. Harris is going to find this to be a very fulfilling life.
  18. If he's not great, then why do almost all advanced metrics point to him as being the best DT in the NFL this season, including one of the most dominant single-game performances EVER (against pitt)?
  19. Ok, but first I should research how to affiliate my experiment with a known cause. I suppose I could simply promise "All proceeds go to _____" but that's a ****ty way to maximize returns. Most people would be too skeptical to just fork money over to me, and rightfully so. I'm going to get on that. Anyway, yes, it's rather insipid isn't it? In retrospect I shouldn't have made myself sound so high and mighty. In my defense, I wrote the original missive on a whim at 3 A.M. If you read the remainder of this thread (I don't expect you to), you'll notice that I toned down the grandiosity. Still, I think it could be an interesting project for personal growth. And even better if I can manage to raise some money for those less fortunate!
  20. If I have eaten beans a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
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