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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. +1 In a league of overgrown boys, it sure is refreshing to see such a mature individual.
  2. If I remember correctly, he's also a classical pianist. On top of being a role model to little kids, the guy can be a role model to other NFL players if they care to pay attention to the lesson; Have plans for after football.
  3. No, the vast majority of people who think that our government and society is a giant game to be won or lost makes me grumpy.
  4. Blah blah blah blah blah the left always says this blah blah blah blah blah well the right always uses this blah blah blah blah blah stupid libtards all their fault blah blah blah blah evil conservatives. Come on, people. When will we realize that THERE ARE NO SIDES? This stuff isn't a goddamn game.
  5. I guarantee if the Bengals ever do win a Superbowl, it will hurt this guy a lot more than any loss could. Quitter.
  6. Beerball knew awll about lentuhls. We said when we got out uh Vietnam we was gonna start our own lentuhl fishin' comp'ny and name it Beerball Sage Lentuhls.
  7. Honestly, it's more that I have to explain the situation so often to friends, family and other interested parties...doing big write ups and updates on a number of other places just isn't all that appealing. Rest assured that I haven't quit...yet. I'm perfectly willing to answer any and all specific questions, though. To say that I'm sick of lentils at this point is an enormous understatement.
  8. See, I thought that Wahlberg did a really good job but got out-acted by a mile when it came to Bale. It was pretty easy to tell which was the naturally born actor and which one learned the trade.
  9. Are you kidding? The guy was a tackle breaking machine.
  10. The fact that you're politicizing the death of 6 people (including a small girl) makes you a reprehensible person in my book. Quit the agenda for just a half a second and have some !@#$ing respect.
  11. Still here. Still lentils. The most difficult part is smelling tasty food. The second most difficult part is the flatulence (not the quantity, but the quality...WOOF).
  12. Reports of Congresswoman Giffords' death have now been retracted by most sources. It seems that she is actually in surgery. Still, would be a small miracle if she survived.
  13. Not for me, anyway. The combination of the score, the dialogue, and especially the acting...I was absolutely on the edge of my seat.
  14. Saw The King's Speech yesterday...oh my god. Simply one of the best films I've ever seen. Certainly, the best period piece. Perhaps I'm overreacting, but it's an absolute crime if Colin Firth doesn't win Best Actor for his portrayal of Albert.
  15. I'm no expert but I just have to disagree with this assessment on tight ends. It seems like all the good teams in today's NFL have an above average tight end. Gronkowski and Hernandez set the world on fire as mid range targets after Moss left New England. The Saints immediately got better toward the end of the season once Graham started contributing in the red zone. At the best, a good pass catching tight end can be a major contributor. At the least, he can be a nice safety valve. At the moment, we have neither.
  16. J.K. Rowling better hope that "mudblood" doesn't become an offensive slur in the future.
  17. I think it's more about the manner in which he was rediscovered. People like the story because it sort of epitomizes what we like to think of as the American Dream...on your knees Monday and on top of the world Tuesday.
  18. Ok, thanks for the lesson, Ebenezer. By the way..."he was from the poor side of town, the man held him down"...is that something you actually heard him say or are you just projecting your own ****?
  19. Ummm, the NBC Nightly News just reported on the story, including interviews with the man. Still think it's a hoax?
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