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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Think about this. It's one thing to say that the kids have to accept the consequences of their actions. It's another thing entirely to say it's too bad the other one didn't die. Robbing a store is a stupid and downright nasty thing to do, but you're wishing death upon him? Come on.
  2. I agree with you. But our legal system, fortunately, isn't based on people "getting whatever comes to them." When you shoot an unconscious defenseless person 5 times, that's murder no matter what the circumstances were. Having said that, he should have received the lowest degree of murder, and a life sentence is truly ridiculous. Would you continue firing headshots after the threat was removed, though?
  3. They've been around since 2004, so maybe not new, but I've recently gotten into a group called Foxy Shazam. They're something of a modernization of the British glam rock scene of the early 70's. (great song minus the creepy first 17 seconds)
  4. And Flacco had her similarly bent over just a few hours later as well.
  5. On principle, it's absolutely worse to incarcerate an innocent person. That's the ideal of the US legal system in a nutshell.
  6. It might be closer to 50/50 than you think. Men, of course, occupy most professional driving jobs, but soccer moms tend to be the family chauffeur these days.
  7. I just listened to The Shaggs' most famous "song", My Pal Foot Foot. Somehow I got all the way through. The damn thing was an affront to my ears, and to claim that the "music" was somehow valuable to the rock narrative is insulting to those of us who actually take time to learn our instruments. And to the poster above who enjoys the music and finds it evocative...more power to you. I realize that musical taste is subjective. But when you attempt a Top 10 list, that implies a certain level of objectivity. Teenage girls who don't know how to play musical instruments or write songs can't top any list. I'm sorry.
  8. I could agree that Forrest Gump is among the most overrated movies, but overall worst? No fuggin' way. At the very least, it was well acted. On that merit alone, it can't possibly be the worst major motion picture. My vote is for a recent one, Meet the Fockers. The worst part is that it's a franchise filled to the brim with good actors. I think they must have all gotten a collective brain aneurysm 5 minutes before accepting their roles once again. Absolutely disagree, Pete. Is there a lot of contrived crap? Absolutely. But if you're willing to do the legwork in terms of research, there's still a ton of good cinema out there.
  9. What's more American than pretending to care about something larger than yourself, but actually making it all about you?
  10. Oh, I'm totally with you. The quote was from Sweeney Todd right before he tosses Mrs. Lovett into the furnace, so it was meant as a touch of sarcasm toward 9999.
  11. I tried Domino's for the first time a couple months ago (some of my friends were swayed by their recent ad campaign). If pizza is like sex, that **** is like sex with an ugly sister.
  12. "The history of the world, my pet, is learn forgiveness and try to forget. And life is for the alive, my dear, so let's keep living it. Just keep living it! REALLY LIVING IT!"
  13. Is it really the Sheriff's prerogative to just insist that a citizen be evaluated?
  14. It's definitely two. I wasn't even aware that anybody even thought about using one space until opening this thread.
  15. I think it's best to separate the message from the messenger. We need more civility, period.
  16. I agree that a little money needs to be thrown in for the game to be taken seriously. This is my first foray into online poker though, so I'm not sure of the process. Do I just shove coins into the nooks and crannies in my lap top? Sunday afternoons are fine by me, by the way.
  17. The idea that Obama is a hypocrite is irrelevant to the point that we should all try to get along better. The man's words ring true whether or not you personally think he follows them.
  18. Aside from mourning the dead, the thesis of the President's address was that the American people ought to try harder to engage in honest and meaningful discourse with one another, instead of trying to score cheap points for some imaginary "team". An important message, however obvious it should be. And here we are quibbling over whose stupid idea it was to hand out T-shirts.
  19. Yes, I've lost about 5 pounds during the two weeks. I'm going to carefully monitor this aspect because I shouldn't lose much more than 10 or 15. As for other ill effects, nothing much to report besides general hunger and flatulence (feel free to mock away). The craps haven't been great either.
  20. Watched the video. That wasn't even remotely funny, I was expecting her to tumble down the big flight of stairs.
  21. The plan actually makes sense, under the assumption that Andrew Luck is the next Peyton Manning. Problem is, a team can't gamble at completely mortgaging their future on that ridiculous assumption.
  22. Ozymandius, explain your logic to me. How does ridding the team of all its good players in order to attain one player who MIGHT be good make any sense? Don't forget that Luck is an unknown quantity in the NFL.
  23. Natural selection still exists, though. I'd hazard that the majority of these 600 pound folks don't have very prolific sex lives.
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