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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again; androgyny is much more pervasive in our culture than misogyny these days, and worse it's considered much more acceptable. Can you imagine if a husband drugged his wife and then committed genital mutilation on her "because she deserved it"? If he just took a knife and destroyed her vagina? I guarantee you nobody is laughing. What a disgusting video. The women on the show and the ones laughing in the audience can all go to hell.
  2. When you're an insane killer like whoever did this, nobody is "your own people".
  3. Well, I apologize for calling you stupid in one of my posts. It was wrong. I'm still interested in your initial assertion that Wasserman has never been of any value to anyone. That seems to be something you just arbitrarily decided, ironically linking to her wikipedia page which outlines many of the things she's accomplished in her life.
  4. There are pop musicians and then there are MUSICIANS who happen to specialize in pop music. Ms. Germanotta is an example of the latter.
  5. What is there to take a stand about? Which one of the D-bags is being a bigger D-bag? As for your original post, I just read Wasserman Schultz' wikipedia page that you linked to and I'm not exactly sure what your beef is. She graduated college after studying politics and helping lead the student government, and then began work as a legislator in her state and then federal governments. It also seems as if she's trying to help save the manatees. Granted, I haven't delved very deeply into her career and based on this incident with West she appears to certainly have a bitchy side, but what exactly prompts you to claim that she's "of no value to anyone."? Do you actually know that? Perhaps more to my point, if Ms. Wassermann's political views more closely resembled your own, would you have bothered to single her out as being (according to you) useless? As for West, I thank him for his service to our country in the military, and for his continuing service as a congressman. I won't even criticize the somewhat controversial nature of his retirement from the military because it sounds to me like he had the best interests of his men at heart. I respect that. But I'm sorry, when you say stuff like this... http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2010/08/18/113874/allen-west-islam/ I don't want you as my President. He sounds rather paranoid and xenophobic.
  6. For his overreaction, unbefitting any man in a public office. And for failing to not act like a baby.
  7. My bad if that came across wrong. Frankly, I don't agree with some of what you said in this thread because I think both parties are equally to blame for the conflict, but nothing you said approached the stupidity of the poster who wanted to nominate West for POTUS.
  8. Magox, I would hazard to guess that you're the most rational regular poster here on PPP. I just wanted to say that because this was a pretty depressing thread to read before you chimed in. Two politicians acting like children, but they both get simultaneously anointed and bashed along party lines. Pretty good snapshot of American politics today.
  9. Your coworkers need a thicker skin, or at least a more interesting hobby than NFL training camps, if a lack of football in July has turned them off from football.
  10. Yo, but what if like...the dream world is like...real? And like...the real world has been fake like...this whole time?
  11. Right, corporal. I used the wrong word there. Physical punishment vs. moral instruction is what I meant.
  12. I wouldn't say I was "arguing for" our animal nature...really just acknowledging its role in a behavior (mating) that a lot of people think lies closer to the subjective side of the spectrum. There is, of course, this duality to much of what we do. Our base instincts tugging with or against our knowledge of social norms and constructs. In the very same sentence you quoted from the shoutbox, I acknowledged man's unique ability to deny his instincts. In any case, I fail to see a connection between these two contexts. There aren't any hormones in our bodies screaming "HIT YOUR CHILDREN!" like there are that scream "!@#$ THAT TEENAGER!" As for your last assertion, I wonder about this. I'd like to see research (maybe it already exists) on the relationship between violent punishment during childhood and socially acceptable behavior during adulthood. I'd never argue that parents shouldn't discipline their children and act as moral teachers. I just wonder about the actual efficacy of corporal punishment as opposed to other methods.
  13. My opinion is that people are better off when they learn to make the personal decision that doing wrong things is wrong, rather than simply existing in a state of fear over the consequences. From a pragmatic perspective, the above opinion may not carry water. But from a humanistic perspective, I don't know if there's a valid argument for corporal punishment. I think that most people come to an awareness that they should not act immorally without the help of their father's belt. Maybe I'm wrong. I know I did, anyway.
  14. You act as if she's on the Morgan Spurlock diet. You should show more respect. Think/say whatever you wish, but you should know that calling a woman you don't know a fat B word for eating fast food every once in a while is rather unbecoming.
  15. Sure it has something to do with the O-line. But it also has to do with the fact that our D couldn't get off the field. Our time of possession sucked last year, and I'd venture that it was primarily the defense's fault.
  16. Are you taking into account the fact that the slowest player on the men's team is probably faster than the fastest player on the women's team? Or that the weakest foot on the men's team can strike the ball better than the best foot on the women's team? Don't get me wrong...mad respect for the US Women. But it wouldn't even be close. It has nothing to do with character. Just not a fair fight.
  17. Just reading that article made me sick. Poor guy. I imagine he wronged the wife in some way, but there isn't much you can do to deserve that fate.
  18. There you go, folks. I've laid down the blueprint for approaching respect from Tom. Three steps back, two steps forward. Everybody get to preparing your stunts!
  19. Thanks, Jim. Perhaps I should have considered the motorcycle thing. But at least with the lentils it was only my bowels in disrepair, instead of my entire body.
  20. Thanks for checking in, friend. I covered this in the shoutbox, but obviously not everybody would have seen that. I lasted on the lentils for about a month and a half before I finally caved in and had a burger. I would have kept going, but the rule was that I was done after the first occasion of cheating. The entire thing was (clearly) pretty stupid and I admit that craving attention was my biggest motivation for the whole ordeal (which isn't to say I didn't accomplish learning a few things along the way). So there ya have it!
  21. In the later seasons, I think Marcia vs. Jan was a healthy debate too.
  22. Well, no. The main reason is they want money. The great majority of robbers aren't sadists, they're junkies. Again, when you make the decision to commit such a crime you can't ever complain about the results. But I'd never wish the person dead.
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