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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I guess I wouldn't complain if this happened, but if the Bills are stacked at any one position it's WR.
  2. I'm not a fan of Plaxico either, but you really think he should still be in prison? Statistically speaking, driving drunk is a hell of a lot more dangerous than carrying a gun around and the typical punishment there is a 2-game suspension and a fine. I'd say Burress got levied a big punishment for his mistake. Andre Johnson says hi. At the time of his arrest, Burress was averaging about 45 YPG for the '08 season. I predict he'll be a nice red-zone target for Sanchez but not much more.
  3. Really? I'd say the team bottomed out in the beginning of last season and then started making gigantic steps of improvement (disregarding the brian brohm experiment at the end). Give me one reason why the Bills would be any worse in their 2011 campaign than last year. Thus far, the only big change from last year is subtracting Poz from the Front 7 and adding Dareus. My personal prediction is 7-9. Maybe that's optimistic, but I'm just really curious as to why you think a winless season is a distinct possibility.
  4. With all due respect to Lost (great show), the folks on Breaking Bad are characterized in a much more eloquent way and therefore the fans are privy to more of an emotional basis for insight. Every facial expression, every syllable of speech can be examined under the microscope...and that's a testament to the writing, but even more so the acting (Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Giancarlo Esposito and Dean Norris in particular). By the way, I think I may be developing an unhealthy fixation on Breaking Bad (an addiction perhaps?). For a brief moment today (maybe 5 minutes) I thought it was Friday instead of Thursday. The moment that I realized my error, my first thought was "Dammit! The new episode of Breaking Bad is three days from now, and not two days."
  5. Get irritated all you like, nobody's gonna force asparagus spears down your throat. Check through the thread and you won't find a single person lobbying for compulsory diet restrictions for individuals or businesses. We're discussing the potential merits (or lack thereof) of McDonald's introducing healthier items as defaults. So tell me again...who's trying to penalize you? Well done on the weight loss, by the way.
  6. Not in terms of burger joints. At fast food places, the "healthy option" has traditionally been a fried chicken salad with more calories than the burgers themselves. In the fast food industry, McDonalds dictates everything. If they started making money off of pigeon meat, Burger King would start selling pigeon meat.
  7. I like the part where you punned my words as a vehicle for calling me stupid. Very original. You're correct. Most people who regularly (by this I mean any more than 2 times per week) eat at McDonald's don't display healthy eating habits. But people, even on a large scale, do have the capacity to change. Who's to say this can't be an early domino to fall in changing American eating habits if people embrace it? It's cynics like yourself saying "Ha! As if that could make a difference." who prevent such an attitude shift from occurring. As Magox pointed out, McDonald's is a trend setter. If they profit off of this (and they will), the rest will follow. People (especially children) have to stop stuffing their faces with unnecessary fat and sodium. If McDonald's wants to make an effort to get kids eating apple slices instead of french fries, I applaud that. Gotta get the ball rolling somewhere.
  8. You're leaning on something known as the Nirvana Fallacy, which essentially assumes that any small movement in the right direction is useless because it doesn't completely solve the problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_fallacy
  9. No need to worry for Vonn. If she handles this bad news with grace, she'll probably earn the Nobel Peace Prize.
  10. I like it. You can never assume a healthy season for any QB, and we know Thigpen and Gailey are on the same page with one another.
  11. You raise a good point regarding codependency. Here's my opinion though... When it comes to light that Walt took a seat and watched while Jane choked on her own vomit, either Jesse or Walt isn't going to be breathing at the end of that conflict. As usual, Walt will manage to to jitterbug himself out of harm's way, so that leaves Jesse. Just my opinion on the natural resolution of that plotline. Of course, perhaps more than any other show in tv history, we just don't know. When the show's most beloved character (Jesse) shot the show's most likable character (Gale) through the eye, Vince Gilligan sent a very clear message (not unlike Gus) that his job isn't to mollycoddle the audience and bow to their whims.
  12. Most of the time because they're unhappy in ways that even they themselves can't fathom. If you don't feel good, you try to manufacture the feeling. Lots of people who take drugs are able to convince themselves that they're just "partying". Maybe, but they're also trying to fill some kind of void.
  13. I think Jesse snapped at the moment he pulled the trigger on Gale. In that moment, he ceased to be a morally centered (though perpetually troubled) human and become more like a simple organism, a piece of debris on the open waters. When Gus killed Victor, what we saw in Jesse's face was an instinctive bubbling of outrage followed quickly by a recognition of their sameness. Gus killed Victory brutally with a box cutter. Jesse killed Gale quickly with a gun. But what's the real difference? Somewhere, Jesse's humanity still exists. I think we saw a glimpse of that at the end of "38 Snub" when he sinks to his knees in front of the sound system. But the man is irrevocably broken, in any case. Out of all the characters on the show, salvation isn't waiting for Mr. Jesse Pinkman. My prediction is that he's a corpse by the end of Season 4, as much as it pains me to say that.
  14. I like how he says he isn't going to become a "big time city slicker" just because he's moving up north to Buffalo.
  15. You guys can joke about this all you want. I kicked my pistachio habit a couple years ago and it was the most difficult experience of my life. Delirium tremors and all the rest. I tried using lentils as a sort of methodone, but it was no good. I still have to close my eyes and plug my nose every time I pass through the bulk section at Wegman's. Addiction is hell.
  16. Of course, they're all chumps compared to DMB.
  17. Yeah, seriously. The attitude seems pretty pervasive. It's too bad that the (initially righteous) feminist movement took such a turn for the dark side some decades back. I guess you can't learn to respect yourself without learning to hate somebody else .
  18. Killing in the name of Christ doesn't make somebody a Christian. It only implies a severe and profound misunderstanding of Christianity. That guy can CALL himself a Christian all he wants, but that doesn't make him one.
  19. I was more referring to the other two guys. Whenever somebody enters this sort of thread to "ask" who the person is, they're doing nothing but bragging about how their life is too awesome to understand our piddling references.
  20. Yeah, but how else are people going to prove how cool they are if they can't boldly proclaim "Why, I've never even heard of *insert vapid pop culture item here*", under the guise of being curious?
  21. You guys have heard of google, yes? It's great at answering questions.
  22. As Forrest Gump might say, crazy is as crazy does. You're trying to apply reason to a completely unreasonable situation.
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